Just then, tiny Blake felt a sudden rumble in his stomach - he was getting hungry! Surely Goldie wouldn’t mind if he helped himself to a few nibbles of her popcorn. At his current height, it wouldn’t pay to go back to the snack bar on his own.


His choice made, Blake dove into his girlfriend’s popcorn bucket. As fate would have it, however, the shrunken mage had miscalculated the trajectory of his jump and landed back-first atop a comparatively-large piece of popcorn. Worse, his attempts to stand back up ended in failure; the snack was far too buttery and sticky! He couldn’t budge an inch!


Feeling her own stomach rumble, Goldie decided to sate her hunger with some delicious popcorn. Unbeknownst to the cheerleader, the first piece she grabbed from her bucket had her puny boyfriend adhered to it!


Blake could only watch helplessly as his date’s lips parted to reveal the moist, lightless cavern of her mouth. By the time he’d worked up the guts to yell for help, it was too late - Goldie had already tossed the popcorn and his stuck form into her maw. The giantess’s pearly-white molars then proceeded to mash the buttery treat into smaller bits and pieces, but thankfully her slick saliva freed Blake from the popcorn’s hold before he could get chewed to a pulp. Soon enough, the mage’s luck ran out with a strong, decisive…



Swallowing her mouthful of popcorn, Goldie slid a finger down her neck and toward her exposed belly. She liked the taste of that piece more than usual, and wanted even more!


Blake squirmed the whole way down Goldie’s throat before plummeting into her dark, dank stomach with a plop. Despite the lack of natural light, he could see the fleshy walls pulsating, along with a relative shortage of digestive acids. How long would he survive in here, though? Blake ran to the nearest wall and pounded repeatedly, screaming to be let out.


What happens from here?

May 29
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