By this point in the chewing process, Blake was already fully withered and stretched past multiple breaking points, barely able to keep his body or mind in one place as his sister's pearly whites struck him with vitriol. The up-and-down CHOMP motions were at once chaotically unpredictable, and with a continual rhythm that sickened him into a stupor. The inside of her mouth, her breath, and her saliva was all that he could taste.




The sight of light he saw as Jade opened her mouth was the last he could make out. He still wasn't able to discern the location - she was an active girl, and moving around quick. And what remained of his vision was blurry and poorly adapted to the light outside. In a way, the darkness of his sister's mouth was almost more soothing than the blaring sunlight... or ceiling lights?


Whatever the case, she immediately closed her maw down after. Blake's mistreated, mangled gummy form no longer had any ability to fight back. A single flick sent him soaring through the oral air. He couldn't tell if it was accidental or intentional on Jade's part, he never paid much attention to how she treated gum.


Whatever the case, Blake began a long fall. He was easily swallowed. The sounds of organic sloshing surrounded him, as the shadow of the uvula shifted out of view, clouded by meters of undulating apertures of muscle.


He expected it to be a short ride - actually halfway hoped for it. But the force of her throat muscles was strong, and his gummy form still had some adhesiveness left. So he kept clinging to the surrounding tissue as he trickled down, feeling a little warmer every second; the esophagus sometimes shaking with a voice or motion from Jade above. By the movement of her jaw, she seemed to already be chewing another bit of gum, forgetting what she'd just swallowed...


Aaaaaand all it took was a sploosh.


Blake was floating hopelessly in a murky, discolored sauna of his own sister's digestive acids. They rose and bobbed around him, sending him spinning slowly. The pink walls were moving even more than his body, trying to process the breaths and food. A small crumb from her last meal bumped into him - and Blake could no longer tell what it was before, or what part of his twisted form it had hit.


This could be the end for him...

May 22
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