A visit to the doctor Pt. IV - That's no moon
"Specifically seven years ago, I'm not sure... I don't think there's anything I can remember" Miriam said, and while you were worried about you suddenly knowing your health wasn't quite right, perhaps because some weird premonition, felt relieved she couldn't give Zuleima any weird ideas, going back to an all-milk diet was already pretty awkward on its own, you didn't need anything else to make things weirder. Yet, knowing how even the Miriam from your reality joked or teased you, you suspected that if it were her in this very same situation, she too might be rather eager to care for you like a baby again, a thought that made you shudder.

"There's got to be something, it can't be a coincidence" Zuleima sounded genuinely concerned, though you weren't even entirely sure how she felt about you back in your own reality. Zuemy, albeit quite the prankster, was a friend of yours. One that seemed to trust you greatly at least on a few things, and her big sister Zoey was almost a big sister to you as well, being much less overbearing than Ariadne, being one of the few wise figures you could consistently turn to when for whatever reason, your parents weren't an option.

But Zuleima had always seemed cryptic to you, you knew there was something going on, given that she shared history with your parents, but you weren't even sure on the details. You knew she was rather nice to your father, but she seemed to be strained when interacting with your mother, almost as if forcing herself to be nice, but then again, some people are just hard to read, and that was never one of your talents, so you could be entirely wrong.

"Wait a moment... there's one thing! Maybe... I think, but I'm not sure..." Your mom suddenly said after a moment of silence. You couldn't help but be initially startled, and then dreadful of what else these women might pull on you.

"What is it?" Zuleima raised an eyebrow.

"Actually, I don't think I should tell you, since you're a doctor and all... Last time I talked about this here at the hospital the doctors and nurses all tried lecturing me like a little girl" Miriam sounded a little embarrassed, yet, there were hints of annoyance in her expression.

"How do you know I'm the same? Try me" Zuleima chuckled, making Miriam blush a little, that wasn't the reaction nor the answer she was expecting. You had no idea what was going on, but felt a pit in your stomach, a sense of impending doom, but, like the dinosaurs millions of years ago, it'd be something you'd be unable to escape from, even if you saw it coming.

"Alright, but you better not laugh or lash out" Miriam chuckled a little, but had a hint of fierce seriousness in her eyes, to which Zuleima replied with a respectful nod, keeping a professional straight face.
"You see, here in the US they have these fancy and expensive incubator thingies for when micros are born..."

"Uh-huh..." That was all Zuleima could utter and wordlessly prompted her to keep going.

"But why use those silly machines when all a baby needs is their mother's warmth? That's one of the things I don't like from these gringo hospitals, but I guess it's the mothers' fault too, for letting machines steal their job" Miriam ranted a little. You shuddered and remembered that she had brought you here in her bra cup... was she talking about that kind of thing?. Zuleima gestured at her to continue, and it looked like she was listening intently.
"So... I didn't buy those incubators, I decided to keep Blaise warm and safe the good old way... at least how it's done back in my country" Miriam added. You couldn't help but blush, though in context, you guess it made some sense. But still, you couldn't imagine what it'd be like to be a speck-sized baby with such a massive (and tremendously well-endowed) mother.

'That other me might have some traumas' You thought, wondering if you'd need actual therapy after getting back to your own universe.

"So, are you saying you kept him in your cleavage?" Zuleima took some notes as she asked.

"No, not exactly" Miriam blushed a little more "I did try, but it wasn't warm enough, and I was always worried he'd accidentally slip out... I had to use a... safer... and warmer place..."

This time you were entirely thrown off, since you too had assumed she meant her cleavage, which was embarrassing enough, but it wasn't the absolute worst thing in the world. And by the look on Zuleima's face, it looked like she was surprised as well.

"Hmm? Then where was it?" She asked, with an odd hint of eagerness in her voice, almost as if she knew the answer already. And, rather than giving an answer, Miriam slowly turned around, much to both yours and her surprise, plus horror in your case.

'She's got to be kidding me! Did she stick freaking newborn other me into her huge butt?!' You thought as your face went pale, your legs shook and your knees felt weak.

"Oh! Of course" Zuleima definitely didn't sound as surprised as you first thought she was, something Miriam caught on as well.

"The doctors and nurses all tried to tell me it was all sorts of dangerous and unsafe and that I really should just buy the incubators, and that devolved into a pretty nasty argument" Miriam said with a subtle growl, which meant that she was truly pissed off back then.

"Well, don't worry about that. I've been actually researching parenting and child-rearing" She said, with a quiet giggle at her own pun, which made you only more nervous while on the other hand, it helped ease Miriam's mood.
"I know that here in the US we're very reliant on machinery and overly sterile things, but that's not how they do it everywhere... and looking up what parental care is like in other countries with different cultures has led to... very interesting results..." She said, sounding rather excited, almost exactly like Zuemy when she talked about a topic she knew a lot about or was very interested in.

"Really?" Miriam wasn't expecting this either, but to her it was a pleasant surprise.

"Yeah. Places like Spain, Latin America, even Italy, Greece or Romania, among many others, have parents, specially mothers, that are much more involved in raising their children, and most don't like to rely on technology when they can do things the same way they've been done for centuries, or perhaps millennia... It's pretty interesting research to be honest" Zuleima said.
"So, that method of keeping a child warm and safe came up quite frequently, particularly in Latin America"

"And you're okay with it?" Miriam raised an eyebrow.

"I don't really have any cultural prejudice, but even if I did, the research turned out to be pretty solid. Children raised that way consistently turned out to be stronger and healthier than American ones raised the American way" Zuleima shrugged. She smiled a little and briefly glanced at you.
"But what happened?" She then asked.

"Well, I raised him like that" Miriam giggled, giving you a playful smile while you were having a mental breakdown while keeping a straight face, or as straight as you could manage.
"Since there was no need for incubators or other stuff, I had him simply live back here" She said, rather non-chalantly while playfully wiggling her hips, making for an extremely intimidating show of force (to you) as her massive planet-sized cheeks wobbled and jiggled, making thunderous booming claps upon bouncing into each other.
"But, you know... his father didn't exactly agree and kept pushing for me to get him a micro house 'to be more normal' because he was worried he'd be bullied at school and whatnot" She said with a little bit of a sad tone to her voice, though you were still freaking out too much to do much beyond vaguely acknowledge that.

"I see... How long did this 'arrangement' last?" Zuleima asked, taking more notes.

"Up until he was ten..." Miriam immediately replied, but she caught onto that almost as soon as she said it out loud "...wait..."

She and Zuleima looked each other in the eye, and it was as if they had a telepathic conversation, both women drawing the exact same conclusion at the exact same time.

"That's it?" Miriam said in (rather excited) disbelief.

"Yep. The evidence here strongly suggests that" Zuleima said and winked at you, adding to your shock.
"Ever since he started living in a micro house his health has been on a sharp decline, so, there's only one way to revert this..."

"No..." You quietly whimpered, and it seemed at least Zuleima heard it, as she looked at you before speaking next.

"It'll be alright Blaise" She said with a kind, soothing tone, but you were having none of it.

"You know... I've suggested that he go back to his old home..." Miriam said "But most of the time he reacts with terror" She sighed as she hovered her immense ass right over you, which made you desperately try running away from it but without stopping looking at it, which ended up with you tripping and then crawling on the desk. Zuleima had a disappointed look and shook her head.

"No, no... that's a very poor reaction, Blaise" She said, putting her index finger on the desk, before you to block your path.
"Why are you afraid? It's your mom" She asked and sounded rather sincere.

"He's always afraid I'll crush him or something" Miriam said, sounding sad like before, though she still lowered her butt closer and closer to you, which made you tremble in place as you stood up and tried to get around Zuleima's finger.

"She won't. Look at it, it's so soft!" Zuleima said to you a bit sternly at first, but then she sounded like she was really trying to comfort you.
"At least I think I've got a clear picture of what needs to be done now" She said to Miriam, who cheered up a little while trying to get a look at you, which was pretty difficult since her very curvy derriere blocked her view quite a lot.

"What now?" Miriam eagerly asked.
May 12, 2023