Thinking of Revenge, Between her Thighs
A Tiny Child Chapter 9
You occupy the small space on the chair not taken up by Carolyn's bottom. You stand at her knees, looking out at the black crevasse between her thighs. Her legs are just barely separated from each other, but you think you could fit between them. So you walk on towards the center of the chair.

You haven't quite decided what you'll do as revenge for your unwarranted punishment, but you're sure pissed off as hell at her. How dare she? It's HER fault you ended up between her big fat tits, and she has the nerve to scream at you about it? And your whole body is still pulsing with pain from her clenching fingers. Fuck her! You can't believe that stubborn bitch. Unlike you, you, who's just the embodiment of virtue, patience, understanding...

...You find your anger subside as you look around again at your position.

You first wonder where her bathrobe's gone. It's covering her lap, but the chair is bare and wooden. It must be so short that it doesn't touch the chair. Her cheeks, you think, must be touching the bare wood of the chair. You head on. The light recedes as the space you're walking into shrinks, as her legs get closer and closer together. The heat from her body is filling the space. Soon it is pitch black, and you're no longer small enough to walk freely between her legs. First you can't swing your arms, then your arms are caught, and now you're making your way, stepping sideways, brushing against her thighs with your whole body as you progress. Soon you're squeezed in, and you can move but by pushing against the pressure.
It's hot and musty here, between her thighs. Your own sweat is providing the lubrication that lets you move forward, and the pungent smell of her sex fills your mouth and mind. You can see nothing but the flesh in front of you. You're no longer sure of where you are along her leg.

Imagine this: her inner thigh. Firm, you think, like the skin of a grapefruit. But so smooth, and warm. Both thighs pressing up against your entire body. It's comforting. You stop for a moment, to take this in.

You press on, and on, using both your feet on the ground and a groping at the skin ahead of you to pull yourself forward. At last your hand reaches forward and finds ahead not flesh, but the resistance of a wall of fabric. You've made it! With one last struggle you squeeze yourself into the intersection of her thighs and underwear. You find the fabric, though cottony, rough and abrasive after having squeezed through walls of flesh. It's slightly damp, and, even sticky, and pressed against it you get soaked, just a little bit, in that substance. It does not cool you off. At the very least, you find you have much more freedom to move around here. The panties are much less resistant to movement than her thick thighs.

You wonder for a moment at how insignificant you are at this size, that a woman would not even feel you sliding up her thighs. You get a little excited thinking to yourself that you ought to try this at school, with some of your more attractive classmates, or maybe with a teacher. You start dreaming about one teacher, in particular, wondering what her thighs feel like, wondering how her crotch feels... Maybe something like this? You think, turning yourself to feel your whole body against the underwear, and feeling it with your hands. You start to lose yourself in a hot and dreamy haze.

But well, you think, that's just dangerous. If your teacher found you there, rubbing up against her crotch, you might get expelled. Or she'd punish you. Oh, yes, how she'd punish you for invading her privacy.....

Your are interrupted very briefly by the thought that a micro-sized person who was into domination would have a very unsatisfying sex life indeed.

But. Once again you seem to have spend a lot of effort going nowhere. Here you are, spinning with insatiable lust at your hot mom's crotch, and you've completely forgotten why you were here in the first place. You had wanted to teach her a lesson, but now you've been overpowered by basic lust. If only she wasn't so damn sexy, I'd be able to stay mad at her! You thought.

But there's still something you can do here and accomplish both your goals. You think that if you could get her aroused from down here, get her all hot and flustered in front of your sister, that would just humiliate her. She'd have to fight the growing urge to stick something thick and throbbing inside her, while trying to maintain polite conversation with her own daughter. How embarrassing!

Unless she's into that sort of thing. But your mother never struck you as much of a sexual pervert.

But, still, if you could just slowly, carefully, arouse her from down here, and then flee the fuck outta there the moment she gets up to leave, or reaches her hand down there, surely that would be enough revenge. It wouldn't be directly connected to your punishment, so it would lose some of its, say, causal connectedness, but at the very least she would also have a bad experience. It would be an unsatisfying revenge, to be sure but, maybe, hey, maybe, you could keep playing pranks on her, pranks just like this one... Making her aroused in public areas and watching her squirm and get so flustered. It would be so simple to hitch a ride in her panties, or to get worn with her bra, all without her ever noticing you. And you could play with her as much as you wanted, completely out of her awareness. You make your way toward the edge of her panties, and reach a hand around the edge and feel the supple and hot skin behind.
May 12, 2023
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