"Ladies," says your giant bully, shrugging. "Look... maybe I'm not making myself clear. But in case you hadn't noticed, I'm still bigger and stronger than all three of you put together. And if you're not with me..." Her smile drops. "You're against me."


Before any of the other three giantesses can respond, Lily is already upon them—lunging forward and shoving Emily hard enough to send her flying back into the side of the stadium, knocking Valentina down with a well-placed kick to the chest, and hip-checking Zuemy into the ruins of her research equipment. In an instant, all of the scientific genius's surviving computer equipment is flattened under her huge, falling rump—along with a dozen unlucky researchers.


While this is happening, thanks to the sheer size and perkiness of Lily's giant breasts, you remain safely wedged in her cleavage, watching the struggle unfold with shock and awe. You've seen your former bully take on multiple opponents with ease back in school, even members of the varsity football team, but her newfound scale makes this fight feel like much more than just another locker-room scrap. Beneath the battling giants, her followers seem to be having the time of their lives, too—cheering their goddess on with all the fevered intensity of a high-stakes wrestling match.


With Emily and Valentina visibly staggered, Lily focuses her attention on Zuemy—stepping up to the comparatively pint-sized giantess and slamming her ass down on top of her face. "So you think you should be the leader, shortstack?"


"Get... off me," huffs Zuemy, trying — and failing — to get free from the crushing force of Lily's rear.


"What was that? I can't hear you."


"I said, get off-"




When Lily farts, the shockwave is enough to shake the whole stadium. The stink that follows sends most of her acolytes to their knees — some in reverence, others in agony — but their combined suffering is nothing compared to Zuemy's. Trapped under the purple-haired giantess's huge, jiggling cheeks, with nothing to breathe but the gaseous remains of a half-dozen giant-sized bean and cheese burritos, your former classmate is in her very own circle of sulfurous hell—and based on the gurgling in Lily's stomach, her torment is only just getting started.




Unfortunately for everyone in the stadium, Lily's second fart is even worse than her first. Again, the ground shakes, and again, several hundred of her followers collapse to the ground—but this time, very few get back up. Beneath her, Zuemy seems to be growing weaker by the second—and when Lily looks over at Emily and Valentina, she sees her two fellow giants in a similar state of submission. Both are still sprawled on the ground, winded from secondhand exposure alone.


"Fuck, dude," says Emily, looking over at Lily and Zuemy with a mix of discomfort and pity. "I think you got her."


"P-please... Lily..." gasps Zuemy, her voice muffled under Lily's overpowering bulk.


"That's not my name," says Lily, grinding her butt down even deeper into her target's face.




Lily's third fart is the worst yet, enough to make several already-weakened segments of the stadium completely collapse. Basking in the aftermath of her latest blast, the teenage giantess smiles triumphantly. Every last one of her followers is out cold; Emily and Valentina don't look far off, and Zuemy's struggles have ceased completely. Meanwhile, down in her cleavage, you're somehow still conscious—but just barely.


"Now," says Lily, standing up and peeling Zuemy's sweat-soaked face out of her ass. "Normally, I wouldn't do this, but you've caught me feeling merciful today. So I'm gonna give you one more chance. What's my name?"


Hearing Zuemy gasping for air at Lily's feet, you get the impression she's starting to realize that resistance is futile. She's a scientific genius, not a fighter—and even as a giantess, Lily's sheer size, strength and endurance are just as overwhelming as ever. While you still can’t imagine her ever being comfortable as one of Lily's cronies, it seems like her best course of action is to give up and play along—at least, for now.


"Well?" Says Lily, nudging Zuemy's chest with her foot.


Looking up at Lily, Zuemy sighs—and then reluctantly speaks. "G-Goddess Lily."


"There you go," says Lily, "was that so hard?" Raising her foot again, she extends her big toe toward Zuemy's face and presses it to her lips. "Now... kiss and make up?"


"Ugh," says Zuemy, taking another deep breath and immediately regretting it. "F-fine."


Unable to resist, your classmate leans forward, plants a brief, sarcastic kiss on Lily's foot, then falls back flat on the ground, utterly exhausted—prompting cheers from the scattered handful of acolytes who have regained consciousness enough to appreciate the sight.


"Good girl," says Lily, looking back to Emily and Valentina and grinning. "How about you two? I think I've still got some gas in the tank if you wanna sub in here... I'd hate for it to go to waste."


"Uh, n-no thanks," says Valentina, struggling to her knees. "You win, Lily-I mean, Goddess Lily."


"Yeah, me too," says Emily, sitting up. "I'm good, Goddess."


"That's more like it," says Lily, hands on hips. "I'm gonna say this one more time, just so we're absolutely clear. I'm in charge. And that doesn't mean you're stuck being my servants like all the bugs. As long as you don't get in my way, I don't really give two shits what you do. But when I do ask you to do something, you better do it." She narrows her eyes, the 'or else' of this statement left unsaid. "Got it?"


"Got it, Goddess," say all three of the defeated giantesses at her feet in unison.


"Good." Lily smiles. "Now that that's settled..."


July 6