Belly of the milf
· original author:
Sitting in her seat, Shelia was setting herself as you sat between her tits and as you were settling yourself, Shelia couldn't help but try out a prank on you. Squeezing her breasts, she smothers you in her tit flesh and giggles at your struggles.
"While you admire my backside, you still have to remember I have boobs and they also need loving, even if they're not as big as my beautiful booty," Shelia snickers as she begins to bounce them.
However, because of her jiggling jugs, you were thrown out of there and land in her popcorn thankfully. You're thankful that you didn't land in her nachos or chili dogs as the heat would have injured you and you were keen in finding out how durable you were. But the lights dim down and the movie starts, lowering your chances of you being found. Digging your way out of the popcorn, you hear the movie going through it's intro and after the title card ends, you manage to pop out of the food. Screaming and waving at her, you pray she'll hear you. Alas, your words drop on deaf's ears as Shelia's hand covers you and brings you into her mouth. You tumble into her jaws and attempt to fall out, however, more popcorn smacks you back into her chewing jaws. While you were able to evade her molars, you couldn't go against the mush in her mouth and you fall into Shelia's throat. Of course, she doesn't feel it and continues to watch the movie while playing with her tits, thinking you were still in them.
         Back to you, you were squeezed by the milf's throat muscles until they immediately retract and you fall into a massive pool of semi-solid food and liquid. Swimming to the surface, more food rain down on you as you manage to avoid them at the last minute and as you were swimming, bubbles were coming off of you. In a panic from your fear of being digested, you climb onto the highest something wasn't digested yet, taking refuge in a cover formed in it and watch as more food enter Shelia's stomach.
         Meanwhile, Shelia was devouring everything she ordered, including yours, throughout the movie and wasn't paying any attention to you. During her time watching, her stomach was acting up and her backside let out some soft purring before it was revving up into a motorcycle roar every few minutes. While the movie hid the anal roars with it's sound, but it couldn't mask the increasing worse smell and people were complaining about it quietly before leaving. Shelia, on the other hand, didn't notice it and kept watching and eating as she kept on farting. By the time the movie finished, almost everyone left because of the gas and Shelia gets up, brushing off the crumbs as her butt jets out more flatulence.
"That was a good movie, Blaise. Not my cup of tea, but still... Blaise, where are you?" Shelia said, now noticing your absence and starts looking around for you.
However, her stomach cramps up so badly, that Shelia clutches it as she bends over and a massive fart exits out of her for a whole minute before dying down.
"I guess I know where you are now," she said, poking her stuffed gut and several more 'small' farts exit her body.
Leaving the theater, she passes by Yamile and the employee notices the milf.
"Enjoyed the movie, you two?" "Yeah, but Blaise couldn't as he got stuck," Shelia answers, patting her belly and emitting a big fart each time. "I-I see."
         Unknown to you, this wasn't the first time Shelia ate a tiny (namely alternative you), but in fact, all of the women you met and some strangers had eaten you multiple times. While you can't be digested, you do indeed have an adverse effect on their digestive systems, increasing their anal emissions and numerous times, you've exited out of there, mostly because of Lillian.
Not really keen on throwing you up in public with the amount of food she ate, Shelia decides to head home and wait for you pass through her. As for you, you were cramped in your hiding, but safe for the most part and decide to sleep. Much later, after an unknown period of time, you wake up...
May 12, 2023