Taken (by a horny Principal)
"I've missed you for a very long time" Arianna suddenly said, it was as if she knew you had just 'remembered'.
"I was your original caretaker, and we had a lot of fun together..." She fondly reminisced.
"I was quite 'big' back then, but you loved it, you loved laying on my stomach" She said, patting it with her free hand. She had certainly slimmed down quite a lot from the version from those memories, though there was a hint of pudginess to it, kind of like with Lulu.
"We even made a 'game' of our own, you explored my body like it was a landscape, and there were many places you could hide in. Oh, those were the days..." She giggled and patted her sides, suggesting that there was 'more' to them back then. Currently, they were fairly slim though.
"Come to think of it, I should've seen this coming... even back then, your favorite part of me was my butt" She said, grabbing one of her cheeks with her free hand, fondling herself a little.
"You always liked how big it was, and how soft it was... do you remember taking naps on it? I do" She said, making you gulp, you could remember now, but also, you knew that the 'you' in those memories was a child, there was no malice in those, the 'you' in those memories simply liked it because it was a large, warm and soft surface he could play and sleep on.

Arianna then began lowering the finger you were on, and being unable to leave, all you could do was stand in a terrified stun as she presented you with a view you expected, but couldn't possibly be ever prepared for: her massive ass. It dwarfed even Lulu's, and that one had been the biggest thing you had ever seen. The threads of her pencil skirt looked like they were holding on by sheer willpower because they should've burst already otherwise. Lulu's immense asscheeks were already larger than planets, Arianna's were larger-than-larger than planets. As if on cue, she slightly shook her hips, and with just the smallest motions, all that tightly packed doughy flesh wobbled and jiggled almost uncontrollably.

"Like what you see? Mine's the biggest in the entire school, not even Lulu compares... and of course, none of those 'friends' of yours..." She said with a smug giggle. She then brought you close to one of those gargantuan fleshy orbs and pressed you into it. It was incredibly soft and squishy, even more so than Lulu's butt, and you didn't think that was physically possible.

Most worryingly, you heard her quietly moan in pleasure when she pressed you into her cheek, even with her skirt in the middle. She slowly rubbed you in small circles, trying to feel you on absolutely every single square inch of her abundant booty, which was far from an easy task, but she took her sweet time with it. A good while later, you had no idea how long it had been but she had more or less rubbed you on the whole surface of both of her gigantic cheeks, her slight hip movements kept on making them jiggle and ripple wildly.

She suddenly dropped you on one of her cheeks, forcing you to try and keep your footing while the 'ground' beneath you felt like jello and there were immense earthquakes that corresponded to how she swayed her hips.
"Why don't you give me a good squeeze? I bet it'll feel lovely in your hands" She dreamily said.

'Yep, she's in cuckoo-land... what the hell, how am I supposed to squeeze something so huge? This is like trying to squeeze the whole planet!' You thought. Your world suddenly began shaking more.

"I'm not feeling your tiny hands sweetie" She said, and going by the tone of her voice, you decided it was best not to take chances and knelt down, trying to grab as much as your hands could manage, which was in a way laughable in hindsight, you probably were trying to grab less than a microgram out of however many trillions of metric tons of fatty flesh she had in there.
"There..." She sighed, apparently satisfied with your efforts "But keep squeezing, I like it" She then said, much to your frustration.

You tried kneading the endless squishy mass around you, and heard her purr in pleasure at that. You shuddered, deeply disturbed but you kept your focus on survival. You prayed that something or someone came to interrupt her and spared you from this madness. Arianna then used both of her hands to fondle her own butt, as if to 'aid' you in your efforts, and her repeated motions only created more, and larger, 'waves' that you had to either ride or avoid, it felt like you were in the ocean in the middle of a hurricane.

"There's more... a lot more I can do" She then said, but before you could wonder why, your whole world suddenly shifted from one side and then rushed in the opposite direction, creating a titanic shockwave that was accompanied by a deafening 'boom!'. Your eyes twitched in disbelief, she had just 'clapped' with her cheeks, they were that big. You felt that not even Lulu would be able to cause this much of a cataclysm in your scale though she'd probably be close. These motions then repeated over and over as she showed off her 'skills'.

"They've missed you... for a long time..." She said, and without warning, she began pressing and rubbing you into her cheek like before, and from what you saw and felt, she seemed to be trying to get you to bounce on or get picked up by the gargantuan waves of booty flesh that her movements created.

After several minutes of this, she picked you up and user her free hand to unzip her skirt, making you gulp and shudder even more. She struggled, as her skirt was so tight it might as well have been painted on, and it was really tough to get it to go down the immense curvature of her rear, but with some jumping, hip shaking and squashing her butt with her hand, she eventually managed to pull her skirt down, her humongous ass looked like it grew even larger, now freed from its tight bindings. She seemed to be wearing an extremely provocative black lace thong that was easily 2 or 3 sizes too small for her, but what little you could see of it showed it had a very fancy design.

'Why does she wear that kind of underwear to work?!' You thought, baffled.

"Ahh~ So much better" She sighed, feeling much better without her hyper-massive assets being compressed by her skirt anymore. She then brought you very close to her butt. Its sheer size was beyond terrifying, and something about it told you it was not only a lot bigger than Lulu's, it was also much heavier, and she definitely was going to use it to 'play' with you, much to your chagrin. Her skin tone was almost the same as yours, a light brown with a touch of bronze, but hers was a bit darker than yours. But the fact that it was a lot like yours sent chills down your spine.

"How about a kiss? They haven't seen you in ages" She giggled and pressed you into her enormous cheek, now even softer and squishier, you easily sank into the marshmallowy flesh, if Lulu's were like ordinary marshmallows, you'd say that hers were like melting marshmallows, if that made sense. You reluctantly planted a light peck onto her flesh, unsure if she'd even feel it, but she definitely did, the moment your lips touched her skin, everything shook wildly, she felt pleasurable tingles that traveled all across the vast surface of her butt and when they reached her spine, they rushed upwards.

"That felt sooo good... but I need more!" She said, panting a little. You couldn't believe how worked up she was getting over this, though you were already piecing it together, but still, you couldn't quite believe it even as it happened right before your eyes. She brought you back to her eyes' level and still gave you that fearsome kind of deranged/flirty look she gave you before.
"I need you inside, my precious Blaisey baby" She whispered, and you decided you definitely didn't appreciate her pet name for you. In fact, it made you miss the point, only to realize too late, when she was already dangling you above the cosmic chasm that her asscrack was. It made Lulu's look like a mere ditch in comparison. Then, she dropped you in...

[Path for choice 3]

Suddenly, and with no apparent warning, she picked you up and walked to her desk, setting you close to the border. Then, everything went dark, as it became covered in shadows when Arianna turned around, her monstrous booty easily covered over 80% of her desk's total area.

"A-Ari, what are you doing?!" You asked, panicking.

"I want... no, need to sit on you again... just like we used to do..." She said, giving you that disturbing deranged look from before. Now that you saw it again, something clicked in your mind.

'Those eyes! I've seen them in some of Cindy's manga and games! Those are yandere eyes!' You thought, but quickly realized that that knowledge was of no help right now, and if anything, it only further cemented the notion that you were doomed. The shadows got darker and darker as Arianna's larger-than-planet rear began its descent upon you, and it was far too massive to escape from, there was no way that running in any direction would get you out of the danger zone, which was everything covered in shadow, again, most of the entire desk, which to you was like an endless plain. You then felt a sudden chill, an insanely cold one that traveled down your spine... it was the chilling premonition of death.

"W-Wait! It's too big, Ari! Please, don't sit down!" You tried to beg, even if you had somehow survived Lulu's titanic ass, you felt that Arianna's was far too big, far too massive and heavy even for you, if she sat on you, you could be crushed for real. But she wasn't listening...
May 12, 2023