Her Mouth
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
· original author:
"Well...I did run out of gum this morning, so you'll just have to do." Vanessa said with an exaggerated yawn. You could see her gigantic cave of a mouth. You could see her serpent of a tongue go up to the roof of her mouth and back to the bottom of her mouth.
"Wait hold up." You said as your voice cracked nervously. She smiled at you mischievous intent. "Oh don't worry I want chew on you...too much." She said, suppressing a giggle. She smiled once more before opening her mouth wide, so you wouldn't get stuck in between her teeth. She gingerly placed you onto her her moist tongue. Before you could stand up and try to escape her monstrous lips closed shut, blocking any light.
Though not able to see, you could feel her tongue already lifting you up before slamming you into the roof of her mouth. Her tongue slid beneath you, licking your minuscule body until the tip of her tongue was holding you still. Despite much effort on your part to push the snake lake muscle away it held you still. Then suddenly her tongue appear to vanish. Before you knew you fell onto the bottom of her mouth. Her tongue quickly slammed onto you, her saliva was now coating your body. As you try to breath it is nearly impossible to not get saliva in your mouth. You can feel that she is walking very quickly as you get knocked around though it is hardly noticeable as Vanessa's tongue continues to play with your body.
May 12, 2023
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