The rumbling grows louder, much louder than before, and the ground beneath you vibrates from it. It's clear she's struggling to hold her monstrous fart in. You gulp, fearing for your life. It feels like you have a nuke aimed at you at point blank and someone already pressed the red button.

Celeste's stomach keeps growling and it even visibly rumbles. The fart she's holding in is way massive, and she's not sure about letting it out even with the current noise. She was also unsure on how long she had before you came back, completely unaware of your current situation. A few small toots escaped from her large ass as she tried her hardest at holding it in. To you, those "small" toots were like volcanic eruptions that made your ears ring and knocked you down. With no way out, you were forced to breathe the rotten scent.

A couple of minutes later, she couldn't hold it in anymore, and since her stomach hurt too much to care, she just leaned forward and unleashed a massive monster of a fart that made her large cheeks wobble uncontrollably, and by what had to be a miracle, wasn't heard or noticed by anyone else around. For you, a nuke had indeed just been detonated upon you. A warm hurricane wind tore you off the ground and as the colossal gelatinous massed that pinned you down slowly raised, you got sent flying, and the shockwave from the noise hit you as well, leaving you dizzy and disoriented as you flew off into the distance...

[Note: Both Lillian and Jen are sitting a few rows behind Celeste]
May 12, 2023
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