Facing a real big mama
“Are you serious?”

“Of course? Do you think I’d come all the way here for just a joke?”

“To be honest, yes, you’re the type to go that far sometimes” Miriam chuckled, to which Sheila grunted softly, annoyed by the reputation she built for herself

“Ugh, I mean, okay, yes, sometimes, but right now I’m serious” She said in a sterner tone that got Miriam’s chuckling to stop

“You should sit down” She added, and after that you heard a rather loud ‘THUMP!’ noise as well as various groans and creaks that probably belonged to a poor abused office chair and its mostly deflated cushions.
“Alright. I’ll take him out, take deep breaths” Sheila said, surprising you with how serious she was right now. It made you wonder if she was really worried about you and her flirty banter was just her way to cope with that kind of thing
Miriam nodded and reluctantly obeyed. After roughly three decades of friendship, she knew better than to blindly trust her plus-sized friend, who more often than not liked to prank her with her powerful gas, but she seemed more serious than usual this time

Meanwhile, Sheila’s skyscraper-sized fingers reached for you, carefully picking you up and pulling you out of her back pocket, though her soft squishy flesh made the task much harder than it had to be, almost as if her humongous booty refused to let go of you in a way. With dexterity you didn’t know she had, she gently set you on her other hand’s open palm and placed slowly brought you closer to Miriam’s face

Her eyes widened in surprise, as she quickly spotted a flea-sized speck on Sheila’s hand, but as her eyes readjusted their focus, she could make out the tiny details in your body, your face and clothes amongst others. She covered her mouth as she gasped in shocked surprise while staring at you

“My baby!” She suddenly exclaimed and picked you up with frightening speed, though her grip was just as careful as Sheila’s. She pressed you into her sizable chest, which she obviously meant as a hug, but to you it was getting pressed into a squishy round mountain

“Whoah, easy there!” Sheila tried to calm her down, but she saw the shock in her best friend’s eyes and sighed

“How did this happen?” Miriam asked in a shaky voice after a couple of seconds

“Honestly, we have no idea. He had just come into my house because the girls had invited him to hang out, but they went to buy some soda and snacks, I think, and when he arrived it was only me at home. He went to Lillian’s room to wait for them… They took their sweet time, and after like half an hour I went to check on him, but couldn’t find him anywhere” Sheila explained
“I guess it was sheer luck I saw him on the bed. I could have sat on him, you know” She said and Miriam’s face got its color drained as she took in her friend’s words
“It doesn’t seem he’s that fragile though, since he rode in my back pocket” Sheila chuckled and playfully spanked herself, but Miriam remained shocked

“He what?!” Both you and Sheila got startled by how Miriam spoke, it looked like mother bear mode was already kicking in

“Relax, it was my idea, and it was just a little test, but it turned out well, big, soft things don’t hurt him” She said, adding a sweeter and flirtier tone towards the end of her phrase while looking at you

“But you didn’t know that! What if he got squashed?! Or if he suffocated?!” Miriam freaked out

“I was super careful. Just trust me. I did bring him here to you in one piece, didn’t I?” Sheila crossed her arms and Miriam stopped “hugging you” to take a closer look at you. She couldn’t find any bruises or any sign of being hurt though. She finally sighed in relief

Now that you weren’t being pressed into yet another mountain of plush female flesh, you could finally take a look around, you were in your mom’s private office. You never knew the full details on her job, but you knew she had been promoted roughly around the time you started high school and that meant she was likely a sort of manager of boss, so her having an office to herself made sense. You couldn’t hear much noise from the outside, which could mean that either there was good soundproofing, there were few people around, which made sense, it being a Saturday, or possibly both

“Well, it’s a relief, and I’m glad you two were mature enough to make the right call” She said in her typical motherly tone

“H-Hey! I’m a mother myself, and I’m even older than you!” Sheila clearly didn’t feel flattered by that remark, and both you and your mom enjoyed a hearty chuckle at her expense

“I know, but you have your quirks, and besides, the latter isn’t something to be proud of” Miriam struggled to say before she burst out laughing again. Sheila crossed her arms and made a pouty face, but she was badly trying to suppress her own laughter as well

“You know, you love to poke fun at my size and weight, but you’re no feather yourself either” She said with a smirk, to which Miriam replied with a faked gasp

“How could you?” She asked in an overdramatic tone

“It’s the truth though. Even your son knows” Sheila gave her a toothy grin before she looked down at you

“Right? Your mama is a pretty big woman herself, isn’t she? But she likes to pretend she’s one of those size zero bags of bones that appear on magazines, doesn’t she?” Sheila giggled

“That’s totally not true, and unfair!” Now it was Miriam’s turn to pout

“I might not exercise as much these days, but I’m still in pretty good shape!” She huffed

“Suuure, more like in a guitar’s shape” Sheila said with a smug smile. Coming to think of it, you realized where Lillian got her personality from, though that had always been pretty obvious

“Sheila’s lying, isn’t she honey?” Miriam asked, looking down at you on her chest, somehow failing to see the obvious. “She’s just a big bad liar that wants to make mommy cry” She said, barely suppressing her laughter. You, however, froze for a moment when you realized she was expecting an actual answer. Somehow, you had hoped it were a mere rhetorical question

“Honey?” Miriam asked again, lightly poking you with a finger

“See? He’s struggling because he knows he can’t tell his mum she’s packing on the pounds” Sheila chuckled

“That’s not true. Besides, he knows I always want honest answers” Miriam defended herself but looked at you, wondering if Sheila was actually right despite her refusal to believe it

“O-Of course she’s lying!” You shouted after you regained enough focus. Even if this was mostly for fun and jokes, you could vaguely feel this could be a touchy subject for your mom

“Ha! See? You’re just projecting” Miriam was quick to get into a smug mood herself, and playfully stuck her tongue out at Sheila while both friends laughed

“Hmph, he just didn’t want to make you cry” Sheila joked. Then the two women looked into each other’s eyes for a second, and it was as if they had a telepathic conversation, as they both smiled at the same time

“Maybe we just need to rephrase the question” Sheila said as she picked you up from your mom’s chest and put you on her desk, near the edge, and on the right corner. She then gestured at Miriam to stand up, and that alone was an incredibly intimidating display to you, it was like watching a mountain, or even a celestial body, move, at speeds that shouldn’t be possible for something so large, with a sort of organic gracefulness that seemed entirely out of place on something so huge
Miriam winked at you before she slowly turned around, covering your surroundings in dark shadows and pretty quickly too. You couldn’t believe this, as her monstrous ass ominously hovered above, though to you it was miles high into the sky

“So, tell me, little Blaise… does mama have a big butt?” Sheila asked with the same kind of mischievous giggle you knew from Lillian when she was up to no good

Even more shockingly, Miriam’s gigantic derriere began to lower itself down towards you, those twin fleshy globes tightly contained by a black pencil skirt that was probably a few sizes too small might as well be the planet Earth to you, in sheer scale. At that moment, reasoning went out the window and as if on autopilot, your body began running away, though you could see the shadow from her huge ass was miles across in all directions in your scale, and you doubted you could make it, but that didn’t matter, you had to try anyway… And somehow, you did it. Miriam’s titanic butt landed with an earth-quaking boom that knocked you off your feet, but you barely made it out of the danger zone.

While you took a few deep breaths and wiped some sweat off your face, despite your eyes being closed, you felt that everything had darkened again, and much to your shock, Sheila had done the same, and since you had run from the opposite direction to the right corner, it didn’t take very long to realize you just had cornered yourself

“I’ll be nice and provide an example of a real big booty to compare” Sheila giggled as she showed you her gigantic booty. If your mom’s were like planet Earth, Sheila’s cheeks were like Jupiter. EACH. She lowered her humongous assets down towards you, and you had no choice but to run back towards your mom since the only other possible way was blocked by various office things scattered on the desk, plus her work computer. Your mad dash worked in the end however, and when Sheila’s monstrous ass landed on the desk, the shockwave sent you flying right into your mom’s cheek, before you could do anything else, Sheila’s pinned you to hers

Thus, you found yourself pinned between the two mothers’ outrageously huge behinds, and you could hear them both giggling above
May 12, 2023