Mia's booty prize
[Chapter originally written by 1995sonic1995 ]

[Original author's note: I altered Reborner’s and Anon’s time scale so that Blaise effectively spent a whole shift dodging and escaping from Grace's advances]

Blaise huffed and puffed again as he slides himself into a ruffle of the skirts waist band. Its not perfect but its better then trying to hang on against the planetoid booty's earthquakes. Which would start up again right as he started trying to slide just a bit deeper. The first quake rattled him, the second cause him to slide up to his chin, the third only his hands hung onto the edge. The pressure was Immense! Each step shook him to his core. The fabric tightly compressed across his stomach.

“Oh man this is bad… Maybe I should have just took my chances!” Weirdly, despite his lungs being squashed he could breathe quite easily. … He felt a buzz from his pocket.

“Warning!!! Un-linked subject under extreme pressure. Accessing equipment… Error. Equipment not found! Accessing Device… Error Device specifications only operation at base line settings. Sending Communication ping… Ping request timed out. Pinging will now loop until response is found.”

Suddenly a synthetic female voice shot a muffled drone. His phone? Why was it his phone? Before he even had a chance to really speculate on what was going on the pressure of the band would suddenly grow ten times worst.

Quake, Squeeze, Quake, Squeeze…


The two women pushed through the wooden doors into the interior of “El Club”. The evening sun illuminating everything in colorful shades thanks to a large overhead stained-glass window depicting a rustic Mexican village. Making their way to the bar past several tables of woman Mia would blink as she heard the soft hums of butt trumpets going off.

“Lord Save us. Still don’t got a clue why dis place seems ta make people completely forget their manners” She would turn to look at Sasha only to blink upon seeing the Russian’s face mid squint, hear what could only be described as a muted tuba, and sniff a smell before uttering a loud groan.
“UHHGA! … NOT YOU TOO, GIRL!” The Russian simply shrugged. Mumbling, Mia would hook her thumbs along the sides of her skirt and pull it down “Animals...”

Blaise’s luck continued to be one step forward two steps back. Mia’s skirt would save him from the stank of the world. But he would also find himself now fully pinned head and all against the woman’s waist. The cloth band jerked his head to the side, arms and legs held at a distance. Mia’s skin would be soft enough but a tad bit slick. His nose would be filled with a fake strawberry perfume. Some type of lotion?

Sitting down at the bar Mia would wave down the barkeep and place an order for two spicy bean dip chip platters and four margaritas. Sasha flashing the Grace party card for him to scan. For a time, Mia would shoot the breeze with the barkeep with rare additions from Sasha on the conversation. Two chip appetizers gave way to more food, Two extra margaritas were ordered. While time seemed to whiz by the two friends, poor Blaise felt every second just crawl by from his smothered position. It was only ever broken by the faint bubbly groans against his right ear of Mai’s drink and bean meal being churned up and the ever-shifting nature of the skirt.

After a time Sasha would simply say. “Bathroom” and head off leaving Mia somewhat alone in the now mood lit bar. A few women were left sitting around the place but were either fully embraced in their conversations or outright sleeping off their alcohol and spicy food comas. The Barkeep would step away for a moment as well to speak to a worried scarlet haired looking woman who announced in a not-so-subtle stage whisper.

“What do you mean you haven’t seen him?” With only her buzz to keep her company Mia started to feel a little antsy.

Slowly with each adjustment or shift of Mai’s form upon the bar stool the sinking feeling in Blaise’s gut got worse and worse. Until after one long Squeeeeeze he suddenly has feeling in his legs and feet again! He can move them!! Uh oh...

“That means I’ve been squished out the bottom!” Realization hits him as he scrambles to flex and hold on! But he had no grip, his hands felt slick from a combination of lotion and sweat.

Squeeze… Squeeze… Out came his hips.

Mia was having a wonderful time! Uhg if she had known she was going to be sitting at the bar she would have worn something better. Looking around she noticed that no one was really looking at her. The light buzz in her head told her some wardrobe adjustments would be ok. But… proper manners?

Squeeze… Wobble… Quake… Out came his chest.

Uhg… You know what… screw it it! She could just give any fool who tried to look a smack. … Mia’s thoughts wobbled in their alcohol fueled stupor. Hmm… yeah yeah it was fine!~ She was going right home after this anyway!


Blaise’s world became a tumbling nightmare as he rolled ass over teakettle towards a great crevasse of Mia’s chocolate mountains! At the same time Mia would stand up just enough to reach both hands through her skirt and grab the straps of her panties. Pulling them upwards! The boy’s world became nothing but darkness, Intense heat, and dominating pressure. Mai’s mighty mountains devoured not only her panties but a smaller extra prize. Sitting back down on the stool with a subtle prideful smirk the buzzed woman would have no idea she just trapped a young man fully inside her ass cheeks. Blaise gaged and squirmed against the slightly sweaty environment. But it was like trying to wrestle Jell-O. The fleshy walls almost giggled with jiggles against his puny attempts. He only paused a moment when a harsh synthetic phone cut through from his pocket.

“Communication Ping Acknowledged! Senior User will be at your location shortly.”

Was some type of rescue coming!? Well it couldn’t come fast enough. Mia’s thick cheeks would rhythmically clench and squeeze across his tiny form. Wobbly and shaking from side to side as it drunkly tried to come to terms with the new little itch that it just couldn’t seem to scratch. From somewhere deep behind him an muffled ominous rumbling and squeak would stop his heart cold. He needed to get out of here. He needed to get someone attention. Oh please someone HELP HIM!

Sasha returned to the bar with a stretching yawn and a scratch to her ass. “Is fun times… But should be leaving. Bluh…” The bear gave her slightly bulging gut a pat. “Good times. We good for next time?”

Mia let out a slightly slurred giggled. “He he~ Yooou Know it giirrrllll fffriiieennndd!” Standing up her cheeks would squeeze her captive tightly. Each of her steps shifting the great cliffs rhythmically, all Blaise could do was whine as the fleshy planetoids mashed him nice and good. Mia’s gave her own bloating stomach a rub.
“B-better g-get outta here before I b-blow up the place haaa haaa!~” slurring her words some she would lean and Giving Sasha a quick hug.

The women would be stopped by a stern voice. The scarlet-haired woman that had been speaking to the barkeep would step up with a worried look on her face.
“Have either of you happened to have seen a waiter with wavy black hair walking around, have you?”

Both women would just look at each other thoughtfully.
“Noo… c-can't say I have… I fin ya mean dat poor boy who’s been stuck in Grace's cross hairs… an't seen him since… Lord uhh… Grace tried to pose on a table he was cleaning. Like… uhh… uhh…” Mai would start only for Sasha to give a grunt.

“Have not seen him for three hours.”

Ms. Flatum would just stare at the two women with a calculating glare… look down at her phone… then back at the two of them before heaving a sigh.
“Thank you. I apologize for disturbing you. I just had a hunch, Guess I was wrong. You two may go...”

Or... does she let them go?
May 12, 2023