Out of the frying pan, into the boiling pot
· original author:
As you were flying, you could see your destination being the mouth of a thick, long haired blonde, who was eating her Snickers. While you have no idea what her real name is, you do know her as Snickers, the girl that always seem to have a Snickers on her and always seen eating one. She was wearing a black shirt with some too small short shorts, her huge crack eating it up. With some chub on her belly, she was similar to Celeste's body, but her ass was much bigger than hers. Her eyes were green as she wore a thick, dark purple lipstick and a beauty mark near her mouth. 32-29-50 You don't know much about her as you and your friends don't hang out around her, but probably due to her unhealthy diet, you're aware of her bathroom habits. It was during your trip to shop for something as you passed by an outhouse and the woman inside was blowing it up for a long time before she finishes up and exits. It turns out it was Snickers, the heavy smell of digested, unagreeable to her belly, shit on her.
Her image:

Back to the present, you land on her tongue as she bites into another Snickers bar and mulches it up with her teeth, you dodging her molars. However, you were unable to dodge the chewed up candy bar as she brings it back to her throat and swallows the both of you down. Meanwhile, Snickers was wondering why she could taste something different in her bar, but her belly gurgles at her, taking her attention away. As her stomach growls, Snickers could feel some gas heading down and she snickers as she could imagine the amount of her own brand 'Snickers' she'll be making later before resuming her experiment. Back to to you, you floating in the mix of digested candy bars and stomach enzymes. Bubbles were coming off of you as they break down...

1) ...you as you melt into goo and join in as a part of Snicker's butt.

2) ...your clothes, leaving you naked.
May 12, 2023