Instead of making a pact with the spirits, why don’t we have our favorite college mage find himself in some other size-related adventure?


Here are some ideas:


  1. Rather than being shrunken and teleported to his crush, Blake accidentally gets shrunken and teleported to…his mother, Claire! Judging from the grey sports bra and matching yoga pants she’s wearing, Claire seems to be working out, unaware of her tiny son’s presence.
  2. A potion accident causes Blake to be transformed into some kind of inanimate object near one of the women he knows. Will she notice Blake, or put the poor guy to use?
  3. While playing one of his video games, Blake is magically shrunken and teleported into the world of the game! Now he needs to get help from a female character if he ever wants to return home.
  4. Rather than being shrunken and teleported to his crush, Blake accidentally gets shrunken and teleported to…his 18-year-old sister, Jade! Judging from the green crop top and blue jean shorts she’s wearing, Jade seems to be getting ready for a day out, unaware of her tiny brother’s presence.
  5. Instead of taking place in the present day, this side story occurs in another place, at another time. Will Blake be a naturally-tiny samurai trainee? Will he seek love as a prince shrunken by a dark curse? Or will he deliberately downsize himself to stay undetected as an Arabian thief?
  6. In a bid to improve his magical skills (and maybe try to impress his crush), Blake decides to summon a non-spirit being to assist him in his training. But the being he calls forth turns out to have a very strange way of educating the college-age mage. Perhaps he's bitten off more than he can chew...
  7. Rather than being shrunken and teleported to his crush, Blake accidentally gets shrunken and teleported to…his astronomy professor, Ms. Moonbeam! Will she be understanding of his plight and help him? Or will she keep him to herself for a while?
  8. During a summer trip to the beach, Blake mysteriously shrinks and is temporarily unable to restore himself to normal size. He must get the attention of one of the ladies he knows, who happens to be at the same beach by chance!
  9. For some reason or another, Blake owes one of the ladies he knows a favor. He offers to use his magic to shrink himself down or transform into an object, so that he can fulfill whatever favor(s) they need.
  10. A spellcasting accident causes one of the ladies Blake knows to grow into an actual giantess! How will he reverse this mess, if at all possible?
  11. While watching one of his favorite anime shows, Blake is magically shrunken and teleported into the world of the anime! Now he needs to get help from a female character if he ever wants to get back home.
  12. Rather than being shrunken and teleported to his crush, Blake is accidentally shrunken and teleported to…the campus police station! And it seems Jen Law is the only officer there right now. But will she help Blake out of his current situation, or keep him in her custody?
April 30, 2023
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