Big Booty Thicc (and pretty gassy) Girlfriend GET!
You felt that this was the right choice, something deep down told you that. You chuckled, remembering how many times you told your mom and Ariadne that they were wrong, only for them to have been right all along
'They're going to tease the heck out of me when they find out' You thought

"So?" Lillian asked after waiting for what she believed was a reasonable time

"Y-Yeah, I mean, yes, I... I'll be happy to be your boyfriend... I think" You said

"You think?!" Lillian raised an eyebrow, trying to sound angry, but she was already laughing "I think someone forgot he's in a very very dangerous place" She said, wiggling her hips, and as if on cue, you could hear some growling coming from her belly

"H-Hey! I'm sorry! It was just a joke!" You said with your eyes wide, unsure on whether she was joking as well or not, but you didn't feel like taking chances. Lillian's laughter at your panic attack confirmed that she was joking, and you sighed in relief
"Now that we're talking about that, if we're a couple, does that mean I'll finally be spared from the Lillian treatment?"

"Huh?" Lillian sounded a little confused, but it didn't take her very long to figure what you meant "Why?" She then asked.

"Uh... because it wouldn't be very nice? Besides, what would be the use of trying to piss me off all the time?" You said, and she looked thoughtfully to the side for a few seconds

"Oh, so you thought I was always trying to piss you off?" She said.

"Well, duh, why else would you fart on me and make me gag all the friggin time?" You asked, now raising an eyebrow yourself, this felt like saying the sky was blue or water was wet. Lillian laughed rather cutely in response though

"Silly silly Blaise... you got that one wrong... like super duper uber wrong" She said in such a matter-of-factly tone that you couldn't believe it, and despite you saying nothing, she caught on it
"There are a few reasons why I fart on you all the time, but pissing you off isn't one of them"

"Huh?! What do you mean?"

"I think you know very well it's something I like" She said "One of the reasons why I do it on you is precisely because I like you"

You gave her a deadpan look, feeling like what she had just said made absolutely no sense, and to you it didn't

"Believe it or not, I meant it as a form of affection, but I knew you'd never figure that one out!" She laughed while you were more baffled than you thought you could be today. As outrageous as her claim had been, in context, it kind of made sense, even to you. It always felt different how she would seek you specifically to fart on one way or another, while she was much more simplistic the times she genuinely just wanted to annoy people.

"I guess I might as well cut my nose off then" You joked

"Nah. You're already like halfway used to them. if anything, as my boyfriend you're going to get a lot, and I really mean a lot more" Lillian teased, but you couldn't help but shudder
"There's another reason to be honest" She said "I admit... I was trying to give you a fetish" she blushed a little

"You what?"

"I thought that if I exposed to enough of my farts but also showed you how sexy my booty is, you would develop a fetish, or at least some kind of taste for that. It'd have made things so much easier if that worked" She sighed. You, however, were baffled beyond belief

"Anyway, don't feel bad, as my boyfriend you're also going to get a lot more of this big sexy booty, even if you have to take some farts while at it" She giggled again and shook her hips, making you feel her large gelatinous globes ripple and jiggle under your head. You closed your eyes. Her pillowy flesh felt way good, but the smell you got earlier when she sat on your face let you know you'd suffer quite a bit through her intended sexy displays.

"Okay, I guess there's no hope about that" You laughed quietly.

"Hey! It won't be that bad. I promise I'll do plenty to make up for it" Lillian pouted.

"Anyway, what do we do now?"


"I don't feel like doing much right now, so why don't we just watch tv, try to find something good?" Lillian suggested. You nodded, but hearing faint grumbling from the depths of her bowels made you shudder, knowing it wouldn't be very long before she'd start letting loose upon you, but if she had promised she wouldn't, you hoped she could keep that promise

It's a lazy summer Sunday after all. If there's nothing good on TV you thought you could just boot Netflix up and look for something better, or if Lillian was up for it, play a videogame, you had plenty on your PC that had multiplayer capabilities. Then again, you could just laze around, like she usually did and enjoy each other's company undisturbed, or mostly undisturbed


"I've got something..." Lillian said, reaching into one of her pockets. She pulled out what looked like a rather small vial with a bright blue liquid
"Didn't think you were the type to do drugs" You raised an eyebrow
"Oh, this isn't really a drug" She shrugged "And it's not for me either" She smirked
"I got this for you" She said, handing you over the vial
"I don't do drugs either" You said, scratching your head
"The liquid in that vial is perfectly legal... and it's gonna help you get used to my farts, I promise" She said
You brought the vial closer to your face. There were no labels, nor anything to indicate what it was. You'd have to take your new gf's word for it
"I really hope this doesn't end up killing me or getting me sent to jail" You sigh before downing the liquid. It tasted pretty good, kinda like grape juice, albeit a bit sweeter. Soon it kicked in, making you feel sleepy. Lillian's hip shaking, her body warmth and soft butt only lulled you to sleep faster

An unknown amount of time later, you woke up, facing a sort of alien landscape. You were at the top of an odd, round mountain, so big it might be a planet instead, but it was completely smooth, devoid of any plant or animal on it. The "ground" felt like pudding, or even a little like quicksand, your feet easily sank into the excessively soft mass. Then you see something gigantic fly overhead, and much to your surprise, two colossal things, as large as skyscrapers, suddenly appeared and they closed onto you. You thought you'd be a goner, but instead found that they only pressed you with enough force to pick you up

They raised you for what had to be several hundred meters if not miles into the air, and moved you until you saw something you couldn't simply believe: Lillian's face, but far bigger than she ever should've been. You weren't even sure if she knew it was you, until you saw her smile. She brought you to her lips for a kiss

"Lillian, what the hell did you do?!"
"Well, you see, the idea was to make you smaller... but I didn't mean that small... geez this thing is powerful, and I thought it'd be weaker on you since you were pretty tall" She explained with a shrug. What baffled you more was how calm she was about your current predicament
"Anyway, you look pretty cute at that size" She giggled "And kinda tempting..." she added, but with a sort of hunger to her voice that you had never heard before. She then brought you to a familiar place, only that this time you could see it for what it was, and almost fainted: The gigantic twin planets she had for a butt
"I didn't lie about what the vial is for, it really is meant to help you get used to my gas" She said with a smug chuckle.
"You've got to be friggin kidding me" You gulped. You couldn't struggle nor break free, despite being gentle, her huge fingers held you with more than enough strength to keep you immobile
"Lillian, this is too much. It's huge!"
"Thank you!" She giggled and teasingly gave her hips a wiggle, letting you see the giant waves of fatty flesh that ripples across her vast meaty expanses.
"I didn't mean it as a compliment..." You said annoyed "Seriously, I have a good guess on what you're thinking, and it's too much!"
"Awww! Don't sell yourself short like that. You're more than man enough for this much woman" Lillian smiled while she seductively caressed her gargantuan behind
"Now, seriously though, you'll be safe, for real... trust me" She said, bringing you closer and closer until you were dangling right above her titanic chasm of a crack
"I don't think I can survive that"
"You will... and you have to, for the time being, this is going to be your home" She said in a softer tone, then she clapped with her butt, making it jiggle much more than before, but also it made an intimidating thunderous boom
"I'll go easy on you" She added "The first step is to just get used to the smell back there. No farts, I promise" She chuckled while she lowered you farther down towards her crack, before she finally let go of you after pulling her tight panties/thong back
"Have fun!" Was the last thing you heard before your whole world became darkness. Soon you were encased by warm squishy flesh, and indeed, there was still the smell from Lillian's last blasts. Even though she promised to keep her farts from you, the ominous gurgling and groaning you heard from deeper in only served to make you doubt her. At least you weren't crushed, despite her overwhelming weight


[3 possible variants for this one, or options to be added to the next chapter via this choice]

- Suddenly, your phone started ringing, it was Jen. Your eyes widened in shock. What will Lillian do?
- You then heard someone knocking on the door. You weren't expecting any visits but went to answer the door anyway, and much to your surprise, Jen was standing outside. Why?
- Lillian's phone then started ringing, much to her surprise. When she saw that the caller was Jen, however, she smiled.
May 12, 2023
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