(Substitute) Teacher's Pet
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
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Her blue eyes lit up with over zealous joy as she glanced down at your tiny body. She fluttered her eyelids in disbelief as she plucked your minuscule body off of the wooden desk you sat upon a second before. The young woman examined you as you sat looking horrified at her curious yet beautiful face.

"Well class, I am Ms Dakota, and I will greatly enjoy teaching this class today." She said with a sadistic grin as she slipped you into her exposed cleavage and continued as though you were not even there. You fell through the slippery, sweaty crevasse between her two mountainous breasts and wedged yourself in the tits of your temporary teacher.

She bounced around with every step as you struggled to stay put in the mountains of flesh which held you into place between her glorious fun bags. You struggled for breath as the moist, humid air that was poorly filtered through her cotton t shirt made a stretch to even come close toy your well hidden position inside of the woman.

After what seemed to be decades of torture you heard a bell as the teacher started moving, and plucked you out of her shirt to look at her small prize.

"So little boy, I've decided to
May 12, 2023
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