The Journey Back Home - Between Mom's Butt-cheeks!
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
· original author:
Your tiny, defenseless form was shoved unceremoniously face-first harder against your mom's large, round ass as she panted audibly, making no effort to disguise how good it felt everytime you were squished under her bum after a speedbump. Which was weird, because you didn't remember there being any speedbumps on the way home and this was the fifteenth one so far.

You felt the speed shit again. The upward momentum of the car forced your tiny body to try and push a huge mountain off of it. Except this mountain was your loving mother's voluptuous backside. You felt your breath crushed instantly, and the blood in your body felt forced to every extremity. You thought your vessels would burst. Your ribs began to hurt, and you heard a couple of your joints crack slightly. The bare, warm skin of her bum completely enveloped you, utterly smothering your face. You couldn't help but moan, from both pain and shameful arousal, as her maternal buttflesh saw it's chance and filled your mouth. You couldn’t help but lick her skin. Her rump's smell was stronger than ever, and cloying. There was a brief moment of weightlessness and warm, soft pressure as the car crested the bump and you and your mom's butt were briefly suspended in the ether. Then gravity shrugged it's shoulders and the little world you lived in under that butt became a pressure cooker forcing you under it once again. That was number sixteen.

You thought you could take it, but the battle between you and your mother's big bottom was not going well. Your mother's butt was about the size of your old bedroom and despite her assurances she was going out of her way to put all her weight squarely on top of you. The only parts of your body that weren't being slowly crushed by your mom's heavy moon-sized backside pressing you down into the car seat were you face, which your mom had purposefully wedged up between her butt-cheeks, and your erect member, which shamefully had found it's own way up there as the rest of you crumbled.

Above you your mother changed lanes and finally started heading towards home. After clearing her throat she explained to you that she had driven a half-hour out of her way because she was inexplicably enjoying the car ride so much, weren't you? But anyway she'd had her fun and she was heading for home now, okay sweetie?

Down below, between her butt-cheeks, you could hear her surprisingly well, as the sound reverberates through her massive body and is transmitted to you by the soft, pressing butt-flesh packing your ears. Besides, your head was wedged up your mother's ass-crack; it was warm and peaceful, with little to do but think.

Also it was hard to breath.

You began wiggling, with some ferocity, to remind your mother of this. Mistaking this for an unruly tantrum, she leans back in her seat, piling more weight on top of you until the fight is crushed from your body. And then she wiggles her hips back and forth, grinding you gently but firmly under her arse.

"Hmph. You should be more thankful. Some women who aren't as well-endowed back there as I am have to carry people like you around in their mouths! Don't you think it's much safer to spend all your time under your loving mother's bottom than constantly being terrified of getting swallowed? Or do you want to go back in my purse??"

You tried to respond that you didn't, but the buttflesh that was in your mouth was still busy french-kissing you, and the most you could do was choke out a conciliatory "Ngk!"

Far above you, she smiled and put her foot on the gas. "That's what I thought sweetie. You just get used to mommy's big, warm bum being on top of you all the time. We'll talk more - about keeping you inside my bum, of course - when we get back home."

Up ahead, joy of joys, was speedbump number seventeen.
May 12, 2023
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