Ever heard of a Dutch Ride?
[This chapter is the first of a small string of chapters made as the first commission for my own interactive. At least two or three more chapters will be added for the time being. Commissioned by dinglish (75) ]

Miriam considered all options, including herself, everyone, in her view, had their pros and cons. She couldn't quite decide, however, and kept on thinking about it, tapping her chin as she processed the info in her mind. She thought about Sheila, her best friend, someone very close to you and the family, but also, she was even more playful than herself and she could tell she wouldn't want to let go of you anytime soon, so she'd rather give you to her for a shorter period of time so she doesn't get too many funny ideas.

She also thought about her friend Dolores, who was a pretty safe option, as far as she was concerned, the only thing she'd consider was that her body might be overwhelming to you, especially in your currently diminutive state. She would've been fine giving you to her, but she didn't feel entirely content, as that'd make everyone else feel left out, herself included. She also was more than aware of how playful Dolores' daughters were, and she could picture a couple of funny situations if you were in their possession, but then again, her friend might not appreciate making her daughters more spoiled than they seem to be, even though Dolores herself appeared to be quite stern and strict with them.

There were Sheila's daughters too, with Lillian being her clear favorite. She knew both since they were born, but Miriam personally deemed Lillian as the best match for you, she had it all, the body, the personality and on top of it all, a very close relationship with you. Jordana was older, yes, but she always saw her as more overbearing and a little intimidating to you, plus, she knew she was even a bit of a bully to you, although that she found funny herself.

She took a deep breath, she couldn't forget about Jen, whom she invited, and, unlike you, she was aware of her having feelings for you, but since she didn't know her anywhere nearly as well as Lillian she wasn't quite as fond of her, even less so as she represented competition for the one she personally supported. She even got further annoyed when she realized her husband was secretly supporting her, and while she never told him, she couldn't understand why.

But as she'd gotten more chances to interact with her over the last 3 years, she realized she wasn't a bad girl at all. Learning that she grew up in Mexico earned her a lot of points in Miriam's book, though. And she was perceptive enough to see that you likely were into her, which disappointed her, but she guessed that she might as well let you have what you want since she can't exactly force her will upon you, though she still felt Lillian would make for a better wife.

Lastly, Miriam could have a second round of 'quality time' with you herself. She really wanted to feel you again, happy that you were seemingly okay with letting her do this. She loved all the feelings she got while keeping you between her plump cheeks. Plus, it'd be a way to keep you safe and without her needing to keep an eye on you, but she could see that it might be seen as her 'hogging' you, and she didn't really want to sour the trip's mood, especially so early on.

She kept thinking about it, but she simply couldn't find a single good answer, all of them had their cons. But then, her eyes lit up, almost as if a lightbulb figuratively had lit up in her mind.

'What if everyone shared him?' She thought.

Meanwhile, Dolores and Sheila checked her car over to make sure everything would be alright. Then they all got in said car, but Miriam stayed sitting outside, deep in thought.

"So, what's it gonna be? Who's gonna be the lucky lady?" Sheila eagerly asked

"Everyone's waiting" Dolores chuckled, but Miriam could see the eagerness in her eyes too.

"You know what, I think I came up with the best solution for everyone!" She enthusiastically said, and by the look in her friends' faces, they wanted her to elaborate, but she giggled and walked into the car, getting on the driver's seat. Sheila and Dolores looked at each other in confusion, shrugged and then followed her to the car.
"Alright, I think everyone's been waiting for an answer" She said "You know... I figured that, well... this going to be a LONG trip, sadly, Mexico's not that close if going by land, so it'll take a bit to get there..."

Everyone nodded, but they felt there was more to that comment.

"And I saw that you all ate in my kitchen to your hearts' content" She chuckled. Some girls like Jen, Carmen and Maya blushed, but the rest simply chuckled in response.
"I think you know what's gonna happen soon... a car full of healthy, curvy women full of some 'volatile' food" She giggled at her own mild pun. Some caught on quickly, but some took a minute or so to process and understand what she was talking about.

"Oh..." Jen blushed madly while Lillian burst out laughing, she was almost always on Miriam's wavelength so she was already expecting something like this.

"Ariadne told me something about shrunken people being able to absorb quite a lot of... gas... so... considering we already have a tiny gentleman here with us, I'm sure he'll be happy to volunteer to make this trip better for everyone" She then said, much to the surprise of everyone.

"Yo, what the fuck was that?!" Jordana angrily whispered into Ariadne's ear while tugging at her sleeve. The Latina Amazon simply giggled in response but didn't actually answer.

"Wow... isn't that... you know... a bit harsh?" Dolores asked, feeling quite self conscious given her own size, plus the knowledge that she could get quite gassy on certain foods.

"If you say it's okay, I'm all in... but Lolita might have a point" Sheila said, though she couldn't hide that she was already feeling giddy herself, she didn't think Miriam would so easily give her the green light to let her unleash her massive gas upon her cute son, though to be fair, she hadn't quite thought about it, she just wanted to show off her gigantic booty and feel him in it.

"Don't worry, we already tested it yesterday. Blaise was so brave, he went into my butt even though he knew I was really gassy last night" Miriam chuckled while you screamed at how she twisted what happened last night, perhaps without even realizing, as your lack of speech was really coming to bite you.
"See? He's even eager about it" She laughed. Sheila and Dolores glanced at you and weren't entirely convinced, but it was hard to read expressions on someone so small so they shrugged and took your mom's word for it.
"I can tell that while I had him back there I didn't quite stink up the room as much as I thought I would, so I think what Ariadne said was true after all!" She enthusiastically added while gently petting you with her fingertip.

"So... how is this going to work?" Sheila asked, feeling even more curious.

"Oh, right! Well... if you feel a fart coming, ask for little Blaise so you'll get him right where you'll need him before you let loose" She said.

"Hmm... but what if more than one person feels they're gonna rip one?" Dolores then asked.

"Uhhh... I guess that it'll be a 'first come, first serve' kinda thing" Miriam said.

"Hmm... fair enough... but what about now?" Sheila asked.

"Now that's a very good question..." Miriam said "Normally, I think I'd ask him who he wants to go with, but we can't understand what he says at the moment, so, I guess I'll have to choose for him... But in any case, it'd be just until the first person feels one coming, so, probably it won't be for very long..."

She thought about it, out of all the people she could give you to, she could give you to Sheila as a way to 'throw her a bone' even though she was sure she'd use the hell out of this 'service' as it was. On the other hand, she could also 'throw you a bone' and let you be with Jen for the time being until someone 'needed' you.

And lastly, she could make herself happier by keeping you herself until someone needed you, as she really, really wanted to feel you again, though she was sure she'd get plenty of chances to unleash her own brand of affection upon your tiny form. In the end...
May 12, 2023