Reader's choice
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
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A few moments after you walk into your sister's sock your world turns from horizontal to vertically. You fall until you hit the toe of her sock. The sock smelt faintly of your sister's foot but it was relativIy clean. You yell up at your sister, "What are you doing!?" As you try to stand up on the uneven ground. Your sister eye peeps into the sock with one giant eye before grabbing part of the sock and tieing it shut. "Sorry bro." She spoke as she twirled the sock around with you in it. You tumble around the sock uncontrollably. You try to hold onto something but you have no luck. You're moving too fast to even get a grip on the fabric of her sock.
She eventually stops twirling the sock and you swing to a stop. "I lost a bet that I could hold my breath longer then the rest of the team I had to bet you, the winner gets to keep you for a week. She promised she won't try to kill you." She said before mindlessly twirling you in her sock again. "I knew you wouldn't agree so I had to trick you. Don't worry I'm sure you'll get along well." Before you know it, the sock stops twirling and your sister puts it and you in her gym bag. The smell seemed to worsen as no new fresh air came into the sock.
The overwhelming smell from her gym bag did not help, combined with the movement of her bag as she picked it up to leave you pass out.
When you awoke you discover the winner of the bet was...
May 12, 2023
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