A "show like no other"
[Flashback Continues]

"That got depressing fast..." Lillian commented
"You know, she said we could make this even more interesting if the tiny person had some kind of quirk, or something special about them... so, how about the shrunken Blaise here was like a superhero? Not that he can fly or anything, but that he couldn't easily get squashed" She said, and Sheila's eyes lit up, though her blush remained

"Oh, if that weren't a problem then I think we could really have some fun" She giggled
"In that case I could give him a real show like he's never had before" Sheila blushed a little more as she pictured herself, in her room, with the tiny Blaise on a stool chair while she showed off her amazing dancing skills, which hadn't grown rusty at all despite her early retirement. To be looked at by her best friend's cute son gave her pleasurable chills.

Lillian quietly giggled, letting her mom's imagination go off as she wanted. She more or less knew the kind of thing she'd likely be thinking about, and couldn't wait for it to actually happen.

Sheila got up, still holding the tiny grain of rice, bringing it close to her giant ass to see how its sheer size compared, also imagining that it was Blaise who got presented with that view. Feeling naughty, and feeling more immersed into her own little fantasy, she pulled her tight leggings back and dropped the grain of rice in, giggling like a schoolgirl as she let it snap back in place. Lillian faked a convincing gasp.

"I think... that's what I'd really do if I found Blaise at that size... he'd get the ultimate tour to my beautiful booty" She shook her hips to make her abundant flesh bounce.
"I'm afraid that wouldn't be appropriate for your homework though" Sheila laughed, but her blush stayed for a couple more minutes.

"That's fine. I think I got plenty of ideas to use. Thanks mom!" She hugged and kissed her before they finished their respective breakfasts and got in her car. In addition to this portion of the plan, Lillian made sure to bring food to her mom to make sure all she ate for the day were bean based dishes, knowing the effect they'd later have

[End of Flashback]

"I do. How did the assignment go?" Sheila asked, a faint blush on her face

"It went reeeally well" Lillian said with a quiet chuckle
"In fact, it went so well I managed to get it to happen for real" She then said, to which Sheila naturally reacted with surprise

"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Lillian's grin grew wider, this was the moment she had been waiting for. She swiftly reached into the back of her pants and fished the tiny lump between her plump cheeks that was your body. She set you on the palm of her hand before she showed you to her mom.

"Oh! That is amazing!" Sheila's eyes widened in wonder as she stared at what she thought was an incredibly well made replica of you.
"How did you get that little toy?" She asked with a giggle "And where? I think I want one for myself" she blushed a little more when she said that.

"It's not a toy, mom! It's a one of a kind... it's the actual Blaise!" She said, and just then you groggily woke up, having fallen asleep since you were in near pitch blank darkness, surrounded by nothing but Lillian's soft and warm bulk. Sheila couldn't help but gasp when she saw you stand up and move.

"Oh my god!" She whispered in disbelief "H-How did you get him that small?" She asked, turning to Lillian's face

"I have my methods" She replied with a smug grin and gestured at her mom to get up, which she was happy to do. Lillian promptly went around her and held you close to her monstrous ass. Sheila looked at you as well, from above and over her shoulder.
"He's even the perfect size to go into your booty" Lillian lightly pressed you into the squishy flesh of one of her colossal cheeks.
"Ooh. He is indeed" Sheila was clearly amused, but to you it sounded off, this was a different kind of tone than the one she usually used to tease you with. It was hard to put a finger on it, but you'd say it felt more innocent or lighthearted. This time, it made you shudder

"Well... I know you just said you had your ways, but, how did he even agree to this?" Sheila asked, her more mature side seemingly kicking back in

"That's the point. He didn't want to shrink until I told him where he was going. Kinda ruined the surprise, but oh well..." Lillian artfully lied, much to your dismay, but the way her fingers held you meant one of her fingertips muffled your whole face and nothing could be heard. Seeing her mom blushing again, she knew she had just worked her magic.

"Really?" Sheila was already feeling like a high school girl all over again, and in a way she couldn't believe this, but in another, she always suspected you sort of liked her, or at least her body. Lillian's reassuring nod was all that it took for the second notion to further sink in.

With her distracted by her thoughts, Lillian reached into her pocket for the shrinking gun she had used on you and pulled it out a little, only to flip one of the various switches it had and pressed a button. The gun made a faint beeping noise that confirmed the command worked. Content, she pushed it back into her pocket just in time.

"May I hold him?" Sheila asked and Lillian happily handed you over. You felt vertigo despite being rather good with heights when she suddenly brought you to her face to take a closer look at you.
"You're really cute like this" She smiled and gently petted your head with her fingertip
"So, you really want to get up close and personal with my big booty?" She asked with a blushing smile

Your eyes widened in shock, but you knew this was your one chance to undo Lillian's insane prank. You yelled "No!" at the top of your lungs... well, you thought you did, and upon trying again, an even more horrid new fact hit you: Your voice had been reduced to a useless squeak!
'What the hell?! I could speak to Lillian before!' You thought, and tried talking, but no matter what you tried to say, all that came out were unintelligible squeaks. Your mind understood what you tried to say, but somehow your body had become unable to pronounce any words. Your healthy tanned color began to drain to a sickly white as you realized you had fallen much deeper into Lillian's trap than you thought.
'This has to be her doing! Goddammit! She's always a step ahead!' You thought in frustration

"I think he responded, but I can't understand what he says. Sounds like a cute mouse though" Sheila said to Lillian, who barely suppressed a malicious laugh at your expense

"Yeah, that's one of the side effects from shrinking. But on the other hand it made him super strong and you shouldn't worry about ever accidentally squashing him" She said "Anyway, the fact that he only agreed to it when I told him I'd take him to you, and told him what you'd do to him should be enough of an answer, shouldn't it?"

"True" Sheila smiled again and gave you a flirty look that only scared you even more. She then brought you closer to her lips
"But before that, there are a few other fun things I want to try" She whispered and you couldn't help but gulp hard in fear
"Lilly, please lock the door and close the blinds, not many people should be around by now, but still, we don't want any random surprises, do we?"

"Of course not" Lillian chirped and quickly went to do as her mom asked, making sure she'd have the privacy she wanted.

With that done, Sheila placed you on her desk, near the front edge, before walking around it. She gave her massive hips just one shake, and that was enough to send the billions of tons of gelatinous flesh contained in those incredibly tight leggings into a jiggling frenzy.
"You know what I used to do as a job when I was younger, don't you?" She said, not expecting an answer since she knew she couldn't hear it anyway
"I told you I retired from that years ago... but that doesn't mean I let my skills rust away" She gave a confident smile, and began to swing her hips from side to side
"So, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show...You're getting the full VIP treatment" Sheila giggled and with that, she began dancing. Even without music, except for the one probably playing in her head, her movements were smooth and fluid, and way more graceful that someone her size and weight had any business being.

You remembered Biology class. On a day where the topic had been the muscular system for a few days already, the teacher explained that muscle could work well even if the person didn't look shredded or ripped. That there could be a generous layer of fat on top, and the muscles, as long as they remained strong and well trained, would still be able to perform their job. She cited the ancient Roman gladiators as an example, that despite what movies and series would lead one to think, in addition to their intense physical training, had a diet that made them pretty pudgy, but said pudge served a very functional purpose: fat wounds looked gory and spectacular, but were of very little actual damage to the organism as long as they were cleaned. Now, as you stared at Sheila's gigantic body spin and shake her enormous curves, with a seemingly unreal light footedness, you realized your teacher was probably right.

Unfortunately, this also meant that you'd soon have to deal with Sheila's massive weight sooner or later, and whether it was fat or muscle, you weren't going to enjoy it one bit. The constant quakes made by her footsteps discouraged you from trying to do anything beyond sitting up, but then you looked up and saw Lillian watching you from farther away, with a look that managed to convey 'Don't even try it' with no words. You sighed, for you were in for a very long day, "show" or not...
May 12, 2023