You thought it over and out of all the ladies around, Patricia seemed to be the gentlest one. Well, it's not like your mom wasn't, but you knew she was already getting very playful and at this size you weren't even sure you could handle her, yet again... Patricia was so much bigger than her. You couldn't help but shudder at the sheer scale. Thinking logically, there was no reason for you to refuse Patricia's request to spend time with her other than going back to your mom, half of it because you still felt safest with her and the other because you knew she would've wanted you to pick her first.

"S-Sure" You replied timidly, feeling embarrassed but also intimidated by her size.

"Ha! Knew you'd like to cuddle with this big ol' keister" Patricia teased you and gave her humongous derriere a playful slap, making a noise that sounded more like thunder to you and those cosmically gigantic cheeks wobbled and jiggled like mad. Somehow, it was as if every lady in this party had a fatter ass than the last one. Maybe it's because hers was even larger than Dolores' that it looked heavier and when in motion it looked even more gelatinous. Tsunami-sized waves of doughy, fatty flesh rapidly traversed the vast, round meaty expanses she called asscheeks.
"Relax, I'm just kiddin'. I know you're a good kid, Miriam and Lola raised you well. I helped too, you know?" She said, bringing you back to her front as she began to walk, wanting to get some distance from the others. She gently deposited you on one of her boobs, which you had forgotten were quite enormous, even bigger than Dolores'. One of the few woman that surpassed Jen's size, though being way heavier.

However, she carried all that weight with surprising grace and elegance and while outrageous in sheer size, it was very hard to deny that her plump curves were appealing. The insanely tight black bikini she chose to wear didn't help matters and you weren't sure you would've been able to look at her for more than a few seconds before getting flustered into oblivion.

"Better" She said, she was reasonably out of earshot as far as your mom and her friends were concerned. There was another lawn chair upon which she sat and then picked you up.
"You know, seeing you like this... I think I get why your mom and the others were so eager to play with you" She said, almost purring the last words. You shuddered again but also blushed intensely, that a woman like her talked to you like this made you feel... things.
"I wonder, what would Brooke do if she had you like this?" She then mused out loud, or so it seemed.

"Huh?!" Your eyes widened in surprise, that comment seemingly came out of nowhere and it hit you completely off-guard.

"What? I was under the impression you already knew she's got her eye set on you, didn't you know?" She said somewhat nonchalantly but with a subtle hint of a smirk. Her answer only made you blush even harder while borderline having a mental blue screen of death. Brooke had been very forwards but you didn't think she'd friggin tell her mom about it. Does yours know? Goddamn, this only left you with even more questions than before, and these might be urgent matters.

"Uhhh... what did she tell you?" You cautiously asked, eliciting some hearty laughter from her.

"Oh god, she was right, you're outright adorable when you get nervous" She said.
"How did Miriam raise such a sweet, innocent boys when you grew up surrounded by all these meaty ladies?" She wondered out loud with some more giggling.
"Anyway... She told me that she laid the cards on the table and that you told her you couldn't give her an answer yet, for you hadn't sorted out your feelings yet and she's been waiting ever since"

"Ah" You laughed nervously, that sounded like you'd been kind of a jerk stringing her along and that was the last kind of impression you wanted Patricia to have of you, regardless of your physical size.
"It's a bit more complicated than that, I swear I'm not playing with her heart or anything" You said, feeling like you were pleading for your life to an ominous, god-like judge.

"Relax, hon. I get it" She said "I've been hearing some interesting rumors... or maybe they're not just rumors? That you've got quite a few girls lined up and waiting while also trying to win over your heart"

"What" You said in deadpan disbelief.

"Oh, I've seen this tale play out before" Patricia chuckled.
"You see, before I worked as a teacher in college, where I met your parents when they were just dating, I was a TA at the school they attended before, all the way from 7th grade to their highschool graduation and I saw this kinda thing happen with your dad. He was quite the coveted bachelor, even had some teachers pining for him too" She said and the latter words made you shiver as you thought of a certain bodacious redhead teacher that might be a little too fond of teasing you.

"And I've heard that you've got quite a few girls going after you" She giggled again.
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all, but I do agree with Miriam that she managed to further improve things with you" She spoke as she brought you closer to her eyes to get a better look at you.
"Raphael's and Miriam's good looks combined became something greater than just the sum of its parts. And I mean, these are on top of you being a sweet, loyal and caring boy"

"Eh, you give me too much credit, I'm just some guy below the average" You laughed embarrassedly and scratched the back of your head while the blush on your face simply refused to go.

"Nonsense! My daughter has exquisite taste, just like her mama" She said and gave you a playful wink "Sooo... if she found you all small and cute like this, what do you think she'd do?"

"Wh-wha?!" The question was so outrageous that you were beyond flabbergasted. There was that gleam in her eyes, reminiscent of Dolores' and Sheila's earlier. Oh god, she was gonna be just as playful as those, right?

"Knowing her, I'm sure she knows you enjoy a woman with plenty of meat on her bones" Patricia then slowly brought you closer to her enormous cleavage, those massive boobs were pretty much literal mountains in terms of sheer size. You even spotted a couple beauty marks that were bigger than you were, a thought that made you shudder quietly.
"But well, she's my daughter and we both know where most of all said juicy meat is..." And as she spoke, she stood up and just as slowly as before, she brought you around her back and once again presenting you with the overwhelming, mind-boggling sight of her truly monstrous ass.

"Granted, mine's a hell of a lot bigger than hers right now but I think you've heard the old saying 'If you wanna know what your wife is gonna look like, all you need to do is take a look at her mom' " She giggled while dangling you dangerously close to her gargantuan buttcrack, her bikini bottoms were far too tiny and stretched too thinly that they simply couldn't cover the massive cleft between those immense glutes, in fact, most of said thong simply disappeared in there.
"So, it's very possible that Brooke will get as big as I am in the future. Who knows, maybe even bigger! I mean Sheila's oldest is already almost on Dolores' level, is she not?"

So may things were hitting you at once that the surprise remark about Jordana almost flew past you unnoticed but when you processed it, you shuddered again, feeling as if your skin turned blue for a moment. An older Brooke, bigger than Mayor Patricia herself and holding you at this ridiculously tiny size?! Yeah, no... that sounds like an absolute nightmare scenario, even if she were gentle.

"Knowing her, I'm sure she'd like to let you have a very up close and personal look at what her mama gave her and well, I'm the mama" Patricia giggled again and with those words as your only warning, she dropped you in just as her other hand reached in and pulled her thong-like bottoms back.

Somehow, you sensed that this was going to be way harsher than anything your mom, Sheila or even Dolores would've put you through. Patricia's gigantic buttcheeks looked like something a lot bigger than planets, they were simply unbelievably overwhelming dark brown masses of jiggling, gelatinous fatty flesh and each one could've easily completely taken over your entire visual field. And the yawning chasm between them was no joke, an enormous meaty canyon that looked like it could swallow the Grand one from Colorado many times over. It made no sense but you felt as if this immense fleshy cliff was like a hungry monster, starving with a ravenous appetite and you were the one unfortunate little morsel that got tossed down its maw.

It felt like you fell down for miles until you suddenly found yourself in darkness and not very long after, you were completely engulfed by warm, squishy and mind-bogglingly heavy flesh. A weight that far out classed your mom's by entire orders of magnitude, you simply couldn't move though you could at least breathe. On the bright side, Patricia's gigantic cheeks were also much softer and squishier than your mom's and it really felt like you were sinking in the bottom of an ocean of warm pudding, or maybe the universe's largest waterbeds.

You tried to stretch your arms and legs but all they could do was sink more into the doughy masses enveloping you and immediately after that, everything shook and the 'walls' pressed you between them, adding more pressure though they were still far too squishy and soft to harm you.

"Ooh! So this is why Miriam was enjoying it so much" Patricia giggled and then gave her enormous hips a teasing wiggle, which caused a near cataclysmic jiggling earthquake for you... or more like a seaquake, to be more accurate.
"It tickles!" She then said as her gargantuan booty's motions inadvertently bounced you inside her crack and dragged you deeper down into it, where the skin was even more sensitive...

July 6