Spending the night with Monique Pt VI - Whoops?
On the one hand you were kinda glad that micros in this universe were so sturdy, but on the other, you felt like maybe it wasn't such a good thing to stay alive through these massive, monstrous booty blasts. Your ears were ringing while you sweated, as the atmosphere in the deep, dark recesses of Monique's crack quickly began to feel like a noxious sauna.

'At least she's not sweating' You thought, trying to give yourself a little bit of hope after you endured yet another titanic gust of wind that was more akin to a typhoon, accompanied by a furious earthquake and by deafening thunder. You had already lost count on how many times she farted already, but you were sure it was nearly a dozen by now if not a bit more.

Monique giggled, unlike her mom, she wasn't normally this nonchalant about letting loose, despite the fact that her best friend was literally dubbed the school's Farting Queen. Even when amongst friends she felt a tad embarrassed to unleash her own farts despite the encouragement or teasing she got, but as she's quite fond of food that exacerbates these issues, it's ended up an inevitable reality at this point. Still, she always considered to be a hindrance, further detracting from her attractiveness.

The idea that there was at least one micro who not only could put up with, but actually enjoyed this side of her was making her feel far more flustered than she'd ever be willing to admit to anyone. And once more, a part of her conscience tugged at her, trying to tell her that this was a sign, that maybe serving him on a silver platter to her best friend would turn out to be a mistake she'd sorely regret but she decided to push that aside.

Trying to be more positive, she thought that this meant other micros were probably into this kind of thing too but were simply too timid to openly admit, and then there were the ones like your friend Jim, who'd willingly get flung into booties like her own and boasted that they loved them, including the less 'glamorous' aspects to them.

'You know... Jim wouldn't be that bad if he could stick around with a single girl for more than a week or two' She thought, somewhat amused, but also somewhat longingly. She shook her head again, right now she was having fun, there was no need to dampen her mood. Although it felt a bit wrong, she enjoyed the way her generously sized cheeks rippled with each blaring fart she let go, and the fact that she could feel your diminutive form, stashed really deep between them and vibrating along with them gave her several surges of surprisingly wild tingles, to the point that her knees felt weak for a moment even.

Just like every other time, there wasn't much in the way of a warning before another titanic blast erupted, engulfing you in its massive fury as the torrent of hot winds blew past you while your heavy yet marshmallowy surroundings made sure to hold you in place. The tremendous reverberations were like continuous shockwaves though, you could literally feel them pounding at your body, specially your chest, probably because there was a lot of important stuff in the ribcage area, you knew that much.

At least plugging your ears seemed to have helped with how deafening they were and after a long time that felt like an hour to you, it finally subsided. You were beginning to wonder if Jen's butt would've been better despite that one toxic fart that was the actual cause of this entire predicament. You involuntarily sighed in relief, taking in more of the thick, nauseating steamy miasma left behind than you would've liked, couching and gagging at it as it burned your nose and throat somewhat.

You then heard another kind of loud noise akin to thunderclaps, but these were muffled, and coming from the right exclusively. The jiggling ripples that soon had you jiggle along with your whole surroundings made you realize that she was now patting her cheek for some reason.

"I hope I did not disappoint" Monique chuckled as she indeed patted her right cheek. Every small movement you made, as you were pretty much completely enveloped by her abundant, jiggly and fatty booty flesh gave her even more pleasurable tingles, a ticklish feeling that she had quickly grown fond of, and she understood this as your way of showing affection, it meant to her that you were appreciating what she was doing.

'Still, I suppose I can't quite live up to the likes of Lillian but at least I'm not much of a slouch on a day like this' She thought with an amused chuckle, as her gut still rumbled faintly, warning her that it was still going to pump out some more gas in a while.
'Ooh, and he got so deep!' She then thought, realizing that despite your 'apparent' reluctance, you were quite a bit deeper than where she'd put you, once again further cementing her notion that you did have a thing for big asses like hers. Feeling like this had to be more than enough to count as consent, she decided to go ahead and up the ante even further, she was going to simply sit on her bed, but now she decided to make a bit of a show out of it for you.

Monique slowly bent over, which worsened the already deep wedgie she had, but this time she wasn't bothered by it at all, she was actually savoring it instead, as her ill-fitting booty shorts dragged you along with them deeper and deeper into her crack, into more sensitive areas. Your tiny body getting gently rubbed along the way was giving her goosebumps until there was a sudden, massive surge of tingly waves that traveled all over her body as she had slightly miscalculated the impact of her motion and you ended up getting pressed into a very, very sensitive spot.

You let out frustrated groans as you found yourself pressed into a hot, rubbery pulsating mass, one that you already knew what it belonged to. You frantically tried to push yourself away from it. Your hands and feet could actually do so, as it was firmer than the pudgier masses that pressed you from the sides, but there was no way you could overcome the pressing force from her wedged clothes.

Her eyes widened in surprise. She was definitely NOT aiming for that, nor was she expecting it. Her pretty face quickly turned red as a tomato as she felt your tiny movements, mistaking your attempts to push yourself away from it as tickling and caressing, which in turn made the already sensitive hole twitch more excitedly. The heat in her groin flared up once more, and she shuddered as a result.

'Whoops! I guess there is such a thing as a little too deep, hehe' She thought with a somewhat nervous smile and straightened up, carefully picking her wedgie out, only to notice that you remained stuck to her asshole still.
'Well, there's always plan B' she shrugged, and nonchalantly ripped a pretty massive fart, even when compared to the ones she had already blasted earlier. The powerful miniature hurricane was more than enough to blow you off her anus, and with a well timed clench, she got you back where she wanted you, giggling at her newly found dexterity.

With that taken care of, she got back on track with what she was doing, slowly bending over as she also leaned back, gradually descending until she sat down on her bed, feeling how her weight sank into the fairly plush mattress, though its softness didn't hold a candle to her own 'mattresses', as she felt that their pressure on you increased, making her even more aware of your current location. It was as if a flea were submerged in marshmallows.

Monique wiggled around on her seat, as she had noticed that both Jen and Lillian had a fondness for doing this while sitting on you, and soon understood why, your body simply felt too good when entombed by her plush cheeks. She was absolutely convinced by now that you were enjoying her 'spoiling' you. But then, a concern arose as she dwelt more into this and without a second thought, she fished you out of her crack with a finger, bringing your exhausted form to her face.

"Hey Blaise... um, sorry to interrupt the fun for a bit, but I just thought of something..." She said, blushing a little, and in her own awkwardness and trying to put her thoughts coherently, she failed to realize that you were fairly beaten and exhausted as you desperately gulped fresh air while laying in between two of the ridges from her fingertip.
"What happened today... I know that was just one more of our freak accidents" She chuckled "But... I want you to know that, well... I'm really happy that you trusted me to take care of you for the day" She smiled.
"And... not gonna lie, you should totally be mad at me for not being able to get back home due to my own distractions" She said more softly "But I'm glad that you're not" She whispered, then she took a deep breath as she knew she had to get to the point already.
"I'm really enjoying the fun we're having together and I was wondering if we could make it happen more often" She smiled sweetly, there was a bit of a spark to her eyes now "I mean, we're already friends... aren't we? We should hang out a bit more often, beyond freak accidents" She giggled.

While you were just trying to put yourself back together, you heard everything she was saying and felt a pit in your stomach. Your previous determination to let her know how bad you had had it in her ass simply crumbled when you saw how happy she was at spending time with you, even though it was rather detrimental to yourself, you simply didn't have the heart to do anyone dirty like that. At least, anyone whose feelings you cared about.

'Eh, maybe Rosa is right, maybe I'm too much of a softie, but I'd rather stay true to myself... besides, it can't get much worse than this, can it?' You thought with a quiet, nervous chuckle, feeling as if you were issuing this wild, new universe a challenge that you'd definitely regret, but decided to move on regardless.

"S-Sure" You said somewhat nervously, nodding as well. Monique's cute smile almost made this entire suffering worth it.

"By the way, how do you feel about Snickers?" She then asked.

"H-Huh?!" You raised an eyebrow, now that was a curveball if you'd ever seen any...
May 12, 2023