On Lillian, but where?
[Note: I didn't have a way to unify these two possible routes, hence I just jumped straight to the separated paths]


This seemingly alien landscape is unlike anything you ever saw or experienced ever before. The terrain is ridiculously soft and it seems it'd be difficult to even call it a solid substance, it felt like you were walking on some kind of pudding, your feet sank into it as if it were quicksand. But unlike it, there's no moisture to it. Also, soil is usually cool and absorbs heat, but this weird sort of ground gave off a warmth of its own.

As you struggled to 'walk', the ground shook and wobbled, enormous waves were created, and you somehow managed to not get thrown off by them. Then you heard again the girls' giggling, but you couldn't find any sort of mic, speaker or really anything besides you, this landscape was oddly devoid of stuff.

Meanwhile, Lillian lied on her bed, and she had taken her shorts off. Jen stared at her huge ass with an unusual fascination.
"Wow, it even jiggles without you moving" She said
"See? That's what I strive for!" Lillian chuckled
"By not actually doing any physical effort?" Jen raised an eyebrow
"Exactly... that's what it takes to get this kind of softness" Lillian gave a smug smile "You can get like this if you tone down exercise a few pegs"

Jen said nothing, but grabbed her own butt and squeezed it. It had certainly gotten a lot softer, as she had quit the volleyball team since last year's summer vacation. She felt quite insecure as her curves grew noticeably ever since, though Lillian kept on reassuring her that it had been the right call and that Blaise would love her with a little more 'meat on her bones'. Then again, Lillian did have a valid point in that being definitely not thin by any means, she had a kind of allure, or would have if she didn't ruin it by farting all the time, but even despite of that, she still could turn heads whenever she walked. The only part she was mostly happy about was that her chest also got bigger as a result of dropping consistent exercise, but unlike her friend, Jen's stomach remained mostly smooth, although it was starting to have a bit of pudge to it, but pretty much nobody would dare to call that unattractive on her.

Looking back at Lillian's butt, what she was actually focusing on was the tiny, almost speck-sized humanoid figure that walked on Lillian's gigantic buttcheek as it wobbled and rippled on its own. She wouldn't believe that it was her friend and crush if it she hadn't seen him shrink right before her eyes as she hugged him and covered his eyes while Lillian shrank him with a weird device she got.

'I knew her butt was huge, but wow... I think it's not an exaggeration to call it a planet compared to him over there...' she thought 'Not that I'm all that much smaller myself...' She giggled quietly, but also blushed, imagining herself in Lillian's place. She still held some doubts, and wondered if Blaise would like hers.
"If you think that's jiggle you haven't seen anything" Lillian suddenly said, snapping her out her thoughts, and slightly wiggled her hips, indeed increasing her fleshy booty's jiggling many times over.

"What..." You said as suddenly everything shook much more wildly than before, the jello-like ground beneath you rippled and formed gigantic tsunami-sized waves that tossed you around until you managed to get on top of one, and clung to it with all your might until the tremors and waves subsided. You still couldn't make sense of what was going on, but you found it odd that you heard the girls having a seemingly random conversation despite the clear lack of any electronic devices around. You wondered if maybe the speakers were hidden behind the walls or something like that, but then again, that would lean more towards Hollywood levels of special effects, and not the stuff an ordinary high school girl would or should be able to afford.

"Wow..." Jen said, most likely thinking out loud
"I know... just try to imagine what it's like for him back there..." Lillian giggled "In fact, let's amp it up a little..." she added and then patted her own butt, making sure that her hands didn't hit anywhere near where Blaise actually was. As she called it, her enormous cheeks jiggled even more, noticeable ripples traveled across them and all the way to her thighs before they dissipated.

"Whoah!" You shouted as you were caught in a wave much bigger than any of the others before, and the tremors intensified much more, you knew nothing of earthquakes, but you wouldn't feel crazy to call this a 9 in the Richter scale. In addition to the intense trembling, you also heard a booming thunderous noise, as if a meteor struck this strange land. You found it difficult to maintain your grip on the squishy material, but still managed to, and after what felt like an eternity, eventually everything settled down.

Lillian briefly closed her eyes and savored the feeling of her own flesh rippling and wobbling, as well as the tiny guy clinging to her flesh and walking when he could. She managed to even feel his negligible weight and that sent mad shivers across her spine. A few minutes later, she could feel her stomach rumbling, vibrating against the bed and she smiled.

"Hey Jen, you should stand back..." She said, and Jen promptly did so
"Why though?" She asked, but rather than telling her, Lillian chuckled and took a sharp breath before unleashing a roaring blast from between her blubbery cheeks. Jen was speechless and felt like her jaw just dropped to the floor.

You heard the girls talk again, but you still had no clue as to where you were at all, but when you heard Lillian you stopped, that tone was all too familiar by now. You sighed and facepalmed.
"She's totally going to fart, I can guarantee it..." You mumbled to yourself, but then laughed a little yourself, for once you wouldn't be the one to suffer through that, although it seemed Jen would. Just as you tried to resume walking, there was a sudden monstrous explosion, and even though it seemed like it was distant, its massive shockwave was quick to sweep through the landscape around you and knocked you off your feet. Its sheer noise left your ears ringing for a few seconds, and soon your entire atmosphere felt warmer, but worse than that, it stunk, and it was a smell you were sadly all too familiar with.

"God-dammit..." You grumbled and wondered if this was Lillian's big prank...


You were on a strange place, it looked barren, as you could see nothing around besides yourself. The 'ground' was pale and oddly warm and squishy. Your feet easily sank into it, but it was nowhere near as bad as with quicksand, and unlike it, you couldn't feel water, this odd material was mostly dry, but also felt smooth. After you took a few steps, you stopped in your tracks as you felt the ground rumble faintly and heard what sounded like churning. Suddenly, it seemed like you weren't on top of solid ground anymore, but rather you were on top of some massive cave, as its noises echoed under your feet.

'This is some Star Wars bullshit right there...' You thought, even more weirded out. The whole thing had been surreal, but the fact that this sounded vaguely organic sent chills down your spine. It didn't sound like what you'd expect nature to sound like, nor it sounded artificial, if that made sense. Rather than sounding like just the wind, or water flowing, or machinery, these noises sounded oddly as if they belonged to a living thing.
'But that'd be insane' You quietly laugh to yourself in nervousness 'Not even a whale would be able to make that kind of noise...'

As you take a few more steps, the ground quivers beneath your feet and soon everything begins to shake, making you ride literal waves of this odd material as gigantic ripples traveled across this alien-looking surface.

Meanwhile, Jen watched as you slowly walked on Lillian's soft belly. Both girls were struggling to suppress their giggling, and Lillian gestured at her to be quiet as it seemed that Jen was about to give in to her laughter. She struggled a little to get a look at you over her own sizable chest, but Lillian still managed to, and she was thrilled, her best friend was shrunken to an incredibly small size and trekked across the 'vast landscape' of her belly, and it didn't seem like he had realized yet. However, her stomach refused to play along and was starting to make noises, either demanding food or signaling that there'd be some gas to pass soon, though only she knew for sure.

You wondered if this was an extremely elaborate prank Lillian pulled off with her mom's help. You vaguely knew that as an ex-model or something, she was considerably wealthy despite living rather simply, and that she could have contacts, but the absence of anything resembling cameras or lamps convinced you against that assumption. You pinched yourself a few times, but it didn't look like you were drugged either, or at least, not that you could know. A few minutes later, you stopped as you finally spotted the first change in this seemingly identical landscape: an enormous hole in the ground. Even for a sinkhole it was huge, but what was more, you noticed that the hole's edges were all round, there was not a single hint of sharpness, and that was pretty odd, it was unlike any kind of rock you knew, but then again, the stuff under your feet didn't feel like rocks at all either.

The rumbling and churning noises intensified, apparently amplified by this mysterious giant hole. Coming to think of it, it didn't seem excessively deep for its size, but its bottom would certainly be dark, and it didn't seem like you'd be able to climb up if those walls were made of the same exact squishy material. Still, you decided to take a break here, at least you had definite proof that you had made progress, and could use this 'landmark' for future reference.
May 12, 2023
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