A Tiny Child Chapter 7
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You think for a moment as your mother looks down on you in the palm of her hand. You really don't want to end up trapped in her vagina, not that you really think your mother would let that happen, but just in case you decide against it.

"Ok mom," you say,"I guess if you promise to avoid most of the bumps I'll ride in the back."

Your mother smiles down at you. "Of course honey, wouldn't want my little boy to get smooshed by mommies big bottom!"

Your mother laughs at her own joke, you don't. Your mother leans forward and pulls her pants open with her free hand. She brings you around to the back and you look down at her cavernous ass crack. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. It’s too late to protest now though, her hand begins to tilt and you slide downwards off of it. You try to grab at her fingernail as you suddenly realize what a bad idea this was, but it’s too late. You free fall before connecting with the flesh of her upper back. You quickly begin to slide downwards between her massive fleshy ass cheeks. Your decent gets tighter and you finally come to a stop, snug between her buns.

Above, your mother shudders as her little boy is deposited into her coin slot. She lowers her bottom into the seat and wiggles herself to get comfortable.

Inside her butt cheeks, you feel your world begin to jiggle. The massive flesh quake causes you to fall forward. You grasp at the walls of her ass, trying desperately to get a grip on a rouge ass hair, but no luck. You tumble forwards before you come to a halt, slammed face first into something large and wrinkled. You have a bad feeling about where you are but you don’t want to admit it. You sniff deeply and your worst fears are confirmed. Your pressed against your mothers butthole. You pray this ride goes fast.

Your mother jumps up as you connect with her asshole. She smiles mischievously. She never actually thought you would choose her butt, but now that your there, she can’t but help feel a little turned on by her overwhelming power over you. As she drives along her stomach begins to growl. She hasn’t had a chance to stop and eat today (busy ladies forgo food for work) but she figures now is a good a time as any.

Down in her ass, you do your best not to keep falling forward into her anus. By the smell of it, she used the bathroom at some point today, but your mother always advocated baby wipes for the cleanest bottom so she didn’t have many hangers. Just a lingering funk. Suddenly your whole world shakes and you slam forward into the asshole again, your face pressed against its greasy surface.

Your mother is stopped at the order box at the Taco Bell drive through. The voice asks her what she would like and she orders five beefy crunch burritos. The mix of meat, cheese, and spicy Fritos always do a number on her stomach, but she feels like she can make it home before she has to move her bowels. Of course it might get a little windy for baby boy down there, but she feels you can handle it. She pulls up to the window, pays, and takes her bag of doom. She immediately wolf down a burrito before she’s even back on the main road. Soon, she’s driving again and she’s three burritos down. Her stomach begins to grumble and a smile spreads across her face.

Being this close to your mothers bowels, you can hear the inner workings of her digestion system. It sounds like something angry is going on inside your mom. You have no idea what could be causing this.

Above, your mother polishes off her fourth burrito. That’s when she feels it rolling down the pike. It’s gonna be a bad one.

Something sounds angry behind your mothers balloon knot. Without warning, her anus bulges outwards and a giant fart blows out. You gasp and cough as the putrid wind blows past. Somehow, you don’t move. You stay lodged right next to the stink cannon. You can’t beleive your mother is doing this!

Your mother licks her fingers as she finishes the last beefy crunch burrito. Good timing too, because she just pulled into the driveway and she can feel her colon filling up with dirty burrito shits. She parks the car and gets out, standing up straight.

You feel your mother move from a sitting position to a standing position. As she does this, another fart slips out. This one much more dirty and more powerful than the last. So powerful infact that it blows you into the seat of her panties. You thank god for your freedom. It’s short lived though, because that dirty fart continues to sputter out and sound ominously wet. Suddenly a massive spurt of hot liquid shit pours out of your moms dirty ass. You get blasted with it and are instantly covered. Instantly you know. Your mother stopped for burritos. You’ve smelled the bathroom after she’s finished one of her Taco Bell trips and that’s what this smells like, only worse.

Outside, your mother quickly smacks her hand against the seat of her pants realizing she has shit herself.

Your mothers hand slapping the pants forces you against her milky white dimpled ass cheek. You stick to it from the shit you are covered in.

Your mother quickly rushes to the house, holding in whatever evil is trying to escape from her ass. She bounds up the stairs to the bathroom and quickly drops her pants.

Your flooded with light as her pants come down. You can see the toilet from where you hang and immediately fear for your life.

Do you fall free from your ass splotch and land in her panties, only doomed to the smell and having to hear the onslaught, or do you fall into the toilet and experience it first hand...
May 12, 2023
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