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         As Emily continued her exercises you began to notice something deeply disturbing, she was starting to sweat. Great big balls of sweat the size of your head were forming and rolling towards you. The first hit your body, coating your torso in her sweat, and sticking to you. More beads of sweat made their way down coating your entire body in her sweat until one final bead was making it's way towards your head. You took one last deep breath before her sweat enveloped you completely. Now effectively in one giant droplet of Emily's sweat, gravity did what it did best and dragged you down. Slowly being dragged deeper into Emily's butt, you began to panic. You tried to grab onto her skin to stop yourself but the surface tension of her sweat kept you from breaking out of your watery prison. That's when the horror of the situation dawned on you, you were going to drown in Emily's sweat because you were to weak to break through a few drops of sweat. You had one slim chance of living, drinking her nasty butt sweat.

         You took a small sip of the giant sweat prison, the water was warm, salty, and tasted a little like mud.The ball of sweat that you were trapped inside sped up as it reached Emily's butt crack. It wasn't going to be pleasant but You had to drink her sweat until you could breach the surface, you began fervently slurping the nasty liquid. You could see where it was racing to, the piece of her thin red thong that covered her anus. You kept drinking the rancid sweat, but even with a thinner layer of the nasty liquid you still couldn't break the surface. Your lungs began to burn, you needed to breathe now or you were going to drown. The sweat bead was speeding towards Emily's thong but even if it broke upon contact, it wasn't going fast enough, you would drown before you hit the scarlet red fabric. You kept slurping, finally your left hand broke through the thin layer of sweat and you were able to grab Emily's cheek.

         Your fall came to a stop as you tightly held on to her supple flesh, the sweat kept falling towards her thong, you were free. You coughed up what felt like a gallon of her sweat and took in a deep breath. The air smelled terrible, as it would in anyone's butt in PE but it was air nonetheless, and you were grateful for every breath of it. You looked down in time to see the sweat droplet break apart on her thong, deep down the canyon of flesh. The outer rim of her anus could be seen poking out from the side of her thong, her sphincter must have been ten times your size, which in perspective was only an inch. You looked up to see how far you fell, to your dismay you were half way down her butt crack and if she was doing push ups now then things were about to get worse.

         Emily completed her final pushup before heading over to the next station, 2 laps around the gym. She started jogging, completely unaware she had a shrunken man deep in her butt. As she passed Jen and Lillian she heard Jen say, "but where is Blaise, he never ditches class, do you think he's in trouble?" This put a smile on Emily's face she had wanted to add Blaise to her list victims, maybe she could even get him to admit he loved women's farts. She just had to find him before his friends did, they were always so protective of him. She finished her laps before asking coach Amber if she could use the restroom, she had a feeling her prize was close by and she wanted a head start.

         Every time Emily took a step her colossal butt cheeks rubbed together, dragging you deeper into her rear. You tried to fight back and crawl out but it was useless, no matter how hard you tried a single step dragged you in further than you could climb out. It felt like two endless hot water beds chewing on you. You couldn't tell how much further you had gone now that she was standing up. You kept struggling to escape knowing it might very well be useless. You thought you could hear Jen's voice in the distance but the words were unintelligible, you wished you could talk to her, to anyone but you were alone in your suffering at Emily's rear end. More sweat made it's way down Emily's ass crack, it didn't stick to you like before because her cheeks were constantly rubbing together and breaking the sweat apart, but every so often a bit would get in your mouth and make you stop and spit it back up.

         After another ten or so minutes of her light jogging you were slammed into the scarlet fabric of her thong. The air smelled much worse neat her anus, you would have gagged from the stench if you hadn't grown up with Lillian. You could feel the rubbery surface of Emily's butthole on the other side of her thin thong, and it scared the hell out of you. Her anus was the size of a building, and could easily fit you inside if you were on the other end of her thong. If Emily moved her panties at all you had a good chance of being doomed to die in her sphincter and she might not even notice your there. If you wanted to have any chance of a normal life you had to find a way to get out of Emily's butt. You began climbing her thong, grabbing at the fine red threads and pulling yourself up.

         You had only just begun your climb when you heard Emily's voice, "excuse me coach Amber but may I go to the restroom?" As she asked that you heard a rumbling sound from deep in her bowels and you knew what was about to happen. Emily let out a short hurricane of noxious fumes upon you, blasting you back in between her butt cheeks. Her fart didn't smell as bad as Lillian's usually did, but that didn't mean it smelled good. It was like someone had left garbage out for a little too long. You heard coach Amber say something but it was once again rendered unintelligible by Emily's butt meat. Emily began walking, her ass cheeks once again grinding you closer to her butthole, her small fart and a few steps were going to completely undo all of your hard work.

         Emily's gut told her that Blaise was close, his friend was right in that he never skipped class, he must have been held up in the restroom or maybe he got stuck helping a teacher and was on his way now. Emily had learned to always trust her gut, and her gut was practically screaming that Blaise was close to the gym. She thought of what she could do to him, he was 2 inches taller than her so she would have to make him sit. His friend often farted on him so he would probably be used to the smell, then the idea really hit her, she wanted to hear Blaise beg for her farts. If she could brake a boy like Blaise then it would make her day, no her week, scratch that her year. She would only have this one chance, after that Blaise's friends would always be guarding him.

         Emily looked around carefully before entering the boys restroom. She had gone here before to add other boy's to her list. It looked empty but there could still be someone in the stalls. "Blaise, are you in here?" She asked the empty room, "your friends are worried about you." Emily walked to the stalls and bent over to look underneath them, waving her big butt in the air like a cat on the hunt. There was nobody here, but she did feel a small itch on her butthole, figuring it was her thong she simply readjusted her panties as she walked out of the restroom. Emily wandered the nearby halls as she searched for her prey, still confident he would be nearby or on his way.

         With every step that she took you were dragged back towards her thong covered asshole. You tried to struggle and fight against her cheeks but it was just as useless as before. Every step she took dragged you in further than you ever hope to be able to climb out. Before you knew it you were slammed right back into her stinky thong. After a few more minutes of walking you heard Emily's booming voice, "Blaise are you in here?" She was looking for you, maybe the class had realized you were missing and had sent out a group of students to find you. You had to get Emily's attention, but she didn't even notice you when you bit her, you looked to the side of her thong where her sphincter was poking out. The anus was a much more sensitive spot than the rest of the butt, however getting off of her thong ment risking being consumed by her anus. You decided to take the risk and get her attention, you made your way to the rim of her butthole and grabbed on to one of her large wrinkles. "Your friends are worried about you," Emily's voice boomed. Your whole world shifted, gravity shifting so that Emily's butthole was below you. Emily's canyon of a butt crack spread apart letting you once again see the fabric of her gym shorts.

         The anus you were holding on too widened, giving you a terrifying look into Emily's endless abyss. A truly gut wrenching stench wafted out of her gaping hole. You held on tightly to her anus, desperate not to fall in to the bottomless pit below you. The whole world started moving, Emily was waving her butt from side to side as if she was trying to shake you off. You gripped the large wrinkle even tighter than before, squeezing it tightly between your hands. You watched as a few building like fingers came and lifted her red thong away from her butthole. Then the everything quickly shifted back to how it was before she bent over. You were tossed to the center of her butthole as it closed tightly around your waist. Her thong came back slamming the rest of your body face first into her wrinkly sphincter. You were pinned between her thong and her rubbery butthole, your situation just kept on getting worse. If you were to have any chance of escaping you would have to get Emily's attention somehow, but she seemed to barely feel your presence if at all.
May 12, 2023
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