"Happy" birthday, Lillian's take
It took you at least a couple of minutes to catch your breath after having had Lillian's hyper-massive ass on top of you, but you heard her question. Normally, you could answer her truthfully, which often mean you'd do so with snark and sarcasm, but right now, given the sheer difference in sizes between the two of you, plus what she had just done, stopped you, making you wonder if this was a loaded question

"Well?" She asked, making you shudder

"I guess that was the biggest cake I've ever had" You said, hoping your usual banter would help you shift the mood. She gave you a smug smile in response

"I take pride in that" She said and brought you closer to her lips, but still about an inch away from them in real scale
"And that was just the appetizer" Her voice had now taken on a way more suggestive tone that chilled you to the bone


"You really have no idea what's going on here... right?" Lillian smiled, making you shudder again, but you nodded.
"Hold on. I think it's better to give you a couple visual hints" She giggled and put you on her bed's pillow before she stretched like a cat and got up. You couldn't even begin to imagine what the hell she was up to this time, even less so considering this is a whole other reality, or universe

While looking at you, Lillian slowly took off her tank top, revealing a very fancy black lace bra that made her usually modestly-sized bust look bigger than you remembered, even accounting for your current scale. You couldn't help but blush and look away

"Nuh-uh. Keep looking" She said as she carelessly tossed the tank top aside and squeezed her chest a little

'This is weird, even for Lillian's standards' You thought, remembering that she often showed no shame about stripping down in front of you, but she often did it merely to change clothes, this time she was doing it on purpose, and it didn't seem like she intended on changing clothes anytime soon

Lillian then slowly turned around, her huge ass hovering above the pillow you were on, your heart skipped a few beats, thinking she wanted to sit on you again, but after a few seconds passed you realized that wasn't her intention. She struggled with her tight shorts to get them down, her already enormous butt seemingly expanding when not confined by that tight fabric. She was wearing a black lace thong that matched with her bra, but it was way too skimpy and puny, most of it disappearing into the dark depths of her abyssal chasm of a crack. With a teasing giggle, she bent over, and even with her doing that in direct light, you couldn't see anything in her crack other than pitch black darkness, it was that deep

"Have you figured it out yet?" She asked in her typical smug sing-song tone, the one she often used when she messed around with you

"I have several questions" You replied, which was true, you had absolutely zero idea about what she was up to, why she was here or what your birthday had to do with anything. Lillian giggled some more, somehow, she seemed to be pleased with your answer, or lack thereof
She carefully laid on the bed, on her stomach like before while giving you a look that only made you more concerned
"Why did you strip down to your underwear? I mean, I know it's Summer but it's early in the morning, it's not that hot yet" You said

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm very hot myself" She chuckled while you facepalmed at her lame pun

"Yeah right... still, you're acting way too weird even for your standards"

"Really Blaise? Not a single clue?" She raised an eyebrow

"No. To be honest I have no idea how any of this makes any sense... why are you here? why are you in questionable underwear in my room? and what does my birthday have to do with anything?"

"Okay, I'll answer those for you, but you're gonna owe me" Lillian said, giving you a flirty look

"Of course..." You groaned and rolled your eyes, it was far from the first time she pulled something like that on you, she'd make you "pay" for info she'd give you about things she's doing herself you had no way of knowing, and often that "pay" means something embarrassing or annoying to you

"First one... do I really even need a reason to come see my best friend? I come see you every morning" She said, making you raise an eyebrow this time, but you slowly nod, so far, that one made sense
"Second and third one go hand-in-hand. I'm dressed like this because this is part of your birthday gift, silly!" She blushed a little but still gave you that confident, mischievous look you were already familiar with

"So it's something like that car wash thing girls do for money or whatever? Because I don't even have a car... besides, wouldn't have a bikini worked better?"

"Silly silly Blaise, you still don't get it" She laughed
"But I won't hold it against you, maybe it's my fault you're so innocent"

"I don't like how that sounds"

"I'll spell it out for you: I'm your birthday gift" She whispered

"That wasn't spelling, besid- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... what?!" Your eyes widened in shock

"Mmmhmm" She nodded, seeing that you had finally realized, though you refused to believe it

"Whoah whoah WHOAH, you just hold on a second!" You were trembling, still unwilling to accept what she just said. She laughed rather cutely, but that reaction only made you feel even more nervous, your heart was reaching its limit
"Okay... You know what? Screw this! I'm out!" You said , trying to look as calm as possible though in reality you were as calm as a rabbit that got half of its blood volume's worth in pure caffeine injected right into his heart. Before you could even take three steps, Lillian picked you up with two fingers and raised you off the pillow so that you were dangling in the air

"Sorry Blaise, but there's no 'out' of this one"

"Okay, har har har, very funny Lillian... the joke got old... can we get back to no nonsense? or less nonsense?" You asked while your eyes twitched in sheer desperation, almost pleading at the end of your phrase

"I'm not joking this time though" She said, and by her look, you knew she was telling the truth, but you still refused to accept it, that had to be like the worst possible outcome of all of this, yet it was the one you got. You briefly wondered if the experiment that sent you here did it on purpose, or if someone up there had it out for you for some reason, because this was beyond unfair

"Lillian, this is madness! We're in my freaking room! What if my mom comes in?" You said, hoping that she came to save you actually

"Who do you think gave me the permission to do this?" She asked with a cheeky smile and batted her eyelashes at you

"Bullshit! My mom can't possibly hate me that much!"

"But it's not a punishment though" Lillian said, bringing you closer to her face, to her lips to be more specific.
"My mom, yours and myself agreed to this" She whispered, letting her warm breath envelop your body, which was shivering though not from cold

"But I don't!"

"You kinda forfeited your right to choose" She added, once again in that smug tone that now you had come to fear

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Six years. Blaise. You had six years to make a choice" She softly replied, bringing you closer to her eyes, which kept on giving you a flirty look that chilled your spine.

"I don't understand"

"You had the whole of middle and highschool to make a choice, dork"

"What choice?!" You almost yelled in frustration

"A girlfriend. You know, you had plenty of chances and choices"

"What choices did I even have?" You asked in disbelief, to your knowledge, your only crush had been Jen, but you were never sure if she'd reciprocate it, and that was without accounting for how it would've worked here

"Well, for starters, Jen" Lillian smiled "Bet you would've loved to see her right here, right now instead" You blushed hard in response and looked away, and that was all the answer she needed.

"Of course, you could've also chosen me. I'm the one that has protected you for the longest time, and the one who has spoiled you the most" She giggled
"I've given you so much 'eye candy', yet you never had the guts to ask me out"

"I'm pretty sure I'd only ask you out if I were suicidal and wanted to die a horrible, smelly death" You said with a deadpan look, but she simply laughed it off and continued

"Veronica asked you out too. I don't even know how you screwed that one up. That would've been most boys' dream, a beautiful redheaded senior with a nice ass. And from the look of it, she really liked you"

You shuddered at the thought. Lillian was already bad, you couldn't even begin to imagine how bad it would've been with Veronica, the one girl you knew for a fact had worse gas than her

"Cindy and Yamile would've probably taken you had you asked them out too... but you didn't do anything in those six years"

"Okay, I get that, but what do you mean I forfeited?"

"Since you didn't choose a girlfriend, your mom and mine agreed that I'd take you instead, somebody's got to take care of you. Your mom won't be there forever"

"Now you just made me sad" You groaned

"I'm sorry, but I'm calling it like it is" She shrugged
"I didn't mean to ruin the mood, but you had to know. Besides, is it really that bad? I'm your best friend, we've been together since forever, this should be the next natural step"

"I think I'm missing something here, am I your roommate, your pet or what the hell?"

"We're engaged" She replied and that was it, your brain could take no more and you just fainted right there
May 12, 2023