Fate is a cruel mistress
· original author:
"Emily I need-" you were cut off as Emily poked you with her massive finger an knocked the air out of you. She held a finger to her lips signaling you to be quiet.

"Don't worry Blaise, I know exactly what you need," Emily whispered as she held up her right hand. You looked up in fear, she was dangling her fresh blue thong down from her massive finger tips. You screamed and turned to run as fast as you could only to be immediately caught by her left hand. "If you behave I promise I'll go easy on you... At first," Emily whispered as she brought you to the back of her thong. You screamed as she forced your limbs through the threads, tying you to her thong. Your screams made no more sound than a fly's wings so Monique didn't even turn around.

"Emily please let me go, I'm of no interest to you at this height, it would be to easy right," you said hoping you could talk her into letting you go.

"That's where your wrong, you and the situation your in is nothing but interesting," she said with a smirk that made you shiver.

"I-I'm sure my family would be willing to negotiate with you to get me back," you said desperately.

"I don't see a reason to get their hopes up just to turn them down," Emily said as she brought her thong and you down to her legs. It was hopeless, she was dead set on keeping you. You screamed as she slid the thong up her legs, you could see her gigantic anus in the distance and you were heading straight for it. "Remember... behave," Emily said as her thong disappeared between her cheeks.

         Emily continued pulling on her thong, giving herself a wedgie. She smiled, she could faintly feel Blaise being smeared against her sphincter. Her smile grew into a devilish grin, she had wanted to fart in Blaise's face since the beginning of the school year and now he was completely at her mercy. She flexed her anus to feel his miniscule body, her butthole was about ten times his size. "What's up with you?" Monique asked looking back at her.

"I'm just wondering something, tell me does this smell?" Emily asked as she let loose a loud twenty second fart. She couldn't help but laugh as she felt Blaise struggling for air. She clenched her cheeks together, showing him it wasn't the reaction she wanted.

         You were in hell, trapped once more against Emily's asshole. The enormous ring of muscle opened and closed around you as if it were chewing on you. The disgusting rubbery walls feeling every inch of your body. Then you heard a rumbling noise coming from her bowels. "Does this smell?" You heard Emily ask from above just before she released a hellish blast. It was worse than her previous release and droned on for far to long. It smelled like rotten eggs that were left in the sun and felt like a storm of hot wind. You were subjected to the horror that was Emily's giant sphincter twice, you cursed your rotten luck for being subjected to this torture.

"God that reeks," Monique replied plugging her nose. Emily clenched her butt cheeks together, pushing you into her hot anus.

"How about we head to salsa shack, I'll text Veronica and see if she's feeling good enough to meet us there," Emily said.

"Great then we can all be gassy all night long," Monique said rolling her eyes.

"Common you love it," Emily said as she texted her friend and clenched her cheeks again. You didn't understand was she trying to send you a message. Her words ran through your mind 'Behave... Does this smell... Common you love it.' Her cheeks clenched again smearing you against her butthole, she wanted you to express your opinion of her gas but your interaction with her was limited to your face and her anus. You decided to bite her wrinkly sphincter to show her that you didn't appreciate her gas, chomping down on a wrinkle near the center of her butthole, it tasted just as bad as before.

         Emily didn't know what Blaise was doing at first, then she realized what he was doing, he was bitting her. He was so small that his bite felt more like an unpleasant itch than anything else. She couldn't help but laugh, she was a goddess to him. "That's not very polite," Emily whispered as she started scratching the back of her thong with a single finger. She vigorously rubbed you all around her butthole before pushing you and her thong into her sphincter.

"Are you ok?" Monique asked giving Emily a look of concern.

"Oh I'm fine, just a bad itch that won't cooperate," poking you with emphasis at the end. You bit her again showing you weren't willing to do as she pleased. "I guess I'll just have to teach it a lesson later," Emily said as she pulled out her finger and began searching her locker.

"You'll teach an itch a lesson?" Monique asked confused.

"Yep with my favorite pants and trip to the salsa shack," Emily said as she pulled out a pair of yoga pants that were two sizes too small.

"You said you were scared of ripping those the last time you ate there."

"Oh they won't rip, I have a special new pair of panties made just for keeping my farts under control," Emily lied.

"Well let me know if they work, I've been burning through panties all week."

"Maybe you and I should have a contest," Emily said as she struggled to get her pants up her thighs. Your entire body was being chewed on by her sphincter but your limbs were still tied to her thong, so you were stuck in a forward thrust with your limbs stretched out behind you. Your feet were poking out of her anus on the other side of her thong and you could feel her cheeks press against them like she was clenching them but this time was different, there was more pressure. You figured out what she was doing, she was trapping you with a pair of tight shorts, effectively keeping you and her thong as a butt plug. She kept flexing her anus, letting in just enough foul smelling air for you to survive.

"I'm not feeling it right now, let's get some burritos and see where that puts us," Monique said. The two of them walked to Monique's car and drove to the salsa shack, Emily playing with you like a sex toy the whole way there. When they arrived they walked up to the counter and ordered some extra large bean burritos.
May 12, 2023
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