This isn't good
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
· original author:
Light flooded the bag as you heard the zipper slide. You looked up in time to see a hand wrap around you and lift you into the air. Soon you were again staring directly into Vanessa’s large, smiling face the giant girl. She simply stared at you, smiling mischievously.

You had trouble looking away from her to notice the surroundings, but soon realized that you were in a girls bathroom stall. She had straight black hair down to her shoulders and green eyes.

“Hello, my name is Jake,” you stammered, breaking the ice. In response, she simply smiled more. This was really unnerving. Her smile was wide enough to be a room for you, and her stare seemed to penetrate into you.

After a few more seconds, she finally responded, “Wow, a tiny! What were you doing climbing my leg? You know what, I don’t care. I’ve never been able to hold one of you like this before.”

“It’s been a pleasure to meet you,” you feign, a little worried. “Do you know the time? I have a class to get to.”

“Oh, it’s my time, and you’re not going anywhere. I’ve always wanted a pet, but my parents wouldn’t purchase one for me off the black market.”

Yes, you vaguely knew about that black market, where tinies, usually boys and men, were captured and sold as pets or toys.

“Please!” you shout, but she simply lowered you as she began to get up.

“I just suggest you never talk back to me again,” she scolded. “Although, I would prefer if you do so that I have an excuse to punish you.” With that she pressed her thumb into your chest, knocking the wind out of you.

The bell rang, and she looked at the watch on her wrist, “Shoot I’ll be late if I don’t leave now. Now where to put you until it’s over.”

Where did she put you?
May 12, 2023
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