Saved by Ariadne / Jordana / Chahna or Grace (wut)
The female figure walked fairly fast towards Celeste, scaring her, and seeing her as she finally came into view didn't make things any easier, before her stood the massive Ariadne, your big sis.

"Really, Celeste? What would Aunt Karen think if she heard you?" The tall muscular girl sternly said to her. Celeste clenched her teeth and looked away, unwilling to answer. Ariadne took a few steps closer to her. Trapped in Celeste's hand, you were surprised to hear Ariadne, and wondered why she was here in the first place, but you were thankful nonetheless.

"What would my mom think?" She asked next, Celeste knowing very well that her Aunt Miriam would probably not appreciate what she did to her son, or what she intended to do next, but was too proud to relent.

"Besides, you were really mean about Lillian, and that wicked plan of yours to have Blaise squished is too perverse, even for you" Ariadne then held her hand out towards her.

"I'll let this slip ONCE. But only if you hand him back to me. And if you every try to hurt my little brother again, being family won't protect you anymore" The last part she said in a surprisingly intimidating tone, with a quiet growl that showed a hint of the sheer anger she was suppressing. Celeste's heart skipped a couple of beats as a result.

This was a complete disaster to her, of all people to catch her red-handed, this had to be one of the worst, Ariadne not only was much taller and stronger, she was older and as family, she could turn everyone against her. There was no fighting her, and she couldn't ever hope of being able to outrun her, yet, she didn't want to give in to her ultimatum, which Ariadne sense.

"If you won't do as I say, I'll take him by force" Ariadne warned her. Celeste sighed, she needed to make a decision, or find a way out of this one.

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"Well well well..." The voice of an older girl lightly echoed around the mostly empty place. Her footsteps ominously shook the floor, even though she was a fair distance away. Celeste half expected this, knowing the likes of Jen or Lillian carried a considerable heft to them, but somehow, she felt like this one was someone even larger and heavier, but she hoped it was just her imagination.

The female silhouette came into view, and much to Celeste's horror, she was enormous, even more so than Jen or Lillian. Not only she was very tall, but she had a heavy, curvaceous body, one that she knew well enough to fear. Her lower body looked almost unreal, she had to have the widest hips and the biggest butt she'd seen so far, even surpassing Lillian's, Lulu's or Arianna's.

"Sup" The girl confidently grinned at the panicking Celeste, whose legs already felt like jelly and her heart was beating way too fast.

"J-Jordana! What brings you here?" She nervously asked, taking a step back, but in response, the larger girl took one step forward, slightly shaking the floor when her foot landed upon it. Her wearing heels only helped accentuate that by focusing most of her weight into a smaller point, making for more intimidating floor shaking with each step she took.

"Hmm... well... I happened to be around, and decided to pay a visit to my lil' sis, plus a good friend of mine. I think you know who it is. Have you seen him around?" She casually asked and Celeste sighed in relief. Trapped in her fist, you were scared as well to hear Jordana's voice, and wondered why the hell she was at school at this time of the day, and at this day of the year, wasn't she supposed to be in college?

'Then she didn't see what happened... but she heard me rant about her little sister... oof... how to get out of this one...?' She thought.

"Just kidding" Jordana suddenly said, her grin growing wider "I know exactly what happened"

"I-Is it too late to apologize?" Celeste gulped and took another step back, to which Jordana responded by another step forward, keeping the distance between them the same.

"Yup. To be fair, I can't just let anyone insult my lil' sis like that" She said in such a casual tone it sounded like she didn't really care, but then the glare she shot at her made her freeze in place.
"But it coming from someone like you... that's even worse" She said in a fiercer tone and slowly walked towards her.
"So... you've already pissed me off plenty by mouthing off my lil' sis just like that..." Jordana cracked her knuckles while the color drained from Celeste's face, the girl was way taller than her, and easily weighed three times as much. If she was hopeless against Jen, there was little to no chance she could do anything against Lillian's big sister of all people.
"And then, I see you trying to kidnap one of my friends..." She added. Celeste's involuntary shaking only increased, fully signaling her as guilty.

You were a little confused Jordana would call you a friend of hers. Your relationship was always odd, you did consider her a friend, but she was more like a hybrid of a bully and an overbearing big sister, and not in Ariadne's affectionate way. Then again, maybe it's just to further intimidate Celeste, but you're not sure if you want to be rescued by her.

Celeste, possessed by her fight-or-flight response, simply turned around and ran like hell, hoping that her own relatively light weight would let her get away at least until she made it to the main hallways, where Jordana wouldn't be able to do anything to her. But to her despair, she heard and felt the floor-shaking thumping steps that could only correspond to her running after her.

'How can they move so fast with that much weight?!' She wondered, recalling that you sometimes told her that the girls she so openly despised were way more athletic than her, and that her being skinny didn't make her fit. In mere seconds, Jordana caught up to her, but rather than tripping her or simply pulling her, she shoulder tackled her, slamming her against the wall to her left. All of the air was knocked out of her body, and she felt as if she had just been crushed by a rhino or an elephant. Feeling dizzy from the sudden lack of oxygen, she slid down until she weirdly sat on the floor.

"Really? I was going to give you a good beating... but seeing that you're this fragile, I guess your twig-like bones would just snap if I did" Jordana said with her arms crossed.
"Give him to me and you can go..." She calmly stated "OR we can do it the hard way" She quietly growled as she very openly threatened her. Celeste gulped hard.

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A tall, exceedingly curvy feminine silhouette stood in the distance, and walked towards her with untold confidence, swaying her enormous hips as she did, the floor shaking a little, as she carried considerable heft. But this one was a person Celeste couldn't recognize.

"Who are you?"

"I could ask the same of you" The girl playfully chuckled

"What do you want?!" Celeste growled, annoyed at her attitude

"I was wondering how did you get your hands on that shrinking spray..." She said, making Celeste skip a couple beats.

'What?! She knows?!' She was already panicking

"What are you talking about?" Celeste nervously asked

"I know where that comes from... and believe me, it's incredibly hard and expensive to get your hands on that... but more than that, there's almost no way they'd have sold it to a little highschool girl like you" The older girl remarked, her words stinging Celeste's pride

"T-That's none of your business!"

"Most of the time, you'd be correct" The older girl laughed "...but... I saw who you shrank..." she added in a sterner tone, surprising Celeste with how much her mood had shifted from one sentence to another.

"I think you got the wrong guy. We don't know you" Celeste's grip on your tiny body in her hand tightened

"You don't know me. But I certainly know him" The larger and older girl replied, walking towards Celeste, her sheer height and the size of her curves made her feel like a bunch of twigs.

"Who is he then?" Celeste said, though it wasn't quite a bluff, instead, she really hoped this girl to be wrong so she could be left alone.

"He's a good friend of my little sister Yami. And his name is Blaise. Mexican, 17 years old, sophomore, his only other friends are two girls... and you're not one of those..." Both Celeste and you were surprised she knew that much, though unlike her, you did know who it was. Celeste's jaw dropped, unable to hide her surprise at the truth.

"See? I have pretty good eyesight. And hearing too. I know what you were trying to do to him" The girl said in a sterner tone.

"S-So what?!"

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to tell the Principal" The girl shrugged, making Celeste's face go pale. The only worse thing than having to hear with this huge unknown girl would be to face the terrifying Arianna.

"Ugh!" Celeste groaned in frustration.

"Or... you can hand him over and I'll pretend this never happened..." The girl said, and now Celeste knew what her game was, but she had her cornered, and didn't have many choices. Was she going to give him up this easily? Besides, what did this girl want with him?

"I'll see that he's in safe hands, that's all" The girl added, and offered her hand to Celeste to shake
"My name's Chahna by the way. I wish we had met under nicer circumstances..." She said.

Celeste didn't have many options, and risking incurring into Arianna's wrath was not an option at all. The easiest way out would be to do as she said, but could she trust her? She knew who Yamile was, and there certainly was a resemblance between the two, but she wasn't entirely sold on the idea.
May 12, 2023
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