You flew out, towards the table...
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
· original author:
Carolyn's panicked shaking has left you airborne, though you know it won't be for long. The world spins as you sail onto the table, landing with a loud (to you, at least) 'splat!' You are momentarily disoriented, and briefly wonder why the world has gone yellow, before realizing that you've landed face down in egg yolk.

You lift your head just in time to see a fork sail just by you, spearing a nearby piece of egg, before flying out of sight. You immediately begin struggling to get up, but the yolk is slick, the plate is greasy, and you've had the wind knocked out of you. You have a feeling that you're going to know just how that poor boy from Amanda's story felt, all too soon.

If nothing else, you want to know whose plate you're on, and turn over to see...
May 12, 2023
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