You didn't sign up for this - Gaming Edition
"Uh... Serena..." Neithhotep noticed that your head had disappeared in her fellow squadmate's cleavage and suspected that you were already running out of air given the light twitching in your hands.

"Oh! Sorry about that, Master" The tall, violet haired girl politely apologized as she let go of you.
"Wow, I must have hugged you tighter than I thought, my apologies" She said after seeing that your face was completely beet red, though not for the reasons she believed.

Meanwhile, you had to basically reboot your own brain in order to be able to think again, being flustered beyond all belief. Lillian's touchy-feely long standing friendship still failed to prepare you for this, though you guessed that her constant farting probably played a large role in lessening those interactions' impact.

"A-Alright, thank you guys..." You said, scratching the back of your head as you felt a bit insecure, specially since you had no idea what to do next.

'Come to think of it the game never showed how to undo the summons, the Summoner is always with Riddith or his other friends from the Summoners' Hall and simply summons his squad whenever he needs to...' You then thought, wondering if you simply needed to sort of summon them in reverse to undo it. You closed your eyes and tried to concentrate, but nothing happened, and seeing you standing still with your eyes closed, the girls were also confused.

"Are you alright, Master?" Neithhotep said, putting the back of her hand on your forehead.

"Huh?!" You were surprised by her touch, snapping you out of it "Ah! Yes, I'm alright..."

"What were you doing though?" Serena asked, tilting her head cutely.

"Uhh... Well, I suppose the mission's over, so I figured you guys would have to go back..." You replied, and at that very instant, all girls, who were in varying degrees of happiness and cheerfulness, even the smug Xel-Ha, felt as they shattered like a mirror hitting the ground.

"...what...?" Xel-Ha said in disbelief, looking just as genuinely saddened as the other girls.

"Wh-why?" Serena's eyes were already welling up with tears, which only confused you further.

"Did we do something wrong, Master?" Neithhotep asked, sounding like she was struggling to keep her voice from breaking down. You raised an eyebrow, somehow it felt like this was a huge faux pas but you had no idea why.

'What happened, Riddith?! Come on, lend me a hand here please? I have no idea what's going on!' You thought, hoping for the rainbow haired goddess to reply, but as you looked around, she was nowhere to be seen. You took a deep breath and pinched your nose, it seemed like you'd have to confess that you had no idea what was happening, which obviously went very against what you knew from your Summoner at this point in the game's story... then again, the way Riddith behaved was a bit odd when compared to her game version, almost as if she knew things you didn't.

"N-No, nobody did anything wrong! You're all amazing and you did this flawlessly..." You said "I figured you'd just, uh... go back where summons go since I'm just on a little boring trip here"

"He forgot" Xel-Ha then said, giving Neithhotep and Serena a deadpan look.

"Yep, he forgot" Serena nodded in agreement.

"I forgot... what?" You asked the two, but then you felt someone come behind you and wrap you in a tight hug, not as tight as Serena's though.

"Master, what do you think we summons do when we're not fighting alongside you?" Reeva said.

'Well damn, that's a very good question... and the game never answered that one, there were some theories over at the Ribbit community, but that was all fanon at best...'

"I honestly don't know... uh, some people at the Summoners' Hall had some theories but I can't tell for sure" You replied with some hesitation.

"All we do is wait until you call on us again" Neithhotep sighed sadly.

"I mean, we've built all sorts of amenities to keep us entertained and whatnot, but it's simply not good enough" Serena said.

'Does that mean the unit box theory is true?' You raised an eyebrow, remembering that some people theorized that all summons were stored in an undefined dimensional hammerspace of sorts, and even made memes about it, with various units talking about the last time they were used, if at all, by their Summoner, among many other things, usually with a comedic tone, though some were rather tragic.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about that" You replied, trying to salvage what remained of your reputation or dignity, or both.

"It's okay, Master. You were very tired the night we told you about it" Reeva said, gently caressing your hair.

"Besides, I can sense more creatures around, it'd be wiser to keep us around regardless, for your own safety, and Lady Riddith's" Neithhotep said.

"I mean, come on, you're more than powerful enough to keep us summoned even in your sleep, we don't even put a dent on your energy reserves anymore!" Xel-Ha said, seemingly having dropped the smug persona from earlier. It was true that you had maxed out your Summoning Arts skill tree, which in the game meant to be able to get all your summons at full power even in other worlds, where your summoning power was otherwise weakened, forcing you to rely on weaker, lower star rated units.

"That's a good idea! Besides, you all honestly deserve a vacation too" You said with a sincere smile, and to your relief the mood improved, at least for 3 girls you could see.

"We'd never gone on a vacation, thank you Master!" Neithhotep politely bowed down.

"But don't worry, if you're ever in trouble Xel-Ha or Neith should be able to sense it and we'll be back in the blink of an eye!" Serena said.

"Finally, a fitting treat for such a magnificent goddess" Xel-Ha laughed like the stereotypical rich lady, you guessed that she was happy enough to put her smug persona back on.

Unknown to you, while still hugging you from behind, Reeva, using just her eyes, gestured at her squadmates to go do something on their own, to which Serena and Neithhotep reacted with an understanding nod while Xel-Ha wanted to protest.

"Let's go girls! I'll teach you how to ride a bubble dolphin!" Serena said, happily picking up Xel-Ha in one arm while Neithhotep followed behind her. You still wondered where the hell Riddith went, but then remembered that she actually tended to do this in the game's story mode too, one moment she was guiding you and explaining the mission at hand and then just before the battles began she usually disappeared, only to reappear either after the battle ended, or worse, once the chapter ended.

Meanwhile, farther away on the beach, well out of earshot...

"Why are we even obeying that simple archer?" Xel-Ha growled, still being carried by Serena.

"First of all, because she's our Squad Leader, don't you forget that, the Master granted her command over us, and unless he says otherwise, we do as she says..." Neithhotep solemnly replied.

"Second, you forget that the Master is her Bonded Partner" Serena added, which made the arrogant goddess even angrier, though in a mostly comical manner fortunately.

"It should have been me! Why did he choose a mere mortal when he had an actual Goddess?! She's not even a queen or a priestess like you!" Xel-Ha said to Neithhotep, trying to get her to side with her.

"We are not to question the Master's choices. Plus, she was his first summon, so there's that..." The Egyptian queen calmly replied, giggling internally at Xel-Ha's obvious jealousy.

"Ah damnit, that again!" Xel-Ha huffed, and just then, Serena finally put her on the ground and created two bubble dolphins like her own. [Clarification: These bubble dolphins I mention are basically a construct that Serena normally uses for transportation, they are dolphins made out of a single special bubble that is much sturdier than a regular one, and for nearly all intents and purposes are like inflatable beach toys, except that they can move on their own, or following its owner or rider's command]

Back to your location...

"Aren't you going with them?" You asked Reeva as she finally let go of her hug and walked around to stand in front of you, she shook her head with a giggle.

"I'd rather spend my vacation time with you Master... or, should I say, my dear Bonded Partner..."

'Huh? She's mentioning a game term... Why? I mean, we combine our ultimate attacks, but this sounds like it might mean something else' You thought, but nodded to go along for now. Riddith was probably the only one who could provide an answer at this point. Then, Reeva turned around and and sensually posed for you, it was the very exact same pose as her alternate artwork even!

"Reeva, what are you doing?" You weakly asked while feeling like you were close to having a heart attack. Her artwork back in the game was already very high quality, but it paled in comparison to seeing it in person, plus, Reeva had a truly massive ass that was definitely bigger than even Lillian's, her ridiculously small and tight shorts looked like they were bursting at the seams, and those two dark blue clad meaty globes jiggled and wobbled despite her standing still, again in ways that would probably make Lillian jealous if she saw it.

"Do you see anything you like, Master?"

'Damnit, please stop trying to give me a heart attack...' You thought almost wearily, unable to tear your gaze off her outrageously huge assets. It took every ounce of willpower to turn your head to the side, breaking the "spell" your eyes had been caught under, but this only made the water-wielding archer giggle more.

"Awww, don't be like that, I know you do like it" Reeva said, sensually shaking her hips to add more jiggle to her already jiggling booty.
"You've stared at it so many times..." She said "But I'm not embarrassed anymore! These are my prized assets after all, gotta be proud of them, am I right, Master?"

'Somehow, I feel I know what she's referring to... and I BLAME CINDY FOR EVERYTHING!' You thought, realizing that her trolling all those years back came to bite you in a way you never expected. This was gonna be a long, long beach day, and you were alone, except for Reeva...
May 12, 2023