Game of "Explorer" with Jordana
You couldn't believe you were doing this. Your higher conscious kept telling you this was a terrible idea, a mistake, as you had been tricked and manipulated by her countless times over the years, but you shook those thoughts off and tried giving Jordana the benefit of the doubt... who knows, maybe Ariadne somehow managed to talk some sense into her... she had been playful, and her physique made that quite overbearing, but she hadn't been mean by any sense of the word.

Still, you were making quite a gamble, because you reminded yourself that she was one of the people who could probably turn the trip into hell for you if she wished to, and that it was best to stay on her good side, no matter the price. All you could do was hope that the nagging feeling in the back of your mind was just paranoia.

Unknown to you, Jordana blushed slightly. She wished for it, but she didn't think you'd agree so readily, she had figured she would've needed more teasing to try and coax you into doing this. Nonetheless, she was quite delighted that you actually dove in on your own. She thought that maybe Ariadne's teasing, which most of the time she brushed off as mere trolling might have some credence to it.

You continued falling, it was as if Jordana's humongous crack was really a cavernous chasm that could shame the Grand Canyon itself, everything around you had gone pitch black a while ago, the air felt thicker and there was definitely a bit of a smell. You'd smelled far worse from her so this might not have been an intentional thing either, but with an ass that big, it probably got a bit sweaty while sitting in a car as Ariadne drove back home. Moments later, you gradually stopped as you found yourself wedged between two insurmountably huge, warm gelatinous 'walls', and it didn't take a genius to figure what they were.

'That felt... better than I thought' Jordana subtly shuddered, making her massive 'assets' ripple and jiggle a bit, though for you it still constituted a massive quake. She felt kind of giddy, she could easily shake her hips and make you fall deeper in, or she could shove you with a finger, but she decided to have a little self-retraint, since you'd gone already so far without her needing to force things. She wondered if you'd stay still or if you'd 'explore' your surroundings.

After enduring that rippling quake, you laid still, unsure what you were supposed to do next. But you quickly recalled that Jordana had said that she was 'offering you her ass to play with' give or take a couple of words. That sounded quite up Lillian's alley, but considering that they're sisters, it's not that much of a surprise. You didn't even know what counted as to play with a girl's butt.

'I mean... I guess some girls might like stuff like spanking, or getting it massaged, but the hell am I even gonna do at this size?' You thought. Not too long after, everything shook again, and more intensely than last time.

"I guess you're pretty stumped right now, aren't you, squirt?" Jordana said, and even though her phrasing might suggest she was annoyed, she didn't sound like she was.

Even with the countless tons of jello-like booty flesh surrounding you, you could hear her, albeit fairly muffled, though some of her voice's vibrations were carried by her immense glutes too. She couldn't help but chuckle, as she could pretty much perfectly picture your flustered face, though now it was far smaller and deep between her most prized 'assets'.

"You can do literally whatever you want" She nonchalantly said "I'd suggest trying to explore your surroundings, but if you think these 'pillows' are good enough to nap on, I won't complain..." She giggled again "Remember that other suggestion I made though"

You couldn't help but feel like the blood on your face might boil off from how hot it felt as you blushed the hardest in your life, you didn't even think it possible for Jordana of all people to cause you such a reaction. The way she so casually mentioned the idea of sleeping in her ass had somehow surpassed Lillian's teasing about what amounted to the same idea, though on a different scale. You imagined Lillian finding you at this size and shuddered quite a lot, that might be even worse than your current situation...

Once more, your self-preservation instinct nagged you, warning you that this was a very dangerous path to go on. You recalled every other instance where you were with Jordana, and nearly all of them ended up quite badly for you, beaten at wrestling and pinned under her enormous ass, and more often than not, farted on by it as well.

Despite this, you wanted to try and please her. You had already gone this far in trying to stay on her good side that to back away at this point seemed like a really dumb move. Mustering up whatever courage you could, you slowly 'swam', as there was no other way to traverse this alien-like landscape dominated by a solid substance that was so soft and squishy it almost qualified as a liquid outright, or so it seemed.

'That tickles!' Jordana thought, using a pillow to muffle her giggling. She underestimated how sensitive her own booty was, and that your tiny form's movements, deep in her crack, were fairly stimulating, a lot more than she expected. She was also pleased that you listened to her and couldn't help but crave more.

Your surroundings shook as you moved, and in just a couple of minutes of this you realized that it was because of your movement that it happened. You weren't sure how to feel about that, but you decided to take it as a good sign for the time being and keep going. As you went deeper, the pressure from Jordana's gigantic cheeks increased exponentially, as well as the warmth they gave off.

Losing all notion of time was inevitable, there was no real indication on how long it had been ever since you did the biggest 'leap of faith' of your life. All you knew was that you were heading deeper and deeper in this gargantuan crevice. And so far, Jordana had stayed true to her word, she wasn't forcing anything on you, though she more or less gave directions as to what she wanted, but you chose to please her on your own.

'I really hope this pays off and she can keep Lillian off my back during this trip' You thought. On further thought, Jordana might also be able to keep her mom from teasing you too much. With that goal on your mind, you kept on swimming in Jordana's plentiful flesh, growing more adept to it as time went on. You hoped that her body's reactions, namely the continuous shaking, were because she enjoyed feeling you rather than the opposite. The last thing you needed was to get squashed like a bug for giving her an itch... But then again... would Jordana actually kill you? You were inclined to believe that she wouldn't, and really hoped your belief were true.

Squashing you wasn't even in the list of thoughts forming in the chubby college girl's head. She absolutely loved that you kept going, 'digging' deeper and deeper in her crack. The miniscule indentation your tiny body caused in her pillowy flesh was giving her the most intense pleasurable tingles ever, and Jordana wasn't exactly new to 'playing' with her own booty...

'I guess I understand now why Zoey was so hyped about this thing. Damn! This is way better than any toy...' She thought, feeling mildly flustered, and glad that you couldn't see her face for the time being. She could barely suppress some moaning, you were getting really deep.
'Fuck! I hope he likes it enough to agree to go again... Gonna need him back there for when we go to the beach...' Jordana thought.

The tingles kept flowing, sending little electroshocks all over her nervous system, mainly up and down her spine, and no matter how many she got, they just felt as good as the last one, if not better. But even with so little focus, she noticed that the tingles were getting nearly ridiculously powerful, and she realized that after all that crawling, you were really close to the 'goal' she had set for you. Smiling, she grabbed both of her huge asscheeks with her hands and slightly pressed them together.

"Whoah squirt. You've really surprised me in the best possible way... I didn't think you'd actually try going there... but I'm glad you did... You're really close, you know?" She said before she began kneading her meaty globes.
"I'll lend you a hand... or two... just... get in there already..." She could no longer hide her excitement, the undulating motions she created dragged you deeper into her crack way faster than you could've crawled, and she kept doing this until she felt your diminutive form get pressed right against her real sensitive spot...

You were completely caught off guard as the titanic waves of fatty flesh Jordana kept making pulled you deeper and deeper into her crack, until you suddenly got pressed against a somewhat slick, rubbery surface. You gulped. You knew it was your 'destination', but you simply couldn't be ready for it, even if you tried with much more time in advance. And upon feeling you, the rubbery wall twitched back to life.

Despite there being little to no light, you could vaguely see the giant sphincter's form, it was over 20 times larger than you, like a whole football field in comparison perhaps, albeit a round one. And it began twitching and pulsating really fast, especially the spot you were pressed against, and slowly but steadily, those motions were pulling you towards its center. However, then you heard something you wished to never hear... a low, ominously vibrating rumbling, coming right from the other side...
May 12, 2023