Getting used to your new "home" Pt. 1
You stayed where you were and thankfully nothing else happened during the ride, though your limbs hurt a little since you were clinging as hard as you could, you didn't want to fall any deeper into this seemingly bottomless chasm, knowing well to whom it belonged. Still, to be surrounded by nothing but warm, smooth squishy flesh wasn't the worst thing in the world, though it was a bit difficult to maintain a grip. You soon lost track of time, and only realized time had passed when the car's noises stopped.

"We're finally home!" She cheerfully said. Her voice was noticeably muffled, given the sheer tonnage of fatty muscle that pretty much engulfed you, but you could still make her voice out clearly enough. You sighed in relief, it would've been really bad if she had gone somewhere else or ran into people. As she got off the car and began walking, your world began shifting from side to side, the unfathomable pressure coming from each immense meaty globe alternating, and you had to make a more serious effort to stay where you were and prevent her jiggly flesh's undulating motions from dragging you deeper.

You heard her sigh and some scratchy noises that you guessed were her taking her clothes off, something you were unfortunately quite used to, as she never seemed to have much of a sense of shame around you. She'd nonchalantly strip down to her underwear upon arriving from work, which would usually lead to some joke or some smug remark about her body.

'I guess now I know why I always feel so hot, Zuleima's explanation really does make sense' Miriam thought, closing her eyes and sighing in relief as she used her hands to fan her chest after taking her clothes off. It was probably no help that pretty much anything she wore was between one to three sizes too small, but even with fitting clothes, it appeared that her body was always quite warm, which had been a surprisingly valuable asset back in her school days. The memory of that made her blush a little.
'Now there's a much more important use for that' She smiled, lightly patting her butt, which had always been her biggest and most prized feature, though her better-endowed friend Sheila only showed envy for her bust, which was quite large, even though it didn't even match her bottom. After turning the AC on, she picked her phone up and quick-dialed you.

You didn't know what else to expect, the noises stopped and your mom stood still, but before long, your phone began to ring, so you quickly answered, as quickly as you could do with just one hand while clinging onto one of her immense cheeks.
"Hi mom" You said, wondering what she'd plan to do next, since you were pretty sure that letting you out was nowhere in her plans for you anytime soon, courtesy of Zuleima...

"Hi honey!" She warmly greeted you "How was the ride?" she asked with a giggle "Not too bad I hope"

"It was... peaceful, I guess" You timidly replied. Many things weren't quite alright in your book, but considering the circumstances, it could've been way, WAY worse, so you decided to just count your blessings and hope that by keeping her happy she'd go easy on you.

"See? It's always better to have a 'meaty' mom than a bony one" She chuckled
"But how do you feel about the visit to the doctor?" She then asked in a surprisingly serious and concerned tone. That caught you off guard, you felt like a deer before headlights, you weren't expecting such a direct question and wracked your brain to try and give a good answer that wouldn't worsen things. After a few minutes of silence, you heard her giggle.
"I know it wasn't exactly what you wanted" She said, her motherly tone surprised you, since you thought she was in a goofier mood, you didn't think she'd be taking this too seriously, yet, apparently she was.
"But it won't be as bad as you think, you used to live there after all" She said and you shuddered even though you already knew.
"Try to see it as just some extra quality time with your mama" She laughed
"It's not like we get lots of it, besides my birthday and Mother's Day" She then added and you stopped in your tracks.

That, that phrase singlehandedly struck you like an arrow through the heart. Despite these wacky circumstances, the hint of sadness in her voice there was legit, and it made you feel a little guilty about your mom back in your own universe.
'Damn' you thought, with a darkened expression, and decided to write a reminder for yourself on your phone that read:
Note to self: Hug mom more, complain less about her antics.
'If I ever get back, that is' You silently added.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked, catching on your stunned silence.

"Huh?! N-Nothing!" You were startled and a bit shaken by the drastic mood shift, but you were quick to regain some composure.
"I mean... I felt a bit bad, you know?" You said "I'm sorry that I only ever gave you any affection on those two days of the year" You added, though that apology was more directed to your actual mother. Still, you didn't think it'd be too bad a gesture on the alternate you's behalf.

"Awww" Miriam's heart pretty much melted "Don't worry about that anymore" She happily chirped.
"I think this will more than make up for that anyway" She then playfully shook her hips, causing a jiggling earthquake that almost bounced you off your grip on her ginormous cheek, but you refrained from saying anything about it.

"So... what now?" You nervously asked.

"I don't know, we've got all day to ourselves though" She replied.

"All day? What about work?" You asked, not because you wanted her to go to work, but because you'd rather know beforehand if things were going to get worse.

"I asked for the day off" Miriam shrugged "This was too important, plus, I could use a break" she laughed a little.
"So, like I said, it's just you and me for pretty much the whole day!" She said, and the way she said it made it pretty clear that she was planning to enjoy it.

"O-Oh, okay" You replied, you couldn't force yourself to sound very enthusiastic even if your life depended on it, but she chalked it up to your usual timid attitude.

"For starters, how about you go a little bit deeper? You're almost outside" She said, and shook her hips some more.

"W-why?" You shakily asked, clinging to the immense blubbery mass as hard as you could, waiting for the intense jiggling to stop.

"Because you're giving me a little bit of an itch in there" Miriam said in a rather apologetic tone.
"It's not that it's unbearable, but I think you know what happens when I get itchy back there" She added. You initially had no idea, but given the weirdly ominous way she warned you, you quickly put two and two together and realized what she meant.
"It's not a threat" She added, predicting your reaction "But seriously, if you just went a little bit deeper..." She had already considered using a finger to push you deeper into her crack but decided against it, it was your first day and she wanted you to enjoy your "stay" as much as possible.

"Alright, mom... I'll try" You reluctantly said and even more reluctantly tried climbing down. Your mom's laughter indicated that your movements tickled her. A couple of minutes later you stopped.

"It's a little better, but I can still feel a bit itchy" She said "I can feel your body better though, and that's the thing, the deeper you go the better I'll be able to detect you" she chuckled "I swear my butt is better at keeping track of you than I am" You forced yourself to laugh along, but were disheartened by that statement. At least she was trying, you thought, and were snapped out of it when you felt the pressure around you increase many times all of sudden, but shortly after it relaxed, only to increase again, engulfing you pretty thoroughly into Miriam's gelatinous booty flesh.

"I haven't given you my 'special hugs' in a while" She giggled.

'Oh boy, this is gonna be a long ride' You thought while desperately trying to push the stuff encasing you away.

"Don't fight it sweetie, let them become your bed and your blanket. Believe me, for you it'd be pretty chilly outside" Miriam spoke in a soothing, very motherly tone, which you weren't really expecting at this time, given the situation. Her continued hip shaking seemed to indicate that she was still trying you to fall deeper into her massive chasm of a crack.

"I won't... but this is a bit much" You awkwardly said just as you struggled your hardest to keep the squishy stuff out of your own mouth and promptly heard her giggle guiltily.

"Sorry hun. It's difficult to be gentle with assets as big as mine" She laughed and stopped clenching, but even without it, there was so much of her booty that you were still held mostly in place by it.
"I have to get used to keeping you there for more than a single day too! So this is a re-learning experience for both of us" She then lightly patted her butt, sending more titanic rippling fatty waves your way.

Her initial wording worried you, but you were so focused on keeping whatever control you could over your ongoing predicament that you simply decided not to press her on it, which was pretty ironic as she was easily doing all the 'pressing' by herself.

So, you were entirely at your mom's mercy at this point, and you could only wonder what she planned on doing next...
May 12, 2023