Thar he blows
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
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As your two family members talked above you; you couldn't help but ignore them choosing to concentrating on dry humping. You let out a moan and thrust again your sisters pillowy skin concave and the fat surrounded your penis making you wince in pleasure.

The sticky warm embrace of your Amanda's bosom was beginning to get to you as you began to sweat making you thrust even faster and finally you climax in the biggest orgasm of your life in a kicking and screaming bellow you spill your seed all over the mound of flesh in front of you and on your hips.

Reeling from the orgasm you begin to realize what you had just done. “Oh god I’m such a freak I just dry humped my sister's breasts!” you yell in anguish. With nothing left to do you lay there and wait for fate.

While above the two titans made small talk until Amanda felt something weird happening between her breast and suddenly it stopped. Confused she comes to the conclusion
May 12, 2023
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