Heading into the gas chamber: Jen Edition Alt.
[Note: Like other chapters in this route, I'm redoing this one along with a new introductory path. For consistency's sake I'll include the previous chapter's text for a better flow. By the way, it's not a mistake, this is still gonna lead into Lillian, just bear with me]

"Maybe sitting on you is a bit harsh for a first time... so... how about... you know... going in between?" Jen whispered while blushing the most yet, and her question made you feel almost the same, you felt like the blood in your head might as well boil off by now.

You gulped the hardest in your life yet. You had been already pretty up close and personal with Lulu's behind, but with the idea of being in Jen's butt of all places, you felt mad tingling shocks all over your body, it felt like a forbidden version of the Heaven that was her chest. Still, there was no way you could let such a chance pass, and nodded in response, to which she smiled, and her eyes lit up.

"I've always been curious, you know, since Lillian does it so often... but I never get to..." She smiled and slowly brought you farther down and around her waist. Her jeans looked like they were about to burst, and as she sat down, they were riding down, revealing a small portion of her crack. Your heart skipped several beats when you saw it. Seeing your reaction only made her smile widen as she brought you closer and closer to it, savoring the moment herself.

Suddenly, and entirely out of apparently nowhere, Jen's enormous ass exploded with a gigantic thunderous fart, the noise alone made your ears ring painfully while your entire body shook, plus the raging hot winds that erupted from there struck you with untold force, almost blowing you away, though you managed to hold onto a ridge on her fingertip. But by far, the worst part was the smell, you couldn't believe it, but it felt as if hers was definitely a lot worse than the worst Lillian put you through, the foggy air thoroughly burned your nose and throat as you had to breathe in the toxic cloud. Lillian burst out laughing upon hearing the blaring release.

"Oh my god! I knew you had it in you, but I didn't think you'd actually do it!" She said, but soon she caught a whiff of it and her nose wrinkled "Poor Blaise though, that's a real toxic cloud if I've ever smelled one"

Jen blushed to the most intense red in response, completely flabbergasted at how her body betrayed her at the worst possible time. She was speechless, and couldn't even look at you, her brain was in absolute panic mode.

"S-Shut up! It's still not as bad as yours!" She then said after just a few seconds, but her hyper blush was evident.
"It's okay, isn't it?" She then asked you and you could see the desperation in her eyes along with the sheer embarrassment in her face. Wanting to comfort her, you nodded, making her smile. Then, her hand began moving and you saw that it was lowering down, much to your horrified shock and you realized this turned out to be a big misunderstanding.

"W-Wait! Jen!" You shouted but she either didn't hear you or was too deep into her own thoughts, and your voice wasn't enough to snap her out of it. Her hand went around her waist and you knew what she was going to do, and to be honest, as much as you would've loved the chance before, you didn't want to risk going there again and be blasted by another deadly nuke.
"Jen! No! Wait!" Your heart ponded harder and your throat felt dry as her hand brought you closer and closer to her titanic ass.
"Jen!" You tried calling out again but her finger reached down towards her crack, even though comparatively it was a small portion of it, to you it was enough of a chasm to fall and get lost into "Jen, please don't-!" You shouted before her fingertip tilted and you found yourself in a free fall towards that abyss, soon you grazed one of its inner walls, feeling how warm, smooth and squishy it was, making you blush and getting you to temporarily forget about your current predicament.

"Damn, that was cold" Lillian noted.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jen said, finally snapping out of her panic-induced trance. Lillian's voice, and the tickling feeling of your tiny body sliding down her crack were enough to bring her back to reality.

"You threw poor Blaise down into your ass even after ripping that fart" Lillian nonchalantly replied, making Jen's embarrassed blush return.

"He said it was fine!" She said, immediately getting defensive.

"Somehow I don't think he wanted to go there anymore" Lillian said with a hint of concern in her voice "How's he doing by the way?"

"He's fine" Jen replied and shuddered a little as she got a surge of pleasant tingles from her sensitive crack being tickled, your body was still sliding down against one of her cheeks until the pressure from both became enough to hold you in place.

Unfortunately for you, things were far less pleasant, Jen's humongous cheek felt fine as you slid down against it yes, but the temperature was noticeable higher in here than outside, and the atmosphere felt oppressively thick and the smell, oh the smell... you didn't want to admit it but it felt downright toxic, Lillian definitely wasn't joking when she said Jen was deadly. Soon, your fall stopped due to the friction against Jen's cheek and the increasing pressure from both of them as you went farther down until you found yourself held in place, surrounded by nothing but plush booty flesh. You were forced to keep breathing the toxic air in there but it wasn't getting any easier with each pained breath, it burned your nose and even your throat, plus it felt like it was a kind of toxin that drained further your strength... You didn't think Jen's farts could be this bad.

'Holy hell, and this is just the lingering effect from just one' You thought, feeling slightly dizzy. You considered calling Jen to ask her to take you out, but just when you were about to, you decided against it because you knew she'd get even more embarrassed and Lillian would probably relentlessly tease her about it. Plus you imagined this would make you lose a ton of points with her. With a defeated sigh you stashed your phone in your pocket and tried to get comfortable, hoping that you could eventually get used to this horrendous smell. Other than that, it felt like you were enveloped by warm marshmallows, so you had at least that going for you.

Less than 5 minutes later, you got startled when you heard a violent rumbling and felt your surroundings shake like there was a massive earthquake. Ominous noises, like some kind of growling monster combined with the noises of a massive ship's hull at sea came from the darkness in front of you. You went paler than Jen as the blood seemingly drained from your body in sheer terror. Your eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat, you knew that you needed to get out of here asap! Fear overwhelmed your ability to think rationally so you simply banged on the plush fleshy walls engulfing you while desperately calling out for Jen's help or mercy.

In the end, your efforts were in vain, and you were caught unprepared when the gigantic explosion detonated right before you, erupting with a thunderous reverberating roar along with what felt like a fiery horizontal tornado, the furious winds blew into you and while Jen's soft cheeks absorbed a lot of their impact, their sheer weight also kept you pinned in place and forced you to take some of the brunt of that hurricane. Your ears rang painfully while your skin felt scorched and your lungs burned as if you were breathing actual fire. You even briefly saw bits of your life flash before your eyes and wondered if this was going to be it.

Just like the first time around, Jen's sizable behind suddenly erupted with a blaring fart that made both her large cheeks and the seat underneath them vibrate as the loud gassy explosion burst through. Lillian raised an eyebrow, doubly surprised since she didn't think Jen would be bold enough to let out such a big fart again, and to have the gall to do so after dropping you down her crack. Jen herself simply sighed in relief, seemingly having been only focused on the discomfort that her belly had just been relieved from.

"What?" Jen then asked, seeing that Lillian was giving her a wide eyes stare.

"Don't you think that was a bit much?" Lillian asked "I thought you'd said you weren't gonna fart on him"

"Hmm?" Jen looked at her confused, but only for a split second as she quickly realized what Lillian was really talking about, her face blushing to an intense red for the third time.
"Crap! I didn't really mean to!" She said embarrassedly "That one slipped out too, I swear!"

"I believe you" Lillian shrugged "But I was trying to warn you, with what we ate last night for dinner and today's lunch you really should've kept him on your boobs"

Jen laughed nervously and wiggled a little on her seat, your desperate writhing felt like more pleasant tickles, and while you weren't even halfway into her crack, the spot you happened to be in was particularly sensitive and it gave her mad tingles that made her shudder again.
"He's still fine though, he's actually tickling me back there... and it's lovely" Jen said with a slightly strange look, or at least that's how Lillian saw it, she could practically see the little hearts in her friend's hazel eyes, and even drooled a little out the corner of her lips, though she was quick to wipe it with a hand. However, soon the smell of Jen's fart reached Lillian's nostrils and it was thick and potent enough to make even her cough and gag.

"Holy hell! That reeks!" Lillian said, she wasn't joking this time.

"Oh please, as if yours don't!" Jen crossed her arms.

"They do, but I've told you, there are levels to stink, and those are borderline radioactive, geez!" Lillian fanned the invisible toxic cloud away from her face, adding to Jen's embarrassment.
"Seriously, you should get him out of there! I can't imagine what it's like to take one of those at that size and at point blank" She said.
May 12, 2023