Plan B, literally
You suddenly remembered there was another possibility to get out of this mess, and hopefully make it out of it in one piece

"I've got an idea!" You said, snapping Sheila out of her thoughts, but she smiled and her look encouraged you to continue.
"There's someone who might take care of me, at least for a bit while we get this sorted out..."
"Huh? And who could that be?" She asked. She kept up her kind, motherly demeanor, but inwardly she had a moment of hesitation
'Surely he's not going to throw himself into Jen's arms in this state... I hope...' She thought.

Despite never commenting on it, she was aware of the friendly rivalry going on between her and her daughter, and she couldn't deny that she had the beauty for it, but Sheila couldn't see herself agreeing to leave him with her daughter's rival, even if she was a friend. Besides, she was lowkey counting on you to eventually ask Lillian out, as it didn't seem any other guy would be up for that kind of challenge. At the same time, she was sensible enough to know that leaving your tiny self in Lillian's care might not be quite safe either, but at least she could use a similar argument if you decided that Jen would be your caretaker.

You gulped. This was in some ways pushing your luck, but technically it should be safer than staying with Sheila, and hopefully not as restrictive as staying with your mom.
"Well... Aunt Betty is going to be in the city for the summer..." You finally said
"Oh..." Sheila was genuinely surprised by that answer, but also slightly relieved. Unlike what she thought, that was an actual legitimate option, though she felt a twinge of envy that she wouldn't be taking care of you herself.
"Yeah, I guess that works..." She said as she set you on her bed and walked to a drawer to grab her phone, unintentionally giving you quite the view as her humongous booty swayed and jiggled with each step she took. You blushed and looked to the side, there was no denying Sheila was a sexy woman, but at times she could be just as playful as Lillian if not more, and staying with her for too long might be dangerous.

A few moments later, she came back with the phone and you told her Betty's number so she could dial her. She asked if you wanted her to speak on your behalf but you declined, feeling that if you were going to ask such a huge favor from your Aunt you owed her asking her yourself at least.
"Can I call her? Dropping by with no warning would be too much, specially like this" You said
"Of course!" She then put the phone on the bed and put you near its mic.
"Hello?" Betty spoke after her phone rang a few times. A huge wave of relief washed over you. You were happy that even if she changed phones somewhat often, she stayed with the same number.
"Aunt Betty, it's me, Blaise!" You shouted, not sure how loud you needed to be to be heard over the phone, but it seems you got it right on the first try.
"Oh. Hi sweetie, did you change numbers?"
"N-No, not really, I'm calling you from Sheila's phone" You said
"Huh? why...?" She asked with genuine curiosity
"It's kind of a long story, but I'll tell you later... but there are some more... urgent matters... Auntie, I have a huge favor to ask" You said with a little hesitation. Unknown to you, Sheila felt another pang of envy hearing you call someone else "auntie".
"What is it?" She asked with a hint of concern
"Let's say I'm in a kind of bad situation, and need to stay at your place, at least for a few days..." You said but hesitating more and more, knowing there was a number of ways to interpret what you just said, yet, if you told her what your problem actually was, she would've thought you were trying to prank her.
"What kind of bad situation?" She sounded more concerned, but she knew you enough to doubt you'd be in serious trouble like with the law.
"It's nothing like what you're probably thinking, but I need to stay with you for a bit"
"Does your mom know about this?"
"Not yet, but please, trust me, we'll get to that when the time is right too"

Betty sighed quietly. This sounded complicated, and the fact that Miriam wasn't aware of whatever was going on didn't help, but again, she decided to give you the benefit of the doubt.
"Alright. When are you coming?"
"If it's not much of a problem for you, as soon as possible..." You said, making a mental note to apologize when you meet her for pushing this kind of situation onto her, but you hope she understands when she sees you.
"I'm not doing anything important today" She chuckled and you felt relieved she didn't seem to be as tense as you thought.

After that, she gave you the directions to her house and hung up. You looked up at Sheila and gave her a thumbs up. She wasn't wholly convinced but she smiled, feeling happy for you at least. Officially she had no argument or excuse against Betty, but in the end, it was still her call to actually go and take you to her, or whatever other choice she could make, though she knew you'd likely resent her if she didn't respect your wishes, and loved you too much to do that, though then again, she knew Betty tended to be very busy due to her job, and maybe she could try to convince you to stay with her instead...
May 12, 2023