For a moment, the stadium is completely silent. Taking in all the destruction that Lily has already wrought, Zuemy exhales hard—then looks back up at her former high school bully with renewed determination. "Alright," she says, "I'll do it... on one condition."


Lily raises an eyebrow. "Which is?"


"If I can find out how you got so big, and figure out a way to replicate that... which are already two pretty big 'ifs,' just so we're clear... I'm gonna get big, too."


Lily smirks. "As big as me?"


"Well," says Zuemy, seemingly already starting to run the numbers on this whole thing in her head, "assuming I can replicate the exact conditions that made you grow, the effect would be proportional. So if you're 250 feet tall, I'd be around... 180."


Lily's smirk widens. "I think I can work with that. So we have a deal?"


Zuemy sighs. "I believe we do."


Hearing all of this, still buried in Lily's ass, you get a surge of dread. Knowing Zuemy's longtime obsession with the idea of shrinking people — and growing herself — you're not too surprised that she's taken Lily up on her offer. Still, the idea of your giant captor getting one more potential super-sized crony in her quest for world domination doesn't exactly fill you with hope. All you can do now is hope that she's got some larger plan afoot.


"Good," says Lily, squeezing Zuemy a little harder before releasing her back to the ground. "Now, what do you need?"


"Well," says Zuemy, "first off..."




By mid-afternoon, Storm Valley Stadium has been transformed into nothing short of an open-air R&D lab, packed with incredibly sophisticated research equipment — and terrified, 'forcibly recruited' researchers — brought from nearby labs and tech companies by Lily's ever-expanding army of followers. Standing in the center of the action in a slightly too-big white lab coat, Zuemy doesn't seem to have any lingering reservations about her deal. In just a few short hours, she's already developed a working theory for Lily's spectacular growth—and a prototype growth ray.


The only part of the stadium untouched by Zuemy's research is the butt-shaped crater on one side of the bleachers, which Lily has turned into her temporary throne. Looming over everything, with her giant, naked body on full display, she's been more than happy to fill the last few hours amusing herself at the expense of her new subjects—mostly by forcing them to rub her feet and submit themselves as snacks and sex toys.


"What's the holdup down there, shortstuff?" she shouts, impatiently crushing her latest foot masseuse under one of her soles.


"Just making sure I've got my math right," says Zuemy, grimacing as she watches the tiny man get dragged away by several purple-haired acolytes. "Should be ready any minute."


"Cool," says Lily, idly lifting her leg and cutting another fart.




For at least the sixth or seventh time in the last few hours, the stadium fills with Lily's gas—sending researchers and acolytes alike gasping for breath. Standing in the epicenter of the blast, Zuemy just shakes her head. If she didn't have to keep hitting pause on her work to wait for everyone to recover from one of her giant benefactor's farts, they'd probably be done by now.


"Damn, bitch!" says Emily, waving her hand in front of her face and laughing. "That reeks!" By now, she and Valentina have made their way to the stadium and are sitting eagerly waiting for the transformation on the bleachers.


Looking down at her still-tiny friends, Lily scoffs. "Jealous much? Don't worry. You'll get your turn soon enough. Right, Zuemy?"


"Any minute," says your diminutive classmate, getting more fed up with being Lily's partner-slash-servant by the second.


While all of this is happening, deep in Lily's ass, you feel completely cut off from reality. With only your giant bully's farts for company, time has become something of an abstract concept — an endless cycle of blast after blast after blast of overpowering stink. Then, suddenly, your butt-bound world shifts, and sunlight returns.


"Hey, loser," says Lily, peeling you out of her ass and dropping you unceremoniously out onto the bleachers. "Wake up. Figure you'll wanna see this."


As your eyes adjust to the light of the outside world and your lungs adjust to the sudden influx of fresh, oxygen-rich air, you find yourself face to face with three of your former classmates—Zuemy, Emily and Valentina.


"Blaise?" says Zuemy, a look of clear concern on her face. "Did Lily just pull you out of her..."


"Yeah," you say, blushing. "She came by my house earlier. Didn't really give me much of a choice."


"Damn, dude," says Emily, shaking her head. "I always had you pegged as a loser, but… that's brutal."


Valentina smiles. "Can't blame her. I would've done the same thing."


"Hey!" says Lily, snapping her fingers at the four of you. "Less talking, more testing."


"Yeah, yeah," says Zuemy, turning to Emily and Valentina. "Alright, you two ready?"


"Ready as I'll ever be," says Emily, shrugging.


"Let's do this," says Valentina, grinning.


"Okay then," says Zuemy, stepping over to the growth ray, "here goes nothing."


From your current position on the bleachers, your classmate's latest invention looks like a vacuum-sized rifle covered with blinking indicators and loose wiring. It's mounted on some kind of hydraulic tripod, and all the wires seem to lead to a half-dozen desktop computers and monitors that are cobbled together into an impromptu control panel. When Zuemy reaches this control panel, you see her flipping a series of switches and dials before entering several lines of code into the computers. You can hear the ray powering on, and then the hydraulic tripod springs to life—repositioning the ray to point squarely at Emily and Valentina.


"Growth ray armed," says Zuemy, stepping over beside her classmates as her invention starts charging. "Firing in three, two, one..."


Witnessing the growth ray powering up, you can't help admiring Zuemy's ingenuity. You don't know any other teenagers who could throw something like this together in just a few hours, although the nearly limitless resources of "Goddess" Lily probably haven't hurt.


A bright blue light seems to be building inside the weapon—and when it reaches the barrel, a dazzling beam of energy flashes out and washes over Zuemy, Emily and Valentina. For a moment, it seems like nothing is happening. Then, the girls start getting bigger.


"Oh, fuck," says Lily, scooping you up and nestling you into her cleavage as your three former classmates rapidly begin to grow—first to 10 feet, then 30, then 80, crushing all of the research equipment (and most of the researchers) around them in the process. When they finally stop, all are nearly as big as Lily—though true to initial calculations, only proportionally. The once-4'3" Zuemy is now roughly 180 feet tall to Lily's 250, with 6'1" Emily around 240 and 5'6" Valentina in the middle at 220.


"Holy shit," says Emily, laughing as she leans down over a group of awestruck acolytes. "Everything's so... tiny!"


"Whoa," says Valentina, grabbing an unfortunate researcher, dropping him into her mouth and swallowing him whole. "This is awesome!"


"Yeah," says Zuemy, smiling at all the tiny people beneath her. "It actually worked." Then, before Lily or the other girls can stop her, she raises her foot and brings it down on top of the growth ray, crushing her invention into dust.


"What'd you do that for?" says Lily, scowling.


"So no one can reverse-engineer it?" says Zuemy. "Duh."


"Oh." For the first time ever, Lily looks at Zuemy with something like genuine respect. "Good thinking."


"Thanks, 'Goddess,'" says Zuemy, rolling her eyes.


"About that," says Lily, turning her attention to her two other minions. "The whole 'Goddess' thing... obviously, I'm in charge here, but-"


"'Obviously?'" says Emily, a clear note of annoyance in her voice. "I thought this was an equal partnership."


"Yeah," adds Valentina, already scooping up more acolytes to snack on. "I mean, we're all basically gods now. Do we really need one of us to be the leader?"


"I mean," says Lily, "it's not that equal, is it? If it wasn't for me, you'd still be down there with all those other bugs."


"Well," says Zuemy, "by that logic, maybe I should be the one in charge. Technically, I'm the one who grew us, after all." Looking down at Lily's cleavage, she catches your eye and smiles. "And I think I should be the one who hangs onto Blaise, too."


Crossing her arms to sandwich you even deeper between her breasts, Lily shakes her head. "Why would I give up my favorite fart absorber?"


"I dunno," says Zuemy, "because he's my friend, and I don't like the idea of him being stuck up your ass all the time?"


"Why should either of you get him?" scoffs Valentina. "I've had a crush on him since, like, fourth grade. If anyone deserves to turn him into a fart pad, it's me!"


Watching this argument unfold from Lily's cleavage, you swallow hard. Realistically, none of these girls would be much of an upgrade — or downgrade — from Lily.


"Ladies," says your giant bully, shrugging. "Look..."


For choices 6 and up: Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Zuleima has just finished a growth ray of her own. Turning to her test subject, she asks: "are you ready to save the world?"

July 5 · edited July 25