Within his dimly-lit dorm room, Blake Heart placed one last candle to complete his magic circle. He hoped to impress his crush by increasing his own stamina and strength through sorcery, even after experiencing countless failed attempts (and ignoring several reminders from the spirits that magic can’t solve everything). But this time, the young man would succeed and earn his happy ending…right?


“On this day, bring me my prize - grant my wish for a boost in size!”


Immediately upon finishing his chant, Blake watched in anticipation as the candles forming his magic circle had their flames put out - almost as if by a ghostly wind. The room seemed to shake for a good while, getting the mage’s hopes up. Soon, Blake would woo his crush with his newfound toughness, and they’d live happily ever after! …or something like that.


When the tremors stopped, Blake looked down to find that his body…hadn’t changed in the slightest! Had he missed a step in the ritual? He walked over to his open spellbook to see where he’d gone wrong.


“No, I followed these instructions very carefully!” Blake noted to himself. “Maybe I needed more candles — oh…”


Giving the tome’s page another read, he realized: this spell wasn’t meant to increase his own size, but rather that of someone else!



An earth-shaking step from outside broke the young adult mage’s focus. He peeked outside his window and went wide-eyed upon seeing the now-gigantic form of…

January 29
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