Making Mama happy(?) = A very unhappy Blaise
You knew what Ariadne was up to, but you still hoped it would be just a silly prank right before things got ugly, so it was still a shock when you realized she wasn't going to stop your mom anytime soon, and thanks to her messing with the gun, you had no way of letting your mom know that this was all a lie. Your panicked screams got further twisted against you, and she simply took your sister's word for it.

She raised her hips to the side, freeing space that had been under her enormous butt and put you right there. The indent she had already made on the couch's cushion seemed to be the size of a city to you, and all you could do was look up to see a planetoid-sized jiggling globe of brown flesh, scantily clad in what appeared to be simple black panties that were definitely a couple of sizes too small for it. It ominously wobbled above you, giving you chills, it seemed like it was an avalanche just waiting to fall... and fall upon you it did. Your entire world went dark as you were smothered beneath countless tons of warm, soft fatty flesh.

"Hmm? Oh, it feels kind of good..." Miriam giggled as she allowed her weight to rest on the couch, feeling a tiny but distinct indentation under one of her plump cheeks, completely engulfed by its soft mass

"Told you" Ariadne joined in her giggling, even more so as she saw her mom wiggling her hips to get comfortable, and to get a better feeling of you under her. Jordana looked away, she hadn't accounted for this, and wasn't too fond of Ariadne not just revealing the shrinking itself, but also the means for it.

Miriam then examined the gun. She didn't imagine that Zuleima's ideas would ever come to fruition, but at the same time, she wasn't all that surprised, especially after hearing that its creator was her eldest daughter, who probably had her help. It had many buttons with various functions, many of which she wasn't sure she understood, but she assumed they gave plenty of control over the size alterations. The device possessed a built-in screen as well, though it was turned off, just like all the LEDs, as the gun was switched off.

"By the way, what happened with dad? I thought you'd pick him up after your shopping trip with Sheila" Ariadne then said, snapping her out of it

"Well... about that... we're gonna have to go with plan B for our trip..." Miriam replied. Both Jordana and Ariadne raised an eyebrow

"There was a plan B?" They both asked

"Of course! I knew that there was a chance some things could interfere with our initial plans, so we prepared a backup should the first plan fail..." Miriam smiled

"What happened?" Ariadne asked

"Two things... they're delaying our flights because of the weather in Mexico, and on top of that, your dad got called on an Emergency to one of the offices that is across the state..." Miriam sighed and shook her head.
"Looks like they don't have anyone qualified to fix their stuff besides himself... but then again, sometimes they do that to me too..."

"Oh..." Ariadne sounded quite saddened at these news, it was supposed to be a trip for the whole family.

"Like I said, we have a backup plan, so don't worry. Rather than boarding a plane tonight, we'll go there by land! It's gonna be quite a thing, a roadtrip like we haven't had in years!" Miriam smiled, sounding pretty enthusiastic about the idea.
"Your dad will finish up as soon as he can and he will take a plane to join us in Mexico, he'll be coming with your aunts Betty and Karen"

"Wow, you really planned this out... twice..." Ariadne chuckled, amazed that her mother didn't let these unexpected eventualities ruin her vacation plans.

"By the way, who's coming with us in the roadtrip?" Jordana asked out of curiosity, because, while she knew about Jen, she got the impression that more people was coming than she knew about.

"Wait a sec" Miriam wiggled her wide hips on the couch cushion she sat on, slowly dragging you from dead center under her massive cheek to under her crack, giggling when she felt your tiny form between her cheeks.
"Alright... Don't want to spoil the surprise for your little brother..." She giggled "...but his friend Jen is joining us. Turns out she grew up in Mexico? I couldn't refuse her mom when she asked me to take her..." She said. Ariadne giggled, even though she knew already, and Jordana had to pretend to join in the giggling as well to not tip her off that they'd already spoiled that surprise.
"But, she's not the only one joining us... of course, you know Sheila and her family's coming too" Miriam then said.

"Anyone else?" Both girls asked out of genuine curiosity, because it definitely sounded like there was more to it.

"Yeah. Dolores and her two daughters are coming with us too!" Miriam giggled.

Both Jordana and Ariadne looked at each other, quietly sighing as they both could picture how that was going to play out. It's not that they were bad girls, in fact, they'd consider them friends, but Dolores' rather strict upbringing left the twins rather 'boy-starved', and that mean that the only available target for their affections was you, though most of the time, it was to hilarious effect, and while Ariadne just thought that maybe they'd need to restrain them a little, Jordana was having second thoughts about letting them 'have fun' with you like this.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling noise, akin to that of a motorcycle revving up, albeit somewhat muffled by the couch, and it clearly came from Miriam's location, who simply gave a smug smile before she burst out laughing, Ariadne took a moment to realize what happened and once she did, she followed suit as well. Jordana, however, wasn't entirely sure... she'd probably find it funny if it was her who farted on you, but she wasn't so sure when it was your own mom doing that to you.

"Good one mom" Ariadne said once she could stop herself from laughing.

"You know it... that's what happens when I sit on your little brother's lap" Miriam giggled some more before unleashing a longer, louder blast that even made the couch cushion itself vibrate.
"I had lunch with Sheila at the Salsa Shack so... I don't think you girls will want to stick around for much longer. You can go watch a movie or play games, and if you're hungry, you know there's plenty of microwavable food. But don't go to sleep too late, we need to wake up early to get started with the roadtrip" She said. Jordana wanted to interject, but Miriam saw it and just smiled kindly at her.
"Don't you worry about Blaise. I'll keep him nice and safe with me while I relax" She winked, also holding onto the gun, to which Jordana reluctantly nodded with a quiet sigh. The girls said goodnight to her and headed for Ariadne's room to hang out for a while more, it didn't seem like Miriam was gonna give you up anytime soon, and there was no one to make her change her mind...

Trapped under Miriam's gigantic booty, there was nowhere to go when she unleashed her massive fart upon you, it was like taking an atom bomb to the face, and with the couch cushion under you, there was relatively little distance between you and the source of the blast, which meant you had to take the full brunt of its gale winds while they blew into you and pressed you hard into the cushion. And there were only a few seconds of pause before she let loose for a second time, making you feel like the entire world was madly vibrating to her gargantuan fart.

"Well, turns out you guys were right, this does feel quite nice" Miriam said right before letting out another equally huge booty blast, wiggling her hips some more, which made you go up her crack a little, which she immediately felt and giggled some more, your struggling body tickled it, and that only made her let out a sudden barrage of huge farts she had apparently been holding in for a while.

You could only shudder in fear when you heard more rumbling coming from above, these massive farts weren't that much smaller than Jordana's, and she was blasting many more and much more quickly than she did. And perhaps the worst of it all was that she thought you were willingly putting up with this. However, nothing could prepare you for the storm Miriam unleashed upon you, seemingly out of nowhere, she began blasting you with fart after huge fart, while her titanic cheeks just wobbled and jiggled due to their sheer intensity, and only added to their already insanely loud booming reverberations, which passed through your skeleton, making all of the bones in your body feel like they were ringing.

Miriam sighed in satisfaction, she was trying to 'go easy' on you, but that unexpected tickling prevented them from holding in all of the gas backed up in her admittedly large booty. After that, she decided there was no point to holding them in anymore and just let more and more of the gas escape, which, in her case, was as several near minute-long bomb-like farts that almost felt like they could shake a whole room.

After that second nightmarish methane storm, you were left dizzy, somehow still conscious, and yet, strangely enough, you felt the pressure upon you easing up. Against all your expectations, Miriam was getting up! You hoped that she was satisfied after sitting on you and farting for this long, but you felt a pit in your stomach, there was a bad feeling about this...

She stood up and turned around, seeing her tiny son right in the middle of the two large indents her big butt left on the couch. Giggling, she picked you up, but didn't raise you to her face's level. Looking down at you from over her shoulder, all she did was wink at you before pulling the back of her panties out with her free hand and dropping you right in... to the dark abyss she called a crack. You didn't even have the energy to scream anymore...
May 12, 2023