It shall be used for me!
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
· original author:
I felt like you left that first option open for the person you replied to, Dage, so I decided to post my reply using the open path.

Okay, so, maybe it's just my own special take on the scenarios that interest me, but I try my absolute best to keep the subjects from seeming like mere objects, or means to an obvious end. It just takes some of the excitement out of it. The topic will still arouse me, but what's the point of getting truly invested if no thought was put into the scenario, and the characters come off feeling like cardboard cutouts with exaggerated features relevant to the erotica? Even so, objectification in this type of story is not inherently bad as it is in reality or a published story.

There's a certain amount of care, thought progression, and even world-building that separates a boring "exploitative" chapter from the ones that are great and memorable. At least, that's how I feel.

But, of course, this isn't usually the point of erotic fantasy writing. There are times where I write and then look back and wonder just what I was thinking. With impossible scenarios, it's inherently not serious! As an example, every writer and contributor to a story like this starring underage characters had their chapters taken seriously, there would be a huge pedophile epidemic. But there isn't, because it's not actually harming any real kids or supporting such behavior. This is what we call escapism, and it's totally fine and should be inconsequential to a person's life in normal society.

May 12, 2023
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