Someone else/ reader's choice
· original author:
Someone knocks on the door and the two of you wonder who it is, as you don't remember that anybody was coming over unannounced, unless it was Lillian. Going to the door, you give Lillian one last look and open it up. There can be two ways it can go: There's a complete stranger or Grace at your door (Grace is surprised that you lived here, but it's a pleasant surprise) and things can go anywhere with this. Or there's an unknown package and under the pressure of Lillian's curiosity, you open it up.

Lillian's phone rings and reveals the caller to be:

Zuemy: "Hey, girl, what's up? I have something to show you!" She said, Lillian chuckling before responding back.
"Nothing much, just at a friend's place."
"Ah, so you at lover's boy's house, am I right?" Zuemy said, Lillian blushing madly and almost dropping her phone while you you're confused about the 'lover's boy' part, though you were silently chuckling at Lillian's reaction.
"Zuemy!" Lillian complains, Zuemy giggling at this before talking again.
"Just get your fat ass over here! Bring Blaise too," she said before cutting the call.

Romina: "You think you're hot shit!?" An angry voice comes out and Lillian frowns before addressing the caller.
"How the hell did you get this number, Romina?" Lillian said, you surprised at the Argentinian girl for calling her, though you remember that she seems to have a major dislike for Lillian on a rivalry level as Romina laughs softly.
"I have my ways as you have yours. Meet me at the Park on 87th street within the hour," she said and hung up.
Lillian sighs and you knew how persistent Romina was when it comes to challenging Lillian.

Sasha: "Heya, Cuzz! Me and the girls were just talking and like, need you for something," Sasha said, Lillian rolling her eyes playfully.
"Okay, so what is it?"
"Meet us at, like, my place, Cuzz!" Sasha said, before hanging up and Lillian returns her phone.

Jordana: "Hey, sis, coming back home. Mind getting me some grub before I get back?" Jordana said, Lillian trembling a bit and she swallows her spit before answering.
"S-sure, whatever you want, Jor," Lillian said, trying to keep her fear in check.
"Good, make me some of those good sloppy joes, you're so proud of, or order them. I don't really care about how you do it, I'm just in the mood for sloppy joes. See you in a couple hours. Bye, Lil'. Love ya," Jordana said before ending the call and the both you of look at each in pale worry.
May 12, 2023
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