In Chahna we (don't) trust
"Oh... hey..." You awkwardly replied, intimidated many times over given her reputation, physique and your current size. You then gulp as your mind flashes back to an earlier memory...


Back when you were just a freshman at high school and Yamile was in 9th grade. It had been one year since you had met her, and by now you had helped her enough to know her way around school and improve her English, but she remained a good friend, even if sometimes you weren't entirely sure if you were merely an acquaintance for her. You hung out sometimes, on the rather rare occasions Lillian and Jen left you to your own devices for whatever reason. Even then, you two had never gone to each other's houses, and instead hung out at school or in the city around, as you had showed her some of the places you liked, or thought she'd like.

On a summer day, before that year's vacation, you two went to get ice cream at your favorite place and walked to the park, since the weather was nice and it wasn't very crowded. However, you were suddenly caught in a bear hug from behind, and it came from someone as tall as Ariadne. Your eyes widened, there was no way she'd be back from college at this time and let alone that she found you at this very particular spot in all city. As your unknown 'captor' tightened her hug and pushed you into her, you quickly realized it wasn't her... Instead of her firm abs that still had a nice layer of 'padding' that she somehow didn't burn off despite all her exercise, you felt extremely soft squishy flesh, even more so than Lillian's. Two enormous meaty balloons engulfed your head and neck from behind, and you sensed they were even bigger than your sister's.

"Ch-Chahna!" Yamile shouted in surprise
"Hey there Yami" She playfully giggled
"I see that you're having fun today" She added, pressing you even more into her, despite her great force, it didn't quite hurt, as she was incredibly soft all around, but you were both startled and flustered. You were unsure what to even say in this situation. It was strange, people like Lillian, Ariadne and Sheila made you feel pretty damn small even though you weren't. Now there was one more person to add to that list.
"We were just hanging out" Yamile replied with a blush, though you were unable to notice it at the time since you had bigger concerns
"Can you please let him go?" She asked, sort of pleading
"Huh? I'm just giving your date a friendly hug. He could be my brother-in-law one day" Chahna said, still as playful and teasing as ever
"W-we're just friends" She said after a few seconds of hesitation
"Even then, you need your eldest sister's approval before you can go hanging out with guys" Chahna gave her little sister a smug smile and hugged you even more tightly, your view at the sides was blocked by her chest's sheer size, she definitely had much bigger boobs than Jen or Ariadne.
"Don't worry, I approve of this one" She said in a softer, more suggestive tone, making you gulp again from sheer nervousness
"What's your name?" Chahna then asked, snapping you of your slight mental breakdown
"Uh... Blaise..." You reply weakly, and are relieved when she finally lets go of her hug, but once again you're caught off guard as she effortlessly turns you around to face her
"Well, you heard her. My name's Chahna, pleased to meet you" She smiled, and even though she was trying to give 'cool big sis' vibes, you could feel a hint of a dangerous lust in her, and for you to be able to detect that meant that it had to be a hell of a lot more intense for people with better perception skills.
"Y-yeah, nice to meet you, too" You replied as you tried your hardest at regaining whatever composure you could
"So, are you really just friends like she said, or do you have any further intentions with my lil' sis?" She teasingly asked, making you blush this time
"We're just friends!" You said with a still shaky voice, making her laugh, and there was a sudden glint in her eyes
"Then you two won't mind..." She said cryptically as she somewhat gently but firmly pushed you into a nearby bench, forcing you to sit only to quickly turn around and sit down on your lap. It was as if the world went in slow motion, when she turned around, all of you was briefly covered in shadows and just as panic set in, but before you could react, she dropped her massive ass right on top of your lap, it was easily twice as big as Lillian's, and she was decidedly heavier. Your whole lap was mercilessly swallowed and sandwiched between her enormous cheeks.
"Get off! You're gonna smother him!" Yamile shouted and started walking towards her sister and you
"Why? He's strong enough to take curves like these" Chahna giggled and sensually ground her wide hips on you. She saw that Yamile was serious, but still kept her smug and flirty attitude
"Alright, alright..." She laughed and very slowly straightened up. Her giant booty was right at your face's level, and with no warning it seemingly pounced at you, as she playfully leaned back and into your face and upper body, easily engulfing it worse than Lillian ever could. Thankfully, this only lasted a few seconds as she quickly got off you and teasingly winked at you. She stepped aside and Yamile sat next to you.
"Seriously, one day you're going to break someone's legs and get in trouble" She said with a badly suppressed chuckle. Despite the apparent tension, it looked like they were back to sisterly banter.
"If a guy's legs snap under me I was too much woman for him anyway" Chahna boasted
"But I know a strong guy when I see one" She licked her lips and winked again at you, then briefly eyed your crotch.
"Don't worry, I'll protect your chastity from her" Yamile giggled, making her older sister pout comically.

After that, you three actually talked for a bit, and you learned that Chahna went to the same all girls college Ariadne did, and by her own claim, that that made her feel starved in terms of guys, which sent chills down your spine. After that awkward (at least to you) introduction, she waved goodbye and walked away, as she had a few errands to run. You hoped not to encounter her again, or at least not without Yamile at your side...

[End of flashback]

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" She said softly, still with that dangerous smile
"Uh... yeah..." You said, feeling increasingly worried
"How... have you been?" You asked, hoping to either try and stall for time, if Yamile really knew what was up and was in the shower, all you had to do was to get her to talk until she got out, or at least that was your best bet
"Bored... but now I'm feeling better" She said and gave you a quick lick much to your shock
"I missed you" She then whispered and before you could do anything, she giggled and shoved you into her massive cleavage.

You had been effectively buried between two mountains, their weight alone felt like it'd closely match Lillian's butt's, and they were about just as soft. You then heard faint rhythmical booming noises and felt your entire world vibrate, these were her footsteps. You didn't want to imagine how heavy she'd be at your current scale after what you first experienced, she felt a lot heavier than Lillian, and the only ones who might be heavier would be Sheila or Arianna, though fortunately you've never had to find that out.

Not too long after, skyscraper-sized fingers pulled you out of your squishy imprisonment, and with a quick look around you realized you probably were in her room, which was worse news to you. She obviously wasn't planning on handing you over anytime soon. She brought you closer to her eyes and they widened, amazed at seeing you up close, and you couldn't help but notice that they were actually beautiful, bright green that seemed to sparkle in the light. As you thought more about it, you were slightly surprised that she took these shrinking shenanigans too well.

"I know what you're thinking" She suddenly said, startling you out of your thoughts
"I wasn't lying when I told your friend I read her text. Here's a fun fact: Yami's phone's PIN is 1509" Chahna smiled, but you weren't sure what the meaning of those numbers was.
"15 / 09, a special someone's birthday..." Her grin widened and you nearly froze. You were also shocked that she remembered such a tiny detail, considering that you probably only ever mentioned it once, maybe twice at most.
"W-Wait a minute, how do you even know that is my birthday at all?"
"Because I read it in her diary, duh" She said with a deadpan look as if you just said that water is wet
'So she can unlock Yamile's phone AND her diary... this doesn't look good, she might know a lot more than I expect' you thought
"As for the shrinking thing, it's not the first time I've seen it" Chahna said more flatly
"You can find that sort of thing out if you move in the right circles... and it's lowkey getting popular in my college, though few can get to even see a shrunken guy, let alone get their hands on them" She said with a more predatory lust in her voice, which made you shudder again. You ran out of ideas to stall for time, and given where you were, it probably would do little to no good now.

"Huh, so, when will Yamile get out of the shower?" You decided to ask
"Oh, she had just stepped in when your friend came, it'll still take a while... but what's the rush?" She softly asked, letting her warm breath caress you in a way that made you uncomfortable. You couldn't help but tremble, and could no longer speak, you felt like a mouse trapped before a huge tiger, although with your current size that fell short to truly describe it...


- Chahna decides to continue from where you two "left off" back then, which currently means to shove you in between her monstrously huge cheeks
- She decides to give you a show, so she puts you on her chair and turns around, sensually wiggling her titanic hips and bringing her immense booty closer and closer until she gives you a true trillion ton lapdance
May 12, 2023