Spending the night with Monique Pt V - Eruption
Monique's blush came back with even more intensity, this had been the boldest she'd ever acted with any micros, but everything she'd gotten from you so far had led her into this direction, or that's how she viewed it. By this point, she was convinced that Veronica's call had been right all along, and you were just understandably embarrassed by it. She felt a twinge of guilt, however, feeling like she might be tasting a forbidden fruit, knowing full well that this was the same guy her best friend had already set her eyes upon long beforehand.

'But Veronica might be a bit too much for him right off the bat, I'm just gonna help him to get ready for her' She told herself to justify her actions. It was true to an extent as well, she was very well aware that her best friend's gas was on a whole other league, even compared to your own friends. Her train of thought, however, was cut short as she felt tickled by your tiny form entombed deep between her doughy cheeks, it was giving her way more tickles than before, likely because the sweat wasn't interfering as it had earlier.

'At least he likes it in there... I'm not all that sure if I'd be okay with this if I were a micro' She thought with a giggle, trying to imagine her life under that kind of scenario, though rather than imagining herself as a guy, she imagined herself as one of the rare female micros, and how her life with her family and friends would change... but then she snapped out of it when she remembered your reaction when she showed you her ample 'assets'. She slowly clenched and relaxed her cheeks, getting more and more waves of pleasant tingles every time you sank into her plush, jiggling flesh. On the opposite side but around the same height, temperature rose noticeably, making her blush yet again, but this didn't deter from continuing.

For you, the situation wasn't exactly the absolute worst, all things considered, but that didn't make it good either. You needed a way to clarify this deep misunderstanding on Monique's part, but right now were buried between far too many metric tons of jiggly soft ass to even think of trying. Speaking of which, the gigantic walls at your sides kept pressing you and then letting go, a motion that you quickly recognized as her clenching. And by the look of it, she seemed pleased with your presence this time, unlike earlier, when even you could tell she was rather uncomfortable.

With a defeated sigh, you tried to make the best of this predicament and extended your arms in an attempt to keep at least some of all that jiggling bulk from fully engulfing you, though as soon as you did so, everything shook quickly for a split second, but not in the ominous way you would've expected. Somewhat unsure and confused, you tried once again to push some of Monique's titanic cheeks off you and got the same result.

'Looks like she might be feeling ticklish? But I haven't heard any laughter or giggling' You thought, and still decided to stop because even you could tell that this would only get you in deeper trouble in more ways than one. Unfortunately, while this judgement was right, you were a little too slow and the damage was already done. Monique was indeed feeling ticklish, but the reason she went silent is because it was also giving her pleasant feelings she was less familiar with.

'Ooh, I knew he'd like it! But he can't admit it to save his life' She thought, smiling at her apparently very sharp judging skills. She clenched her butt again, feeling your tiny hands press into her plush flesh again, but then you stopped when she clenched once more. Feeling curious, she gently kneaded both of her plus-sized cheeks with both hands, trying to get more reactions from you, but you remained still. However, this completely failed to deter her, and instead she concluded that you had gotten comfy and were just basking in her softness and warmth.
'Makes me wonder if Veronica's soft enough back there' She then thought 'I may have to convince her to go easy on him the first time he's with her'

Monique blushed more as she imagined that scenario, inadvertently she more or less would've become a sort of coach for both her best friend and said friend's crush. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, as she always perceived Veronica to be the prettier one while she was "the big girl", and like in many movies and series, the pretty girl was the one who got the boy in the end. But the tickling feeling in the depths of her largest asset tugged at her mind and she looked down, one of the few times she admired the size of her lower body, the width of her hips and even the size of her own thighs, thinking that if she were to try and rival her friend, it wouldn't be an entirely hopeless struggle.

'Now it's pretty much certain he does like 'em bigger tho... so I wonder...' Her thoughts were beginning to drift back to her imagined scenario with Veronica and you only to be snapped out of it by her growling stomach.
'Ah, of course, that has to happen right now' She huffed, mildly annoyed, though she soon began giggling again in excitement since she was certain you'd like it.

Your squishy surroundings began to tremble, like the beginning of a massive earthquake and in a way that you instantly recognized, becoming full of dread. Even if her mom's were technically worse, you didn't want to have to take the brunt of more noxious nukes, regardless of who launched them, though you got a feeling that this was likely a very common occurrence for the original 'you' from this world. You sighed and groaned in annoyance as you tried your best to plug your ears and curl into a ball, trying to brace for the impending impact.

Soon, you were engulfed by a massive torrent of hot, heavy, methane-riddled air alongside its accompanying shockwave and its thunderously reverberating roar. It shouldn't be any worse than the ones Monique blasted you with in the past, but the fact that you'd had enough time for the after effects of all those farts wear off, but not enough to fully recover meant that you were now taking this huge fart while being weaker, and lacking the painstakingly acquired "acclimatization" you had earlier, so this ended up feeling worse, much to your own horrified surprise.

Monique's eyes widened, she knew she was gonna rip a big one, but even she was surprised. Mostly because she seriously underestimated just how much leftover gas she still had backed up, and after that huge fart, she felt several more coming, very large, hot bubbles were rushing down her gut and she felt this enough to even shudder from it.
'Guess now I know a little bit of how Veronica feels' She thought with an amused chuckle. She could feel the pressure in her gut ramp up fast and it would just be a matter of seconds before the figurative floodgates flew open...

Meanwhile, back at your home...

Miriam had already finished washing the dishes but she was still walking around the house, fruitlessly looking for something to do. Ariadne was still sitting on the couch watching TV and giggled as she saw her mom pacing around back and forth like a caged tigress.

"Mom, relax, he's gonna be fine!" She said after she saw her mom walk around the living room and into the dining room, looking for a non existing task to accomplish.

"What are you talking about?" Miriam stopped in her tracks. She was a little flustered but was trying to hide it to the best of her ability.

"I've been seeing you walk around the house swaying that big booty of yours and clenching it like there's something wrong with your panties for the past half hour or so" Ariadne chuckled, to which Miriam quietly gasped.
"You know that they sell dolls that feel almost exactly like a micro, right? If you miss him that badly..." Ariadne said cheekily.

"A-Ariadne!" Miriam blushed "Don't be silly!" She huffed, and since she knew the gig was up, she walked towards the couch in resignation, sitting next to her eldest daughter "There's no way some silly little doll can replicate my baby boy!" She pouted and crossed her arms, annoyed at being called out but also finding her daughter's snarkiness in itself hilarious.

"Hmm... maybe Blaise sensed that you were planning something and asked his friends to take him to their home instead?" Ariadne teased with a mischievous smile, but Miriam huffed again and rolled her eyes.

"There's no way he'd do that to me! I'm sure that if I asked him nicely..." She said as she glanced down at her own wide hips "I mean, he hasn't been to his old home in a bit" She sighed longingly.

"Well, at least he agreed to make you happy on your birthday as usual" Ariadne shrugged "Oh! And don't forget Mother's Day! He only really signed up for that one day but you kept him for the entire weekend!" She giggled as she recalled a series of hilarious but unfortunate (to you) memories.

"Heh, can you blame me? Besides, Sheila and Dolores got me that full weekend at that wonderful spa and I really didn't want to let your little brother's gift go to waste"

"Yeah, suuure" Ariadne smirked. She knew her mom enough to know the truth. She just loved you so much that she'd cuddle you in her particular ways all day if she had the chance. The fact that you even lived on her body until around 8 years ago and how reluctant she was to let you have your own micro house further supported her realization.

"Oh, shush! I'm sure you wanted to have some Big Sis Business time with him too" Miriam said, and this times, the tables turned, with the slightly chubby mom smirking as her Amazon-esque daughter flinched and blushed for a split second.
"Baby, I may not have carried you around in my belly for 9 months, but I still know you better than you do yourself" She said with a smug smile.

"Touché... but I have a legit excuse as I just came back from college and haven't seen him much in a while" Ariadne said, looking away...
May 12, 2023