The truth of the "prank" is revealed
The other "mountain" was way too far for you to jump over it, and there was nothing even remotely resembling a bridge. If you wanted to go on to the other side, you'd have to climb down the immense valley in between and climb back up, though you weren't sure if all that effort would be worth anything, so far, nothing made you think it'd be any different from where you had been before

Scratching your head in thought, you considered that trying to go around the canyon might lead somewhere else, but you honestly couldn't tell for sure. Knowing Lillian, you weren't too confident she'd call off the prank anytime soon until she was satisfied, though you had to hand it to her, this one had been by far the most baffling one

"I think he might be starting to figure it out..." Jen quietly commented, watching you
"Aw, I was hoping he wandered around some more" Lillian playfully pouted
"I don't think he really wants to go through the effort of climbing down that massive canyon..." Jen said with a slight smirk
"Then what makes you think he'll want to deal with yours?" Lillian replied, glancing at Jen's bouncing chest and wiggling her eyebrows a little, making it all too obvious what she exactly meant. Jen blushed and looked embarrassed, though her smile showed she didn't hate the idea. Soon she regained her composure and looked back at Lillian and you, who was starting to walk towards her back rather than her crack

"I think it's about time we tell him the truth" Jen said, but before Lillian could even answer, she swiftly, but gently picked you up with two fingers and slowly brought you to her face

You nearly had a heart attack when suddenly a massive shadow covered you for a split second before two massive building-sized things pressed upon you from both sides and raised you into the air. These things felt similar to the odd "ground" you had been walking on, feeling soft, completely different from any sort of rock or soil and giving off some warmth. You also felt a faint rhythmical vibration coming from them, but that wasn't nearly the end of all the things that were overwhelming your mind as soon you were presented with an unbelievable sight, a colossal eye, easily larger than a movie theater screen

The objects that held you in place pulled you a little farther back, and you were able to see something even more unbelievable, Jen's face, but hundreds if not thousands of times bigger than it should be. It was only then that the rest of the things you had just seen or felt started to make sense. The building-like structures holding you in place were her fingers, but you still weren't sure on what the hell you were on up until she decided to pick you up

'I'd think this has to be some kind of fever dream, but it feels way too real, and has been going on for too long...' You thought, still trying to make sense of it all

"Hey there Blaise" She spoke softly and smiled at you. Her voice was surprisingly booming, almost ominous in a way, but despite that, it still managed to retain the soothing tone you knew her for. You were wondering if at some point you hit your head too hard or were going crazy, but for now you chose to roll along.

"Hey!" You shouted and waved, unsure if you could even be heard, but seeing her face, it looked like you were
"So... what exactly happened?" You asked
"This is the little prank we pulled on you" Jen giggled, making your heart melt with her cuteness, despite her intimidating size.
"'We'?" You then heard Lillian's voice, equally as booming, but it sounded more distant. Jen sighed and shook her head
"Well, Lillian did most of it, but I helped..." Jen said, saying the last word in what seemed to be a flirty or suggestive way, and you gulped, remembering how she covered your eyes and pressed her chest against your back. You looked down and felt like your eyes were about to just pop right out of their sockets as you saw Jen's massive chest, a pair of living, bouncing mountains, and perhaps even calling them mountains didn't fully do them justice

Quickly snapping yourself out of that, you realized that it might be too obvious if you stared, so you looked up, back at Jen's face, but to your surprise, she blushed slightly, but gave you a flirty smile as she lowered you down to her chest level, then she made her boobs bounce and jiggle a bit for you. Now you felt like your jaw had just detached from your face, you couldn't believe what you were seeing, even less so when she winked at you

"Why don't you bring him here?" Lillian said and Jen obliged, she lowered you down farther below, and when you looked down you felt like you were going that heart attack from before, as you saw Lillian's huge ass, but made much, much larger.
'Geez, those things must be like planets to someone like me' You thought in sheer disbelief, and as you got closer, a realization hit you like a bucket of cold water: This was the weird place you had been wandering around on. The yellow triangle you saw nearly at the end of your so called journey was what could be seen from Lillian's yellow thong, one of her oldest but favorite pieces of underwear.

Lillian giggled and shook her hips, making her pair of planetary masses wobble and jiggle to an extent you didn't think possible, but then again, your current size was amplifying the details. You could see literal waves of fatty flesh ripple across the vast round expanses she called cheeks, and how they made the two gigantic masses bounce into each other. Another shocking realization hit you: That the "explosions" you had suffered through were Lillian's farts. Your mind briefly flashed backs to many instances where you called them literal nukes and shuddered, as that unwitting prophecy had come true

Jen carefully set you on Lillian's left cheek, and as soon as her hand withdrew she shook her hips again, forcing you to ride her colossal fatty waves until they calmed down.
"Did you have fun on my booty?" She asked with a laugh, but you were (literally) too shaken to respond, at least for about a minute
"He's too stunned to answer" She said to Jen with a smug grin "I can't blame him though... I guess I'd be speechless too if I were a guy and were seeing the sexiest ass in the whole school" she added, to which Jen gave her an annoyed glare
"Hey! Second place isn't that bad" Lillian laughed, inadvertently making her humongous lower assets jiggle more.
"I think he had enough time with your big butt..." Jen said and reached to pick you up...


"Nuh-uh" Lillian suddenly grabbed you with lightning speed and left Jen baffled that she could so quickly pick up something so small.
"I'm just getting started" She said, still with her usual smug grin
"Aw, c'mon, you already had him walk on your butt until now..." Jen complained
"Yeah but there's one more thing I want to do before you get him" Lillian said and brought you right above her crack. She let you stare at the abyss for a few seconds before she nonchalantly dropped you in. Jen gasped and watched in disbelief as her speck-sized crush plummeted straight into Lillian's massive crack, soon disappearing into its darkness.
"I wanna play a little game of explorer with my best friend" She explained, Jen gave an annoyed huff, feeling cheated out of her own fun time
"Just climb out to get out of there" She said to you as you fell, you were so baffled right now you could hardly believe it. Lillian had just decided to drop you right into her huge ass and make a "game" out of it, but given your size, you'd have to play along...


"Yeah, you're right..." Lillian said, making Jen raise an eyebrow, as she didn't usually cooperate so easily. Lillian picked you up and once she raised you off her butt, she used her free hand to spank herself
"I hope you enjoyed that... but that was just the appetizer... Jen got a nice surprise for you..." She said while getting up and pulling up her computer chair. She winked at you before putting you right in the middle of the seat, which bore two enormous and deep, round imprints, as that chair probably saw plenty of use by its owner, but you didn't get to have a very thorough look as the ground shook a few times, and a shadow covered your immediate surroundings. You turned around and looked up, you almost fainted when you saw that Jen's butt, also insanely huge at this size, hovered above you, and she seemingly noticed you were looking as she gave her wide hips a teasing shake, making her cheeks jiggle deliciously despite being contained by tight denim.

Lillian started playing some music on her phone and winked at you
"Enjoy..." she giggled


"Eh, fair enough..." Lillian said and picked you up, then she got up and turned to face Jen, but instead of handing you over, she took a step forward and put you on one of her boobs. Jen's eyes widened, she blushed intensely and her jaw dropped
"What? That's what you wanted, isn't it?" Lillian said with a mischievous smile


"True, but just in part..." Lillian said while Jen picked you up
"What do you mean just in part?" She asked, clearly confused
"Did you already forget about our other plans?" Lillian raised an eyebrow
"Yes... I mean no... I mean, I thought I was going to get a turn before..." She replied
"You can have it after... besides, it's not like the next activity isn't going to be fun" Lillian said, putting her hands on her hips
"What's the next activity?" You asked with a slightly shaky voice, since you knew Lillian was playful to a fault, a huge red flag in your current state, but at least Jen was there to protect you, or so you hoped.
"Something that's been long left unresolved..." Lillian said, trying to sound dramatic "A beauty contest! The ultimate beauty contest between the two school's ultimate beauties"
"And you're the judge..." She said, almost whispering while leaning closer to you. You gulped...
May 12, 2023