A truly titanic Sheila
If your very own eyes weren't looking at her, you wouldn't believe it. Sheila stood right before you, like a living celestial body, she was already huge at normal size, and at your current one, she was bound to look exponentially much larger. You wondered if she was even really looking at you, or just at your house or nightstand. As if to answer your question, she swiftly, but surprisingly gently scooped you up in her index's fingertip.

"Hello there. How's my favorite micro-nephew today?" She greeted you. You had no idea what to expect, but seeing her address you so casually and cheerfully threw you off.

'Did she have something to do with my shrinking?' You wondered. You looked at her in disbelief, speechless.

"Hello? Earth to Blaise?" She said, frowning a little. As incredible as this seemed, it looked like she was expecting an answer.

"Uh... Hi, Auntie Sheila!" You shouted, unsure if she'd be able to hear you at all, but the warm smile she gave you confirmed that she could.
"W-What brings you here today?" You asked, feeling overly vulnerable being alone in her presence, and at such a size too.

"Don't tell me that you forgot already!" She pouted, the booming in her voice startled you, but to your relief, she was quick to return to her more calm tone.
"I've been waiting all week for this" She giggled.

"For what?"

"Oh, so you really did forget..." She sighed

"S-Sorry... I'm just not a morning person..." You said, since telling her what you knew would likely make you sound like a paranoid maniac, or so your gut told you.

"You promised we'd spend the whole day together, silly!" Sheila said with a cheerful smile
"It's been a while since I've been able to spend quality time with my favorite tiny nephew" She giggled and failed to notice that you felt as if you had just petrified. After snapping out of that, and giving yourself an incredible amount of bravery, you dared to speak again.

"W-W-What are we going to do today?" You asked, trying not to faint as your whole body trembled.

"It's a surprise! We're going to do many things together, and go to several places" She smiled, and brought you closer to her lips. She gave you a titanic kiss, which you don't know how she managed to do as you easily could fit into a single wrinkle of said lips.
"Also... you promised to make Auntie happy today" She whispered before slowly lowering you down.

You had absolutely no idea what she could possibly mean until you saw you were roughly at her waist level, and speaking of it, Sheila's finger brought around that waist to present you with a view that you didn't know how it didn't give you ten heart attacks over. Sheila's already insanely huge ass was beyond what even the words gargantuan, titanic, colossal or gigantic could convey. It looked like a pair of cosmic bodies that would put even planets to shame.

"You're riding right in Auntie's big beautiful booty" She said with a playful giggle, the booming in her voice now sounding a hundred times more ominous to you.
"They missed you, you know?" She teased, shaking her hips to make the utterly massive fleshy globes that made up her outrageously enormous hindquarters jiggle. Her ridiculously small booty shorts only seemed to amplify the effect, and the hyper gigantic rift in between only made you shudder more. A chasm of pure darkness and death, where you'd get lost forever, should you have the misfortune of falling in.

"A-Auntie, I-!" You tried to speak, but she excitedly cut you off.

"I know, I know, sweetie! I can't wait either!" Sheila said as she began to lower her shorts and what looked like panties that were turned into a thong by her enormous booty's sheer size.

"W-Wait, Sheila, p-!" You tried to speak again, only to be interrupted once more, she dangled you right above her cosmic chasm of a buttcrack.

"Oh, fair warning though... I woke up feeling rather... gassy..." She said, giggling as if that wasn't any kind of big deal
"But that's far from enough to ruin our wonderful time together, right?" She winked at you from over her shoulder while you froze again, hyperventilating in absolute terror. She then nonchalantly dropped you in, and you fell for what felt for miles, gulping hard as Sheila's seemingly galaxy-sized asscheeks grew larger and larger in your view... And then, there was only darkness, the super-massive meaty globes pressed together, engulfing you in their absolute bulk.

"There" She sighed happily, lightly clenching her enormous ass, her way of giving you a hug.
"Nice, cozy, and most importantly, very safe" She chuckled, lightly patting her big butt. Then she struggled to pull her insanely tight shorts up, as the strained fabric refused to contain all that mass, but eventually, she managed to get them over the huge curvature of her immense asscheeks. She looked at herself in a nearby mirror, pleased with how her clothes emphasized her massive assets, and blushing a little at the knowledge that she had her favorite shrunken nephew right where she wanted.

You were shuddering, trapped in complete darkness, pressed from all sides by an unfathomable weight and smothered by a warm, oppressive kind of atmosphere that reeked quite badly, which was pretty understandable after what Sheila had just told you. But it was far from the end of your problems as you soon heard an echoing ominous rumble from the dark depths ahead.

After spinning around to get a better look at her whole body, Sheila felt her stomach start rumbling, something she expected, but it still surprised her regardless. Massive bubbles made their way farther down her guts, making her feel noticeable discomfort, as she instinctively tried to hold the swirling winds in.
"Uh oh..." She said when her belly's growling got louder.
"Hey, Blaise... uh... looks like Auntie can't hold this one in... better brace yourself" She then said, as she soon became unable to contain the growing pressure in her world-class derriere. Just then, she unleashed a thunderous fart that easily lasted 30 seconds and somewhat shook the very room's walls and floors, making various things rattle as her raging winds vibrated their way out.

When you heard Sheila's warning, you practically felt your soul trying to abandon your body in a desperate attempt at avoiding utter obliteration. The vibrations from the rumbling alone felt like an earthquake already, and nothing could prepare you for the insanely massive explosion that ensued. A colossal shockwave hit you with unreal force while the jiggly walls that held you prisoner warbled like mad, becoming a fleshy storm in their own right while making for a deafening roar that might as well have been the damned Big Bang itself. You then found yourself caught in what had to be the Universe's biggest wind tunnel, hot winds blew into you with the fury of an elder god, but the mind-boggling weight of Sheila's cheeks held you in place, even though the winds felt more than powerful enough to blow you across the whole room. The noise was so intense that you felt you might have gone deaf, as you could no longer hear the raging thunder, but feel it in every bone in your body. After what felt like an eternity, this ungodly display of explosive power died down, leaving a very battered you to stew in the residual toxic miasma that stayed, engulfing you like a nightmarish blanket. It took you a few seconds to regain your hearing, but even then, your head rang painfully, still reeling from the overwhelming assault you just endured.

"Well, that wasn't so bad for a morning fart. I've definitely had worse" Sheila laughed and spanked herself
"Right, sweetie? Just a little auntie fart" she said, but before she could take a single step, her stomach went back to making angry-sounding growling noises and visibly rumbling.
"Oh dear, I thought that'd be it"

You were dizzy and woozy, wondering how you managed to stay conscious through that, only to hear even worse rumbling and ominous groans.
"You've got to be frickin' kidding me!" You shouted in exasperation, despite being aware that it was impossible anyone would hear your voice when muffled by potentially trillions of tons of fatty flesh.

"You know what, sweetie? I think I need to let these out so they don't bother us along the way. Stay put, please" She said to you while feeling once again that the pressure in her guts worsened, more and larger bubbles made their way down, making her belly rumble. Without her being able to prevent it in any form, another gassy explosion erupted from her massive rear. It didn't last as long as the first, but it was much louder and intense.

Down in her crack, you were in even worse shape than when she unleashed her first blast, but at the same time, you didn't try to brace or put up any sort of resistance, merely withstanding the horrid winds while your fleshy surroundings rippled like mad, and the overwhelmingly loud noise rattled your bones. Once again, without getting knocked out, the monstrous fart ended, following by your entire world swinging from side to side, as Sheila teasingly shook her hips.

"Sorry hon. But, since my booty is like your temporary home for today... or a moving home? more like a living RV I guess... anyway, I guess you could consider this to be your rent" She chuckled and looked down at her butt
"The prize to pay might be rather high, but the view is unmatched for sure" she laughed at her own joke, but that was cut short when her stomach continued to growl like a caged beast...
May 12, 2023