Her Boss Is a bit Peeved
A Tiny Child Chapter 9
· original author:
"Carolyn... That was a great show you put on tonight. The men were going wild."
"Oh, it's nothing. Thanks boss!"
"Yeah, well... But next time could you not go wild yourself? You were pretty much masturbating there on the stage near the end there."
"Oh..." Carolyn blushed. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. It feels like my left nipple hasn't been stimulated in months. It's so sensitive. I don't know why." She grabs her whole breast for emphasis, sending a wave of milk crashing into you, submerging you again. You swim desperately to the surface for air.
"Yeah, well, try to keep it more classy, alright? Any stupid bitch could get up on stage and fuck herself, but it takes real professionalism to do what you do, what all of our girls do. You gotta have talent, dedication, and self-respect. Don't forget that."
"O-of course. Sorry, sir."

Carolyn was embarrassed for having acted impulsively during her show, though It seemed natural enough at the time to satisfy her suddenly inexplicably euphoric nipple. She bid adieu to her boss, her fellow dancers and the bartender and hurried home, having forgotten about you. You start to wimper, afloat in her milk-duct, tucked away within her breast and unseen to all, even your own mother whose breast you are now trapped in.
May 12, 2023
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