Blaise's luck hasn't run out (yet)
Giantess/Shrinking & Farts
Chapter 7
· original author:
Blaise simply sat… The last of his senses yet to come back was vision. But at this point the poor boy was frozen in confused free. He recognized Graces voice among the almost heavenly chorus of old females rolling above him like thunder from mount Olympus. How the heck was he sitting right in the middle of them and no one was saying a thing?! How was grace talking fully about him pretty much to his face. … and why did they all sound like they were talking through speakers! Shaking a bit all he could do was twist his head around the ocean of blurred colors and wait for… well... something to happen!
Grace would finally let out a massive whiny huff and stomp her foot. “Ok that’s it. I don’t get how you can even think to criticize me for this when most of you also… as Mia put it go ‘prom snatching’!” Her fingers making quotation makers as she spoke. The table would go silent as Mia simply looked on lightly sipping at her margarita. “… Girl. You KNOW we’s just playing. We don’t go full hog afta ta newbies. I an’t had a young gentleman caller fer yeeeeeaaarrrrs and you KNOW it.” Silence followed. Grace crossed her arms and blew some hair from her face. “Yet that guy was also in high school if I remember correctly. Hmmmm!” For the first time the whole conversation Mia would fully frown. Chugging the rest of her drink she would slam the cup down, causing Blaise to scream, “You’se know EEEGGGGXXXAAACCTTTLLYY why I never bring him up. You don’t know enough ta dare bring him up. And for the sake of da afternoon, I hopes girlfriend that you choose ya next words very carefully.” A chill would run through the air as invisible sparks classes in the two women’s eyes. Grace simply remained silent for a moment before smirking and put on her best impersonation of Mia, turning around to wiggle her butt at her while saying. “O gRaCe! *hick* He GiVeS mE hOpE fOr Da NeXt GeNeRaTiOn!~ He he *brrrrrrpphh*” She would blow raspberries and wiggle her hips to imitate farting. Silence followed.
Blaise would simply have his hands over his mouth. Goodness Grace was more of a brat then he could ever realize. Turning towards where he last heard Mia’s voice his eyes would Finally come into focus. What had been a look of sympathy melted into a slacked jawed eyebrow raised look of shear aw and fear! He… How…. What…. While his brain continued to error loop, he would watch the giant African Goddess work her jaw silently before leaning back raising her hands and standing up to leave. A literally warehouse of bag loudly rumbled off the table and around one shoulder. “And… I think its time I leaved. I hope you all have a nice time.” Her voice would be calm and calculated. But Blaise knew the tone she was using. It was the same when one of his teachers or mother REALLY REALLY wanted to rip you a new one. But the woman would simply start to walk away. A soft chatter of whispers would follow for a moment as grace simply puffed out her chest in seeming pride and turned to watch her go. “See you next week girlfriend!~” The bratty butt would call out in a happy tone, as if she hadn’t just did what she did. Blaise would try and move to get a look at Mia as she left… But his world would suddenly go very dark as Graces Jellitan planetoids raised into the air. In complete slow motion he would watch the clenching of her thighs and the quiver of the masses. Grace was jumping to sit on the table’s edge!
Grace would finally let out a massive whiny huff and stomp her foot. “Ok that’s it. I don’t get how you can even think to criticize me for this when most of you also… as Mia put it go ‘prom snatching’!” Her fingers making quotation makers as she spoke. The table would go silent as Mia simply looked on lightly sipping at her margarita. “… Girl. You KNOW we’s just playing. We don’t go full hog afta ta newbies. I an’t had a young gentleman caller fer yeeeeeaaarrrrs and you KNOW it.” Silence followed. Grace crossed her arms and blew some hair from her face. “Yet that guy was also in high school if I remember correctly. Hmmmm!” For the first time the whole conversation Mia would fully frown. Chugging the rest of her drink she would slam the cup down, causing Blaise to scream, “You’se know EEEGGGGXXXAAACCTTTLLYY why I never bring him up. You don’t know enough ta dare bring him up. And for the sake of da afternoon, I hopes girlfriend that you choose ya next words very carefully.” A chill would run through the air as invisible sparks classes in the two women’s eyes. Grace simply remained silent for a moment before smirking and put on her best impersonation of Mia, turning around to wiggle her butt at her while saying. “O gRaCe! *hick* He GiVeS mE hOpE fOr Da NeXt GeNeRaTiOn!~ He he *brrrrrrpphh*” She would blow raspberries and wiggle her hips to imitate farting. Silence followed.
Blaise would simply have his hands over his mouth. Goodness Grace was more of a brat then he could ever realize. Turning towards where he last heard Mia’s voice his eyes would Finally come into focus. What had been a look of sympathy melted into a slacked jawed eyebrow raised look of shear aw and fear! He… How…. What…. While his brain continued to error loop, he would watch the giant African Goddess work her jaw silently before leaning back raising her hands and standing up to leave. A literally warehouse of bag loudly rumbled off the table and around one shoulder. “And… I think its time I leaved. I hope you all have a nice time.” Her voice would be calm and calculated. But Blaise knew the tone she was using. It was the same when one of his teachers or mother REALLY REALLY wanted to rip you a new one. But the woman would simply start to walk away. A soft chatter of whispers would follow for a moment as grace simply puffed out her chest in seeming pride and turned to watch her go. “See you next week girlfriend!~” The bratty butt would call out in a happy tone, as if she hadn’t just did what she did. Blaise would try and move to get a look at Mia as she left… But his world would suddenly go very dark as Graces Jellitan planetoids raised into the air. In complete slow motion he would watch the clenching of her thighs and the quiver of the masses. Grace was jumping to sit on the table’s edge!
The Table HOLDS! … But you were at ground zero.
The table flips! You are sent flying.
May 12, 2023
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