Before you gave any answer to Patricia's proposal, the two of you felt the ground shake slightly and then saw Sheila approaching. She stood before Patricia, putting her hands on her hips as the two locked eyes with each other.

"Oh? I thought Miri would be coming for her son herself" Patricia said.

"I managed to convince her that it's my turn now" Sheila shrugged.

"But are you sure Blaise will agree?" Patricia shot back.

"Why wouldn't he? He trusts his Auntie" Sheila replied and looked at you, still dangling from Patricia's fingers.
"Besides, he gets to explore all this~" She then said and slowly turned around, using her exotic dancing skills to do it as sexily as conceivable, expertly swinging her massive hips to make her enormous asscheeks bounce and jiggle in a pretty hypnotic way.

"Not bad, Sheila" Patricia chuckled "But I can offer him even more, so much more..." And as she spoke, she turned around as well and lowered you down towards her utterly gigantic ass. You knew that it was a hell of a lot bigger than Sheila's but in the end, both were way too huge and you'd definitely get lost, should you find yourself trapped in their depths.

"Oh, you really wanna make him choose?" Sheila still showed a confident smirk.

"I mean, you're trying to appeal to having a bigger butt than his mama's for him to play on, I'm simply offering him a much bigger one. World's biggest, actually" Patricia giggled, knowing that those particular words tended to get a rise out of Sheila.
"What is Brazil's biggest ass before the World's after all?"

"Goddammit" Sheila muttered under her breath.

You couldn't help but feel bad for Sheila, knowing that she had always prided herself in boasting the biggest butt in Brazil, though even before Patricia's world record, Dolores reminded her that it wasn't the biggest in the whole of Latin America, with her being Mexican and it being 90 inches, which often led to comical bantering between the two. On the other hand, Sheila didn't seem too bothered that Jordana had also greatly surpassed her at about half her age but well, that was her daughter after all.

You were thinking about how to try and get out of this situation and you wondered if maybe you should just ask to go back to your mom, avoiding having to choose between Sheila and Patricia but something told you even that would likely make the two ladies upset. Maybe they'd feel you were showing too much favoritism... but then again, this is your mom you're talking about. Where does one draw the line?

At this moment, you began to realize that managing your relationships with the various family friends was nearly as complex as your own friendships plus the girls that had stated an interest in you. You sighed and scratched your head, feeling like this was like suffering from success, after all, these ladies all loved you and you couldn't be with them at once. You still felt that your mom was most likely the safest choice at least while you remained shrunken but by what you had heard so far, the others wanted to have some fun before it got undone.

"You can have your turn later, Sheila. I barely get to spend any time with him these days" Patricia then said and her hand started moving, bringing you closer towards her prominent crack. At that sight, your blood ran cold and shuddered.

"W-Wait!" You manage to shout in time, it felt like it was right in the nick of time, before you were sent plummeting down the gargantuan chasm. In spite of the potential sensory overload that you were about to experience, your brain got to work quite quickly to try and get you out of this mess.

"What is it, honey?" Patricia asked.

"My mom needed something but I was picked up before she told me what it was" You said and then looked at Sheila. She most likely knew it was a lie but should still catch on and so, you looked her in the eye. The subtle shift in her expression seemed as if she got the message, smirking and nodding.
"Um, She-I mean, Auntie, could you take me back to my mom?" You said, calling her 'auntie' as a way to further sweeten the deal, knowing she was very fond of it.

"Of course!" Sheila said, giving Patricia a smug smirk, who simply sighed and rolled her eyes, but at the same time, she knew this was just who you were and that undying loyalty to your mother was just one of the many things she loved to praise about you.

"Well, damn. Miri really won the lottery with this one" Patricia said, turning back around and then handing you over to Sheila.
"I do wonder... what things would be like were I your mom" She said to you with a wink.

"Quoting you: 'You can have your turn later' " Sheila said with a cheeky grin and giggling to match.

"You win this time, Sheila. But I'm getting my turn later" Patricia replied and then looked at you on Sheila's open palm.
"Make sure you don't get lost" She said to you with a soft but also husky voice and then she turned around to walk away, heading for somewhere else. Knowing her, most likely back to your grandma and Aunt Betty as they were cooking. Once Patricia walked out of earshot, Sheila brought you close to her lips.

"Great thinking, sweetie! You might not be a whiz with numbers like ol' Rapha but there's no denying that you're a clever little gentleman" She whispered. You couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. Technically, you got plenty of compliments from your mom, sister, your friends and the people close to your family but you still felt like most of the time they were just exaggerating.

But just then, rather than walking in your mom's direction, what moved was Sheila's hand, going around and behind her back, once again showing you her immense ass. The Brazilian flag-themed thong bottom had gotten near completely swallowed between her mammoth cheeks. The sight of her gigantic crack made you freeze for a moment.

"Wait, what?!" You muttered in shock but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Gotta give it to you, that was a really smart way to not hurt Patricia too much" She said.
"But we both know that your eyes got glued to these the moment I turned around" She playfully slapped one of her cheeks but sent both into a wild jiggling frenzy that easily lasted for over half a minute.

At this very moment, you felt your heart sink. Sheila definitely got a message from you... but the wrong one! And now there was no way to get out of this situation without hurting Sheila's feelings even worse than you would've done Patricia. You even felt a bit of guilt, like you were somehow stringing her along and that you had to own up to what you apparently got yourself into. It almost felt like there were many choices out there, many alternate paths and yet you went and picked the wrong one, with no one else to blame but yourself.

You then snapped out of your thoughts when you suddenly felt weightless for a moment and much to your shock, Sheila's hand had tilted and you fell off her hand. You looked below and saw that she had pulled her bikini bottoms back, ensuring that you'd land somewhere inside them. Your eyes twitched nervously but the rest of your body felt stiff, not helped by the cold wind chilling it as you fell for what seemed to be hundreds upon hundreds of meters, if not miles.

And then... darkness, plus a very noticeable increase in temperature and a strong sense of humidity, though it was less salty than when you were in your mom's crack. Maybe Sheila's sweat was more watery? The sole thought made you shudder, that at this size you could appreciate that sort of difference. In addition to all that, you found yourself completely enveloped by two heavy, gelatinous masses that pressed on you from both sides. The weight was on a whole other league above the already mind-boggling weight of your mom's enormous ass, but conversely, it was even squishier and softer, feeling much more like some kind of jello or even pudding.

Besides the hints of saltiness from her sweat, soon a certain reek assaulted your nostrils, reminding you that this was, in fact, Sheila's ass of all people's. Considering that she had been gorging on those dreadful microwavable burritos your mom loved so much, you figured she had been already letting loose for a while. You took a deep breath to sigh in frustration but immediately regretted it, coughing and gagging, even though by your own admission, this was mild compared to what you usually go through with the likes of Sheila herself, your mom and Lillian.

Just then, the humongous meaty walls engulfing you tightened, pressing into you with their immense heft, making you feel as if you were sinking even deeper in an already doughy ocean. As if that weren't enough, then everything began to shake, making you a bit dizzy as you bounced around these gigantic globes, which rippled with massive waves of fatty flesh with Sheila's smallest motions. With some difficulty, you heard her giggling.

"Oh wow, that feels really good sweetie. I see why your mom didn't want to let go of you" Sheila said, giving her cheek another playful smack, turning your immediate world into even more of a chaotic jiggling mess.
"You can go back to her after we've had our fun... but, who knows? Maybe you won't want to leave" She added with a sensual whisper.

You had heard more than enough. Sheila was already playful as is but at this size and with the wrong impression, you saw how wildly things could get out of hand so you began trying to move, grasping Sheila's wobbly flesh while pushing yourself upwards. As soon as your tiny hands squeezed her doughy cheeks, everything shook again and you heard her laugh.
"Ooh! Already tickling me back there! I knew you'd love it but..." She stopped for a moment, her stomach made loud growling and gurgling noises.

'Wait, no! Don't tell me that she...' You were sure that you'd gone fully pale in abject horror as you heard the echoing rumbling groans coming from the darker depths in your gelatinous prison, knowing very well what it meant.

July 1