gonu go with the flow.
A Tiny Child Chapter 9
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the ground surrounding you in this sawer of a dark pit filled with melting food and hored smelling liquid that covered everything including your now naked form. a throw everything else was discovering you remained unharmed in the worm liquid covering you only felt slightly tigully. Disadeding you don’t want to spend the rest of his life in this warm smelly cavern you start looking for a way out. First you try the way you came in but unfortunately it's too high and you can't even begin to reach it. that only leave one direction down. you sloshed through the warm liquid mush searching until you finally found it a small hole that was letting the dissolved food further down the line. Now came the hard part, you spent the next hour slowly working his way through your sister's squishy red hole finally getting to the other side only to be squeezed in from the warm wet walls of her little inteastten. Try as you might you could not even stop the crushing force of the warm dark walls surrounding you as they slowly pushed you farther down. The warm wet walls continued to push you further along slowly moving you down your Big sister’s digestive track like a grain of rice.

after what felt like hours you began smelling something truly harindus, struggling with all your febil might against the dark wall around you, you managed to see a solige brown wall ahead of yourself. you also nodest a small hole that he might be able to fit in to avoid you shitty fate

you decided to...
May 12, 2023
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