Lillian came back (and she's up to no good)
[Note: Slight modification on 12/02/2021, changed the second option to allow a few more possible ideas]

A large shadow covers your surroundings and when you turn around, you find Lillian standing before you. Given that you're on a bench, you'd be terrified if she didn't know you were there, but right now you had mixed feelings as you knew she did this shrinking thing to you, and that she had probably set you up for something that wouldn't be good for you. It took like half a minute for reality to hit you: You were incredibly small, and at the mercy of your best friend, who was already huge even when you were normal sized.. You shuddered, and your anger partially subsided but only to make way for dread. Still, you decided to try and not show it.

"I thought you were going to leave me here..." You crossed your arms
"Me too" Lillian nonchalantly laughed
"But, the original surprise I had for you got... let's say 'cancelled'..." She shrugged
"What a shame..." You reply full of snark
"Fortunately, I always have backup plans if plan A fails" She said
"How about undoing this thing?!" You said, but Lillian just laughed
"Oh, no... That wouldn't be fun... but don't worry, I think you might like them better than what I had originally planned..." She said in a more suggestive tone that you didn't like.

Without warning, she picked you up and brought you to her face while she playfully tapped her chin, making it look as if she was deep in thought
"Hmm... what to do... what to do... All other plans are good in their own way..." she thought out loud and you still had no idea what she could possibly mean. She then seemingly snapped out of it and gave you a big smile, you gulped hard. She slowly lowered you down to her waist level and brought you around, showing you her tremendously massive ass. You felt like your eyes could pop out of your face at any moment, and your heart in your throat. She teasingly wiggled her hips and spanked herself with her free hand, creating tsunami sized waves of rippling jiggly flesh that traveled across her entire cheek. You feel the color drain from your face.
"Nice and sexy, isn't it?" Lillian further teased and brought you closer, facing her colossal crack, which hungrily swallowed the yoga pants she chose to wear today. She rubbed you quickly across her cheeks before she brought you back to her face
"But as nice as that can be, there are other options on the table this time, sweetie" She chuckled
"In any case, if I feel like it, I can easily get you back later and we can have some fun together" She whispered.

Using her free hand, Lillian booted an app on her phone for shuffling options, she wrote something, but you weren't able to see what it was. She then activated the randomizing option and tapped what she got. You can't even start imagining what kind of plans were devised by that head of hers, but knowing her, it wouldn't be any good for you, specially at your current size...


"Ooh... Looks like you hit the jackpot!" She giggled
"That's like the opposite of how I feel at this size..." You grumble
"That's what you think now... but look at this..." Lillian showed you her phone. On its screen, you saw the app she used, and the winning option, but you raised an eyebrow, as all it said was 'Jen'
"What does that even mean?" You asked
"That means you get to play with Jen at your current size... or, thinking about it, she gets to play with you..." She replied
"Just think about it... Jen, at about the same size as me, a tad smaller though..." When she said that you instantly blushed and looked away, prompting her to enjoy a hearty chuckle
"See? It's only a matter of perspective..." She said, but then she stopped to think about something
"Hey! Why didn't I get that kind of reaction? Granted, she has huge boobs, but they're no match for my beautiful booty..." Lillian pouted. You simply answer with a deadpan look.
"I thought you said you weren't a part of these harebrained plans you got for me..."
"That doesn't mean I can't tease you with my sexy curves..." She said, striking a pose, although you couldn't see much of it, given the height she held you at
"Anyway... You got off lucky this time... I guess you'll have plenty of fun with Jen..." Lillian said, getting back to her playful mood
"I'll even be a good sport and give you intel you're not supposed to have..." She added with a cryptic smile
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I've talked a lot to Jen, and I've learned quite a few interesting things... things she wouldn't tell you..." She kept smiling and you didn't know whether to feel flustered or afraid
"Let's say that if you really want to make her happy, you shouldn't focus so much on her boobs" She explained
"She has a pretty big butt, you know? And she'd like it if that were your focus instead, she likes it better than her bust... I think she might feel a bit self conscious, I don't know for sure, but the main point is, if you want to please her for real you should do that..."
"Do what...?"
"Huh, well, play with her butt, compliment it, pamper it, I guess stuff like giving her a massage, or let her sit on you, seduce you with it... stuff like that" She said in a nonchalant tone but giggled seeing your reaction
"I'm sure she'll reward you nicely if you make her happy"
"Just don't tell her I told you..." Lillian chuckled and looked at her phone
"Oh! It should be about time..."
"For what?"
"Jen got invited to play volleyball with the school's team for fun, and she should be done by now..."
"Wait, what?!"
"I know what you mean..." She giggled mischievously "She'll be pretty sweaty after such an intense game... You better be a gentleman and don't say anything..."


"Ooh... real nice" Lillian giggled
"What?" You asked
"You actually got the 'Special Surprise', whoah..."
"What's that supposed to mean...?"
"It's a surprise, you'll have to wait and see..." Lillian gave you a smug smile
"I feel like I got the worst possible one already..." You said in a deadpan tone. Lillian pretended to be deeply offended
"So you think your best friend will only get you bad options?"
"Considering my best friend shrank me smaller than an ant... I'm not very trusting on her life choices, specially the ones she's making for me..." You said
"Touché" She giggled
"Don't worry, I think it's actually the opposite, these are some of the best options you could've gotten. Believe me..."
"That only makes me believe in you less" You sighed "Please just tell me it's not something too stupid... and I mean even for you..."
"Nah. I have standards, you know... Anyway, this 'special surprise', it actually consists of one out of three things I wrote. Are you ready for the big reveal?" She asked with more than enough enthusiasm for two
"Yeah, sure, go ahead..."

You couldn't help but think you were about to have a death sentence read to you, but at the same time, you hoped Lillian wasn't smart enough or malicious enough to really get you in trouble at your size. Then again, you knew that when she was up to some mischief, she could be incredibly creative, and that would probably spell bad news for you...


"Oh, I didn't expect that one to win..." She said
"What?" You asked, and Lillian showed you her phone, it read 'Yamile'
"I still don't understand..."
"Well, to make it simple, I'm going to give you to her... I'm sure she'll appreciate spending some quality time with you" She giggled, and you gulped, but were also confused, because as far as you knew, these two didn't interact much. It definitely looked like there were several things you were missing about this.
"Maybe you can get her to belly dance for you or something" Lillian teased, making you blush
"Uh... I don't know what concept you have of her, but she's just another friend like you and Jen, and I don't even spend anywhere as much time with her as with you..." You tried to rectify things
"And that's precisely why she'll love getting you as a gift" She giggled

She then proceeded to text her, telling him the basics, that she had you shrunken to 1/10 of an inch tall, that you were pretty much invulnerable to crushing and that she was going to bring you to her to do as she pleased.
"All set. Well... almost... I'll have to take you to her house, as she didn't have any activities after school, so she went straight home..."


She then brought you before her titanic booty again and pulled her pants' waistband back
"In the meantime, enjoy the ride!" she chirped as she dropped you in, right into her crack, and the thong she wore didn't offer much protection, being swallowed just as badly as you soon would be. With that, she started walking towards her intended destination...
May 12, 2023
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