Just who is this woman?
You thought you heard Lillian's voice, but when you got out of your house, you were both overwhelmed and confused. Before you stood a woman that was so massive even calling her a celestial body fell short of describing her sheer size. She was imposingly tall, she could be as tall as Ariadne, going off the other things you could see in your room. She also possessed an insane amount of 'meat on her bones'.

Her bust alone was like mountains that wouldn't have anything to envy from the Everest. Her stomach, which was exposed as she wore very little clothing, still looked relatively slim compared to the rest of her body, but was considerably thick and pudgy, even more so than Sheila's. But farther down is where everything went completely out of whack, her hips were beyond absurdly wide, and as she walked towards you, you could feel that there was an utterly immense heft to each and every step she took. You had the feeling not even Sheila's were so huge.

Her face seemed familiar, but you weren't sure. Her green eyes were very reminiscent of Lillian's, as well as her straight black hair, though hers was longer, still worn as a ponytail. Her clothes also seemed awfully inappropriate to be in a stranger's house, she was in black lace lingerie that struggled badly against her outrageous curves.

"Huh... I'm sorry but... who are you?" You asked, wondering if this was a relative of Lillian you had never heard of until now. The resemblance was there. You expected her to just tell you who she was, but instead she laughed.

"Almost got me there!" She said "And I always thought your brain wouldn't boot up until you had your morning chocolate"

You raised an eyebrow. Context was obviously missing, but you were concerned she thought this was a mere joke.
"No, seriously, who are you?" You decided to insist upon this before there were a misunderstanding. Rather than answering, she swiftly scooped you up in her fingernail.

"I know I was a little rough last night, but... really? Did I rock your brain too hard?" She said with a smug smirk that definitely resembled Lillian's. Just who was this woman?
"I'll take it as a compliment" She then brought you to her lips for one long, very passionate and utterly titanic kiss.
"Well. Did that work? Did the Princess' kiss break the curse?" She asked with a playful giggle, but you still didn't have any remote idea on who she was, or why she was acting so familiar with you. You couldn't even find the words, this had left you speechless.

"Okay, that's enough teasing your wife for a day" She suddenly said

"Wait what, my wha-?!" You were about to say when she brought you back for more gigantic kisses, each seemingly more passionate than the rest, her plush lips didn't look overly plump on her face, but to you, they were far more than enough to completely engulf you. Before you knew it, she sucked you into her mouth, and her enormous tongue played with you, gently picking you up and rubbing you on the inside of her mouth. You had never even imagined what a mouth would be like at your size, yet you were forced to learn it in a very first-hand kind of way, her tongue was like a living skyscraper, but it could move with speed and dexterity nothing that size had any right to have. At first you panicked, thinking she was going to eat you, but after a couple of seconds it became evident she wanted to play with you and not swallow you.

A few very intense minutes later, she stuck her tongue out and picked you up, rubbing you against one of her mountainous boobs to dry you off, as you were drenched in her saliva, though even that wasn't nearly as bad as you'd have expected, save it for it being stickier than water. When you looked at her face, you saw that she was blushing and flustered, quite different from her cooler and smug demeanor from earlier.

"I... I need you" She whispered, and again, before you could even ask what she could possibly mean, nor what was that about being your wife, she abruptly brought you behind her and around her waist.

Your blood froze, your heart skipped several beats and your eyes widened and stopped blinking, all those things happened at once when you were presented with the unreal sight of her huge ass. You discerned before that given the size of her hips, she was packing heavily back there, but you grossly underestimated just how much was actually packed in there. Badly contained by black lace panties that served more as a makeshift thong, you felt like those enormous round globes were way bigger than even planets at your scale. You couldn't quite tell for sure, but deep down felt that this woman's ass would even put the likes of Sheila's and Lillian's to shame, and that only scared you more since she was bringing you to it.

"What for?!" You managed to ask, though it was extremely difficult to overcome you intense fear, and your sheer confusion only turned your mind into a jumbled mess


"I wanna sit on you... It's been a while since I've last felt you under my cheeks" She seductively wiggled her hips, but to you it ended up being more of a terrifying show of force, hearing and feeling the intimidating booms her monstrous cheeks made when bouncing into each other, and she wanted to squash you under them.


"You know..." She said with a soft giggle and began lowering you towards her titanic crack while her free hand pulled her underwear by the waistband. She then dropped you in, and fell for what felt like countless miles until you were in pitch black darkness and bounced into a soft, squishy wall.
"That tickles!" She said, and with no warning she unleashed a fittingly gigantic fart right upon your minuscule body. It was powerful enough to slightly shake the room, but to you it was like having a thousand Tsar Bomba nukes go off right at point blank. A thunderous deafening explosion, and its accompanying shockwave harshly rushed past you, rattling everything inside you with zero effort while you were caught in the world's, or universe's biggest and fiercest wind tunnel as her warm winds blew past you, the insurmountably heavy squishy walls on your sides pinning you in place.

"Ah~" She sighed in guilty satisfaction.
"There's a lot more where that one came from, but you should be used by now... besides, you promised to spend the weekend in there" She giggled and playfully spanked herself, sending your entire world into a jiggling shaking frenzy.


Just then, another female voice was heard, and she sighed.

"Well, there goes our morning..." She sighed
"As much as I'd love to keep playing, you promised to spend the day with our daughter(s). So, be a good dad... and I'll be waiting for you to give you your just reward" She said the last part in a husky tone you had never heard any woman in your life ever use.

[Note: It's up to whoever decides to pick up on this branch how many daughters there are, their design and names, though you could consult me, and I wouldn't mind assisting in their creation]


Suddenly, she looked at the clock and growled in annoyance.
"Dammit, I thought it was earlier" She then looked at you from over her shoulder, looking somewhat apologetic
"Well, I guess our fun has to wait" She said, and her hand was starting to move away from her butt, much to your relief, but then it stopped
"...Or does it?" She said in a more mischievous tone. She wiggled her eyebrows at you before pulling open the back of her underwear.
"I have to go to work, but nothing prevents my lovely husband from making me company while I have to sit on this fat ass" She said with a teasing smile, shaking her hips again and bringing you towards her crack and dropping you in.
"If you want to earn extra brownie points, you can just give me a few kisses and tickle me back there" She said
"But... you're very welcome to try and go deeper" She said in a very sultry tone and let her panties/thong snap back into place.


Just then, your phone beeped and vibrated, so you pulled it out to find out what it was. Not-so-surprisingly, it was a notification from the X-Plore app.
"Now what?" You wondered out loud, and read the notification tab at the top of your phone screen.

[World data update, Personal profile updated]

"Huh?" You were a little curious now and decided to tap it to open the app, which took you to its signature black screen with green letters. There was a menu that wasn't there before.

[A.E. Profile Updated!]

Noticing the acronym in blue, you tapped it to learn what it meant.

[A.E: Alter Ego, also known as Doppelganger, Counterpart, Mirror Image, amongst other terms. This term designates the equivalent of a person from our Home Reality.]

[Note: Not all Alternate Realities possess valid Alter Egos, but due to various safety protocols and safeguards, volunteers are never sent to an A.R. where no version of them exists, as part of our traveling method involves swapping out with an Alter Ego. Non-swapping travel remains to be tested, and Swapping with non equivalent subjects has fared poorly so far.]

That left more answers than it solved, but you decided to just keep going, so you returned to the menu and tapped the non blue section.

[A.E Profile]
[Name: Blaise Santos]

[Age Range: 22 - 35(?)]
[Equivalence status: Partial]
[Partial Equivalence Warning: Swapped individual matches biometric data except for "Age" and "Original Size". The latter has been corrected according to Host Reality's parameters]

[Civil Status: Married]
[Spouse Name: Lillian Santos-Oliveira]

"Wait wait wait wait... WHAT?! That was LILLIAN?!" You shouted in absolute disbelief, not even bothering finishing reading the rest
May 12, 2023